Chapter 1152 It’s Really You 1
Su Yuci nodded, Yu Jianfeng reluctantly left with Xingfeng.

Su Yuci took out twenty soul ore crystals from the ring and handed them to the shopkeeper, saying, "Is this money enough for you?"

The shopkeeper nodded quickly after taking Su Yuci's soul mineral crystals, and these table utensils would not need twenty soul mineral crystals.

Back in the room, Su Yuci stopped Xue Yuxuan who wanted to meet her own room!
"Come in for a cup of tea, Jueyingluo!" Su Yuci called out the name, opened the door first and walked in.

There was a gleam of light in Xue Yuxuan's eyes, and there was a smile on the corner of his mouth.

Entering Su Yuci's room, the door closed silently, and at the same time Xue Yuxuan emitted a pale yellow light. She was dressed in a gorgeous brown robe, with a golden sword on her back, and a handsome and elegant body appeared in Su Yuci. in front of.

"How do you know that I am Jueyingluo?" With a wave of his hand, a set of tea sets fell on Su Yuci's table, and he sat opposite Su Yuci, and the water in the teapot boiled with a snap of his fingers.

Raising his hand lightly, making tea, pouring tea, the movements were done in one go, and then moved the tea in the white jade cup to Su Yuci.

While he was making the tea, Su Yuci didn't speak until she took a sip of the tea, and then said, "I really can't guess who else would do such a boring thing except you Likes to pretend to be someone else and hang around me to trick me!"

"Hey, this statement is wrong, how could it be a trick? I just want you to feel my existence. You see, even if I didn't reveal my true identity, you still recognized me!" Absolutely Yingluo's gentle smile looks pure, but in Su Yuci's eyes, it is very cunning.

Su Yuci smiled lightly and said, "Really? Where is the real Xue Yuxuan?"

"Don't worry, I'm not the kind of person who kills innocent people indiscriminately. He wants revenge, so I gave him a book of martial arts for him to practice on his own!" Luo Kaikou and Su Yuci explained.

Su Yuci snorted coldly, "It's best that what you said is true, if something really happens to him, I won't let you go!"

Jueyingluo was not angry because of Su Yuci's words, he filled Su Yuci's cup of tea.

"A person who has just met for a short time, is it worthwhile for you to become enemies with my old acquaintance? Isn't this too unwise?"

"His father died because of me. Naturally, I can't let him die too. He treats me sincerely, but you are a mystery. I can't see through it. I can't figure it out. I only know that you have no good intentions!" Suyu Ci also said unceremoniously to Jueying.

Jueying's smiling eyes were tender and filled with a little grievance.

"Isn't it fair for you to treat me like this? I am sincere to you, why do you always reject my kindness to you? I don't want to tell you, it will not hurt you..."

"Really? Then why do you like to pretend to be someone else every time?"


What a hobby, she has nothing to say!
"Then the current you is the real you?" Su Yuci asked, looking at his handsome face.

"you guess!"

Haha again!
Su Yuci cast a glance at him, "You can go out, I want to rest for a while!"

"Well, I won't hurt you, so you can rest assured! But I know you don't want me to stay here. You have already seen through my identity, so I will leave first. Next time we See you!" Jueyingluo waved and received the tea set back, and said with a slight smile.

(End of this chapter)

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