Concubine Xiao changed her life against the sky

Chapter 300 I'll Wait For You 4

Chapter 300 I'll Wait For You 4
Su Yuci's face was blushed again by the sudden kiss, staring at him helplessly!Because Qi Gongluo has already tightly held her two hands in the palm of her hand.

"Okay, haven't I already covered up my eyes of blood and tears? Pity me for being as beautiful as a flower, but I want to become an ugly girl!" Su Yuci sighed.

Qi Gongluo smiled and said: "It doesn't matter whether you are beautiful or ugly, you are my wife in my eyes!"

"Not married yet!" Suyu said righteously.

"One day, seeing that you can't sleep well, go to sleep, and I will accompany you all night."

"Are you going?"

"Well, I'm waiting for you in the imperial capital, you have to come safely, or you will bear the consequences!"

Su Yuci muttered: "What a domineering man!"

The moon was silent, and the heart was silent. Su Yuci lay on Qi Gongluo's body and gradually fell asleep. It was not until the sky was about to brighten that Qi Gongluo sent Su Yuci back to the room.

But what she didn't know was that on the roof where she and Qi Gongluo stayed that night, several corpses were not far away, bleeding slowly...

When Su Yuci woke up, Qi Gongluo had already disappeared. Su Yuci thought she was dreaming, and suddenly saw a round jade pendant on her body.

The whole body of the jade pendant is white, with a head like a tiger, a body like a lion, and three fox tails. A lifelike alien beast is carved in the middle. Yuci was a little shocked.

And there is a note under the jade pendant, which reads: "Betrothal gift, lady, don't provoke the peach blossoms, or you will be punished for your husband!" The heroic appearance of the heroes, Su Yuci has never thought that someone can write with such a boldness!

Smiling, put the jade pendant and note into the ring.

Su Xin, who was lying on the bed, also fell unconscious all night because of drunkenness, and finally woke up after Su Yuci woke up.

"Su Xin, are you awake? Are you uncomfortable? Why don't you sleep for a while?" Su Yuci asked with concern.

Su Xin shook her head and said, "Sister, I just feel a little dizzy, but it's okay."

Su Yuci laughed silently, she would naturally feel dizzy the next day after she was drunk, by the way, I forgot about Xiaobai, thinking of Su Yuci, I hurried into the invisible ring.

The moment he saw Xiaobai, Su Yuci laughed wildly.

At this moment, Xiaobai looked at Su Yuci with all kinds of sorrow and pain.

Xiaobai's snow-white hair was plucked all over his body, and he was very embarrassed. His feet and hands were tied, like a pig waiting to be slaughtered, and his appearance was very funny.

Ye Rao stared at Xiao Bai with sharp and cold eyes.

It can be seen how drunk Xiaobai was so crazy yesterday, he actually provoked Yeluo, a ruthless bird, to hate it so much!
Seeing that Su Yuci didn't save it, Xiaobai laughed instead, wanting to cry but no tears, how could it have such a heartless master, woohoo, master Qi, I don't want to help you supervise, you pay for my hair, you pay!Xiaobai roared in his heart.

"Yuci, please don't stay with me next time with this flirtatious fox!" Yeluo's icy voice came into Suyuci's ears word by word, and her tone was full of excitement. is contempt.

Xiao Bai yelled angrily: "You are a bird covered in ice, where do you think you are? Hmph, I don't care to stay with you..."

(End of this chapter)

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