Chapter 279 Famous 3
Immediately the onlookers held him down immediately, preventing him from escaping or killing Su Yuci.

Su Yuci is their savior in the whole city, this damn guy actually wants to hurt their savior?

And the man wielding the cherry gun saw another man fail in the assassination and yelled angrily: "Trash!" He wanted to leave, but Yan Wuhuan was willing to give him a chance. The illusion, the fire net instantly enveloped the man.

The man wanted to resist, but it was too late, the people attacked him angrily, and the city lord Zai Sui wanted to shout: "Keep alive."

The sword of one of the people had already pierced his body, the man's eyes were filled with hatred, he stared at Su Yuci who was holding Jueying's body not far away and shouted: "Su Tianya, you will die badly, I I curse you to die without a whole body, I curse your soul to live in purgatory forever."

'Puff' Na shouted with all his strength, spewed out a mouthful of bright red again, and finally the man died with a vicious smile on his face.

Today's day is still mentioned in the next ten years, mentioning that Su Yuci was so heroic to drive away the monsters, what kind of girl Su Yuci is, what an admirable girl she is, and some people even gave it to Suyuci at the gate of Suiluo City. She built a statue and named her the Goddess of Genius to commemorate the people she once saved in the whole city!But that's another story...

Su Yuci hugged Jue Yingluo, who was pale and closed her eyes, red blood flowed all over her hands and stained her white plain clothes that were already stained by blood spots.

This is the man she has never believed in, but he always defends her against danger at the last moment of crisis. She is wrong, she should not distrust him, if he can still wake up, she will absolutely, absolutely I won't believe him anymore!
A drop of clear tears fell on Jueyingluo's cheeks, at this moment, Jueyingluo opened his eyes, and said with a still calm smile on his face: "Are you feeling sorry for me? ?”

Su Yuci heard the voice, looked at him with wide eyes and said, "Are you alive?"

"I'm dead, you, will you be sad?" Jueyingluo asked weakly.

At this moment, Su Yuci's heart was unspeakably happy, it's really great that he didn't die, but when the words came to his lips, there were different words: "Damn, you didn't die, it was a waste of my mourning tears for you! "

Immediately, he quickly wiped away the tears from the corners of his eyes, and before Jueyingluo could speak, Suyu said again: "Shut up, I'll send someone to invite a pharmacist!"

"No need, my heart is on the right side, I still can't die, cough cough."

As soon as Jueying Luo finished speaking, a man wearing a black gold robe suddenly walked out, he half-kneeled on the ground and shouted: "Young Master, it's time to go back..."

Su Yuci raised her head and glanced at the man, and then at Jueyingluo, only to see Juyingluo said with reluctance on her face: "Yuci, I'm giving this to you, I'm going back, when I heal my wound I'm coming back for you!"

Jueyingluo took out a hosta from her bosom. The hosta was simple, but the head of the hosta was engraved with the king of flowers, peony!Su Yuci likes this style very much.

"Well, then you must remember to come to me!"


The man in the black gold robe had already hugged his body, and slowly walked out of the encirclement of the crowd, and the crowd automatically gave way to the man.

(End of this chapter)

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