Chapter 378 Dan Sai 2
Su Yuci naturally chose the most corner place, the more invisible the corner, the better!
Of course, in the eyes of Su Miaoting and the others, such an action would be ashamed of themselves, fearing that they would be eliminated in the first round, making the Gong family even more ashamed!

Hmph, if it wasn't for the stubbornness of the Gong family, maybe their Su family would help them out, hmph, this is the fate of refusing to accept her!

The grievance between Gong Yuzui and Su Miaoting was originally when Su Yuci was not expelled from Lanta Town. Su Miaoting took a fancy to Gong Yuzui and asked her father to go to the Gong family to make a match. Gong Yuzui was young and frivolous, and directly said that Su Miaoting didn't get along with his personality, and he would not accept her!

As a result, it was Su Miaoting's father, Su Qianjin, who became the head of the Su family. He targeted the Gong family everywhere, and at the same time accepted the marriage of the Ling family. After Su Miaoting's intentional or unintentional instigation, the Ling family also began to target the Gong family. Family, a chain reaction, Dan's family also began to have no contact with Gong's family.

Because Gong Yuzui and Gong Yuting's talents were not very outstanding, gradually the Gong family began to be squeezed out, and now they have fallen to the point where they have really lost!

Gong Yuzui knew that all of this was caused by his impulsiveness back then, but his father didn't tell him anything, he just silently took on all of this and dealt with him. Now, his father fell ill, and all of this fell on his shoulders. On his shoulders, he felt better in his heart!
This is how he grew up. His youth and frivolity have been tempered and replaced with a calm heart. He used his shoulders to carry the family. Although it is a bit heavy, he will not let it go. This is a blessing. , or difficult, only his own heart understands.

At this time, the ancient bell rang crisply, indicating that the game was about to start...

As the bell rang, a group of cheongsam maids uniformly dressed in pink embroidered lotus flowers twisted their slender figures and held a mahogany dish in their hands, distributing medicinal materials to each alchemist.

After these people finished distributing the medicinal materials and retreated, a woman wearing a light yellow embroidered unicorn robe sat on a high seat on the referee's platform. Her long black hair was tied up high with a golden headband, and she had crescent eyebrows and double phoenix eyes. , with a soft and delicate face, but because of this neat men's attire, she looks like she can be regarded as a man or a woman!
She is the referee sent by the royal family this time, Princess Moon Shadow. She smiled brightly and said: "Welcome the alchemists in this country to actively participate in this alchemy conference. The elixir refined this time is Mu Xuedan, there is no prescription. As alchemists, you must have practiced the simplest pill. Those who have not practiced Mu Xuedan will rely on your own luck. I can tell you about the winner of this alchemy meeting. ..."

The crisp sound like a copper bell rang out, and people couldn't help but listen to it with concentration, because everyone naturally didn't have any opinions when they heard that it was refining the Muxue Pill. After all, this is the most basic healing medicine that alchemists can refine.

Liu Yueying paused and said again: "The winner is qualified to be the royal candidate elder, rewarded with an attribute pill of the treasure pill level, a pill that improves one's attributes by two points, one hundred soul crystals, and one plant of three special grasses!"

As soon as the prize was announced, it immediately attracted everyone's attention. The prize is too generous, right?It seems to be richer than before!There is also the candidate elder of the royal family, what an attractive position this is!
(End of this chapter)

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