Concubine Xiao changed her life against the sky

Chapter 1223 The Battle of the Ending 7

Chapter 1223 The Battle of the Ending 7
Back then, the five gods successfully refined the Emperor Pill together. Of course, the Emperor Pill can be transformed into a human being, and after eating the Emperor Pill, the gods can also break through to a higher level!

But none of the five gods was willing to give up the Emperor Pill to the other party in vain, and then the five gods imprisoned and sealed the Emperor Pill.

Each of the five gods started a conspiracy in order to monopolize the Emperor's Pill!
And with the long years, gradually, Emperor Dan had the consciousness of an adult, he thought, why should he be imprisoned here?Just because he is a pill?Doomed to be eaten?

Looking at those gods who are kind on the surface but have ambitions in their hearts, finally one day, five gods came to see his elixir together!

That day, he said to the five gods, "Do you want to eat me? Yes, I don't have to resist, but I want to eat it for the strongest god. I heard that there is a powerful dragon and phoenix beast. Who are you? If I can conquer him, I will let anyone eat it, and I will spread the purest medicinal power throughout his body! You know, if you want to eat the Emperor Pill, it is best to get the cooperation of the Emperor Pill."

Indeed, Emperor Pill's words moved their hearts, and then the five gods took Emperor Pill to find the Dragon Phoenix monster, that is, the emperor monster that ruled all monsters.

And the dragon and phoenix monster they killed was the Long Yihuang beside Su Yuci!

At that time, there was a battle with the dragon and phoenix beast, and in the end, the dragon and phoenix beast died in the hands of the five gods, but the god of the Yan clan died!

But gods are not so easy to die, as long as there is a trace of divine consciousness, they can be resurrected!

After this battle, other gods who did not die were also seriously injured, which brought the best opportunity to Emperor Pill!

He beheaded the four gods, but unfortunately, the god of the Su family among the four gods escaped.

Later, he directly transformed into the gods of various clans, and then disappeared one by one, and finally, he pointed the finger at the gods of the Su family!
However, the god of the Su family is indeed very powerful, slightly better than the gods of other clans, especially the god of the Su family is still a woman!

Although Emperor Pill can't kill the gods of the Su family, it doesn't mean that he can let others kill the gods of the Su family, and then there will be a demon emperor who comes to provoke the gods!
All of this is Emperor Dan's conspiracy!
What Emperor Dan didn't expect was that the demon emperor at that time had already guessed some of his thoughts, and he killed the god of the Su family with the mentality of accompanying him to the end, and did not directly kill the god of the Su family. Give it a complete kill and instead let her go find an heir!

But no one knows that the Demon Emperor has already expected Emperor Dan's scheming, and he doesn't have a good impression of the gods, especially when there were five gods in the past, his self-righteous arrogance is even more impossible for him Get things out!

Of course, the god of the Su family would not tell anyone about such a shameful thing. Instead, it became an excuse and a lie.

Then let the goddesses of the Su tribe who have inherited the power of the gods from generation to generation think that the devil emperor is their biggest enemy. He let the gods of generations die in his hands until the last generation of Su family gods, which is bound to change the status of the Su tribe. destiny!

But I don't know that this is another conspiracy planted by Emperor Dan. The power of the Su family's gods passing down from generation to generation is getting weaker and weaker, and the power of the last generation of gods is so strong that it can resist the Demon Emperor. Because Emperor Pill was behind to help, so that, in the final battle, both the Demon Emperor and the gods of the Su family suffered losses, while Emperor Pill appeared as the god of the Yan Clan and ruled the sky city!
However, he is the only one left in the Sky City today!

(End of this chapter)

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