Chapter 1178 Nightmare 1
Si Shenqu nodded, and walked away with somewhat flamboyant steps.

Si Wuxia also carried Si Wuling back to her room.

Yunzong, at this moment, has changed...

Su Yuci, who returned to Yuezong, went back to their own rooms. Su Yuci now spends time meditating and comprehending soul consciousness whenever she has time.

With the help of the power of God, her cultivation speed is a thousand times faster than that of ordinary people. In this urgent time, she must become stronger, destroy the holy mansion, rescue her father, and give the blood brake demon emperor on Qi Gongluo's body. strangle.

Cass Continent, Dingtian Alliance.

The bright moon hangs high, the breeze blows, and everything is so peaceful.

In a room, a delicate and exquisite woman of fifteen or sixteen years old had her eyes closed, her brows were furrowed, and dense sweat was oozing from her forehead.

"Ah..." Suddenly she screamed, and the moment she opened her eyes, her eyes were full of horror.

"Sister, sister!" The woman rolled over and got out of bed, and rushed out of the room in panic.

Hearing the call, Liu Yueying, Fengfeng and others immediately got up from the bed, saw Su Xin running out of the room, and hurriedly chased after her.

Liu Yueying stopped Su Xin who was rushing forward.

"Su Xin, Su Xin, what's wrong with you?" Liu Yueying clasped Su Xin's shoulders with both hands and asked worriedly.

Su Xin, who finally recovered from the panic, calmed down. Seeing Liu Yueying and the scenery in front of her eyes, she couldn't help but threw herself in front of Liu Yueying. The fear in her eyes turned into tears, wet Liu Yueying's dress.

Seeing Su Xin like this, Liu Yueying became more and more worried, "Su Xin, don't cry? What happened? Who bullied you? Don't worry, sister will help you teach her a lesson!"

Although she knows that Su Xin's courage is a bit timid and belongs to the weak type, in the past few years, her strength and courage have been tempered and she is no longer as fragile as before. This is the first time in so many years Seeing Su Xin like this.

The thin weeping sound resounded in the quiet night. After a long time, Su Xin raised her head and looked at Liu Yueying and said, "I, I dreamed that Sister Yuci died, and she died so badly. I'm going to Fengzhou? I want to see sister Yuci."

Hearing this, Liu Yueying couldn't help but smiled and said, "Suxin, don't be too nervous, it's just a dream, Yuci is someone who cherishes life more than anyone else, how could she be in danger? Even if there is danger , she can dodge it with her cunning intelligence, so don't worry!"

But it is true that Su Yuci has not heard from her for a long time, and I don't know what she did in Fengzhou?
Now with the help of Sheng Tianhao, their strength has been greatly improved, and Luoyun Academy has been opened. As long as they are talented, anyone who wants to learn can go to Luoyun Academy to practice.

The strength of their Dingtian alliance has grown, and under the contact of Sheng Tianhao, the elders of Luoyun College and others have joined the Dingtian alliance.

If Su Yuci encounters any trouble in Fengzhou, these people will definitely be able to help her.

Su Xin is very clear that she rarely dreams, but when she dreams, 80.00% of them are likely to come true, no, she does not allow her sister to be in danger, even if she puts her life on the line, she cannot let sister Yuci be in danger!

"Sister Yueying, sister Fengguang, believe me, you have to believe me, this is not a simple dream I had, I am going to Fengzhou to find sister Yuci!" Su Xin said solemnly, with a pleading face.

(End of this chapter)

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