Chapter 171 Returning Gifts 1
Su Yuci's words were as warm as a spring breeze, but everyone present knew how strange these words were, and Jueyingluo stood and watched all the time.

And Di Jiaqiu saw Su Yuci's smile a long time ago and couldn't move his body, but his heart was already trembling. He didn't expect that the pet hugged by Su Yuci's side was actually her contract monster!If he had known that she had a contracted beast, he would definitely have weighed it more, and it would be useless for him to regret it now.

With vigilance and panic in his eyes, he seemed to be asking Su Yuci: "What do you want to do to me?"

Su Yuci saw the meaning in his eyes, and said with a smile: "It's a return..."

After finishing speaking, a flame protective cover was ignited in his hand, and then a slap fell on Di Jiaqiu's face, "Papa..." and slapped him back and forth.

Yes, she is addicted to punching people in the face, it's all Yan Wuhuan's fault...

Under Su Yuci's aura, no one dared to step forward to help, even the members of the Zhanbao Mercenary Group stood there in shock, not daring to move. Those of the Corps, how dare they step forward to help when their young master is beaten up and scolded by a woman like this?

And the Fengyan mercenary group was so excited and happy because of Su Yuci's loud slap, the anger of being oppressed was finally released, and they shouted in their hearts: "Hit, Tianya girl, hit hard, Hit, kill him..."

The others didn't say a word, they just watched the scene quietly with some weirdness.

With eighty palms down, Di Jiaqiu's face has been completely deformed, yes, this is really ugly, it is so ugly that it cannot be more ugly...

Su Yuci patted his hand and said proudly: "Well, as you wish, you have really become the ugly monster in your mouth now, don't be too grateful to me..."

"Pfft..." Yan Wuhuan couldn't help laughing, Tianya is really talented!No, it should be thick-skinned!

Other people who had nothing to do with themselves also sneered with their mouths pursed.

Xiaobai put away the charm technique, looked at Su Yuci's masterpiece with satisfaction, with a playful smile in his eyes, and said: "It deserves it, it's bad luck to mess with my master!" , a blockbuster!
Di Jiaqiu's deformed face could no longer see his liver-colored face. Now that he could move, he snarled angrily inarticulately: "How about covering up to see people, hitting the baby? Hurt the baby, Kill this jerk, kill..." (You bitch, hit me? Get on me, kill this bitch, kill...)
The members of the Zhanbao mercenary group looked at their young master suspiciously, unable to understand what he was talking about, and asked, "Young master, what did you say?"

Di Jiaqiu was almost pissed off by the mercenaries of his own regiment, and the jumping tiger roared: "Bastard, (stupid) kill her..."

After speaking, he picked up his long sword and waved it at Su Yuci.

At this time, Jueyingluo, who had been watching the show, said slowly: "Everyone, if this continues, it may be dark. We must enter the Warcraft Forest before dark. I hope that the brothers of the mercenary group will not delay us." If you have any grievances, please finish this mission, if it delays us, I will report to the mercenary union!"

As soon as these words fell, Ke Demao naturally knew the priorities, Sha Fengyan and the others were not in a hurry at this moment, there were plenty of time and opportunities in this half month.Immediately, he raised the sword in his hand to stop Di Jiaqiu's movements.

(End of this chapter)

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