Chapter 252 Winning over 2
Dismissed by Su Yuci's words, the white-haired rich man covered his flushed face and ran away.

Powerful, really too strong!

For the second batch of visitors, Su Yuci directly asked Yan Wuhuan to deal with it, and Yan Wuhuan pushed Yan Xiaosheng out, and then took Zidie to wander around, wandering, and came to Suyuci again. s room.

Then led by Zi Die, Xiao Bai, Su Xin, Yan Wu Huan and other childlike people began to play hide-and-seek.

The only pity is Yan Wuhuan, who will always have his eyes covered, because Xiaobai's nose is very good, and he can catch people at once with his eyes tied, and the person caught every time must be Yan Wuhuan.

Zi Die, if he can't catch someone, he will play tricks, coerce and lure, and dispatch Zi Lei, and then Yan Wu Huan has no choice but to stand out obediently.

Suxin is protected by Xiaobai, and Zidie also has a good impression of Suxin, so they all bully the poor handsome guy Yan.

Su Yuci and Jueyingluo sat on the round stone table and sipped tea, but the tea was naturally made by the handsome Jueyingluo who made good tea from us.

Su Yuci held his head with one hand, and looked at Su Xin and others who were playing with gentle eyes.

Recalling that she has not been so relaxed for a long time, she was the happiest and most leisurely when her parents were there before. After her parents left her, she lived in a busy life every day. Wu, took over the family affairs, killed people every day, was hunted down, was exhausted from being busy every day, and fell asleep in the middle of the night with only three short sleeps.

And here, she also has to work hard to upgrade every day so that she won't be killed by others. Every day, she has to practice seriously, make alchemy seriously, so that her strength can be improved quickly, and she must also guard against being killed by the Su family. hunt down.

On days like this, she really hopes to stay in this moment forever.

The sky began to change, and it began to snow. Snow-white snowflakes that did not stain a trace of mortals slowly fell from the sky.

It landed on the bodies of the people, and landed on the steaming tea, which instantly turned into a drop of transparent water and melted into the tea.

The tea in it has a refreshing taste.

For a moment, Jueyingluo looked at Su Yuci in a daze, then smiled faintly, looked away from her, and looked at the sky...

Fengyu Building is the largest restaurant in Suiluo City. In the best room, three men sat together. One looked angry, the other looked calm, and the other had an incomprehensible expression. They drank without saying a word.

At this time, the door was pushed open, and she was wrapped in white fur, with snowflakes scattered on the white fur, with a bumpy figure, and a woman with a veil on her face walked in slowly with small steps.

"You two have been waiting for a long time!" The woman's voice was clear and sweet, making one want to lift her veil to see clearly that her face seemed to be as sweet as her voice.

Ye Bei looked at her, and put away the angry expression on his face, "I don't know why the girl invited us here?"

"I want your help with something. Of course, this matter is also on your mind." The woman spoke directly.

The three of them were taken aback for a while, and then Luo Yue asked with a calm expression, "Oh? What are we thinking together?"

"Fengyan Mercenary Group!"

The three of them didn't speak, and waited for the woman to continue. The woman said calmly again: "Luo Yue, your brother Luo Jiang was seriously injured by Yan Wuhuan, and he hasn't recovered yet, right? It seems that he may never recover. ? And aren’t your brothers and Ke Demao brothers? They have been taken away by the Beast Taming Union, so there is only one corpse left, right?”

(End of this chapter)

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