Chapter 380 Dan Sai Four

Yuci?Could it be Su Yuci?she here?

At this time, Patriarch Bu seemed to think of something and asked: "Hey, this name is so familiar, Patriarch Su, is it your niece Su Yuci?"

Su Qianjin was dressed in a light brown robe, with a pointed face and looked very serious. He was startled for a moment and then smiled and said, "Patriarch Bu is joking, right? That girl Yuci was trained in Lanta Town, why did she come here? Let's talk You all know that Yuci's sponsors, she is only 13 years old now, how could she come here to participate in alchemy?"

When Su Qianjin said this, he thought about it for himself, maybe it was just that person's surname Yu, and he could just send someone to investigate after the Dan meeting was over!
Patriarch Bu smiled and didn't speak.

Of course, the five major families also sent people to participate in this alchemy meeting, but none of them took it as seriously as the Gong family. After all, even if the alchemy association did not win, it would not threaten the status of their five major families for the time being.

Hearing Yu Jianfeng's call, Su Yuci frowned slightly, then made an OK gesture to him, which I understand, and then slowly took out Su Xin's alchemy furnace to light up the fire.

Yu Jianfeng and Jian Suyuci began to make alchemy, so he smiled, and sat down chicly, throwing off his robe, opened the jade gourd and took a sip of wine, elegant, chic, heroic, all gathered together.

Not far away, someone looked at him with a focused expression, but his eyes were a little red...

Su Miaoting looked at Su Yuci's actions and shook her head violently. How could this be possible? She is only surnamed Yu, right?Su Yuci is only 13 years old now, her height is wrong, and she has seen her face, she looks so ugly, besides, she is still a boy, right?How could it be that Su Yuci?

After thinking about it, he felt that it should be impossible, and then he began to refine the elixir with confidence.

And the first person who practiced the pill was the senior mysterious pharmacist, followed by Dan Yichen...

Dan Yichen snorted coldly, feeling a little dissatisfied in his heart, but he didn't show it.

"Master Yichen must win, Mr. Yichen must win..." Seeing that Dan Yichen had already practiced the elixir, the women shouted wildly.

And a trace of disdain flashed in the eyes of that senior mysterious pharmacist.

Time gradually passed, and Su Yuci bang, destroying half of the concoction that was fused. After the first failure, Su Yuci began to realize that the combination was fused wrong?

Seeing Su Yuci's failure, Gong Yuzui couldn't help but raise his heart, at this moment Ling Hengyue suddenly stood beside him and laughed, "Ha, brother Gong, the alchemist you hired is probably a fake one. Right? I really don’t know how she was so lucky to win the badge of refining medicine? You can’t pass the first round, your palace family is finished, haha, it’s all because of this guy..."

"Don't trouble Mr. Ling here, lest you will have retribution sooner or later!" Gong Yuting said with cold eyes on Ling Hengyue.

"Retribution, haha, it will be retribution on you first!" Ling Hengyue laughed and left mockingly.

Gong Yuting turned her eyes to Su Yuci again, her heart was full of worry, the time was coming, and one of the three chances had been used up, so, I hope there will be no accident, right?

Gradually, some people's pills have been successfully refined, or those who have used up three opportunities have left the field. At this moment, only Su Yuci and a few people are left on the competition stage.

With a bang, Su Yuci's second chance was exhausted, and there were only 15 minutes left for alchemy.

(End of this chapter)

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