303 Chapter 3
Of course, the medicinal herbs that Su Yuci wanted were only to refine the elixir for recovering phantom qi and healing elixir, and they were also the materials for refining elixir for Su Xin.

The shopkeeper immediately packed all the things Su Yuci wanted, and then Su Yuci said, "How much do these cost?"

"20 gold coins, I'm giving you a 18% discount, just [-] gold coins, look, it's very cheap!" the shopkeeper flattered.

Yu Jianfeng smiled and said, "It's very cheap..."

Su Yuci rolled his eyes, these herbs are not worth much at all, okay?When she is an idiot? 20 gold coins, these herbs are worth less than [-] gold coins!Especially when Yu Jianfeng added that it was really cheap, how rich is this guy?
Of course, although she brazenly took advantage of others, she couldn't let others cheat her, right?
When Yu Jianfeng finished speaking, Su Yuci followed closely and dragged out his voice: "It's so cheap... We can't afford the cheap ones! I'm sorry boss, we don't want it anymore!"

Su Yuci took Yu Jianfeng's hand with one hand and wanted to drag him out of this black shop.

The shopkeeper panicked when he saw it, and said, "Oh, my lord, here, our medicinal materials are very cheap. If you miss it, you can go to another place, and you won't be able to buy it without a million and eighty thousand..."

What about one hundred and eighty thousand?She might as well pick it herself!

Yu Jianfeng wanted to say that he has money and doesn't need Su Yuci to worry about money, but Su Yuci blinked his eyes and stopped him from speaking. Yu Jianfeng immediately understood, smiled and stretched out his hands to the shopkeeper and said : "I forgot, I didn't bring much money!"

Su Yuci was embarrassed at the same time: "How about this, boss, you can give me a real price!"

The shopkeeper thought about it and said, "How much money do you have?"

Just as Yu Jianfeng was about to speak, Su Yuci already spoke first: "More than 1 gold coins..."

The shopkeeper rolled his eyes, [-] gold coins and you still want to go to Guicheng to buy something?Even if others rob you, they still despise you for being so shabby!But the business of his medicine store is not good, how can the customers just let it go after such a hard time?

Ten thousand is ten thousand, no loss!But he completely forgot that alchemists are never short of money, right?

"Hey, young master, for your poor sake, I will give you [-] gold coins for these medicinal herbs at a loss!" The shopkeeper had a flesh-cutting expression on his face!

Mr. Yu didn't know the price of medicinal materials. Of course, he only knew that a elixir was very expensive, so the medicinal herb was very expensive, and he didn't think it was a big deal. When it reached 18, he was almost frightened. Could it be that the medicine is fake?so cheap!
Just as the shopkeeper finished speaking, Yu Jianfeng was thinking about the authenticity of the herb, and Su Yuci proudly wanted to ask Yu Jianfeng to pay for it, when a man in a gorgeous white robe and a dark blue robe stepped into the shop door.

The white-robed man was about eighteen or nineteen years old, his face was delicate, a little immature, with a haughty expression on his face, the white robe on his body was dotted with silver beads, and every step he took swayed with his body , very dazzling, with a badge on the chest, the word 'Dan' is printed on the badge, which seems to be the symbol of the family.

The man in the dark blue robe was about forty, and looked very mature and stable, with a serious face and a serious expression.

As soon as the two of them entered the door, the white-robed man said arrogantly: "Shopkeeper, take out your hemostatic grass, ointment yellow, orchid tree, and herbs...all of them!"

(End of this chapter)

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