Chapter 389 The Assassin Storm 3
Su Yuci patted Su Xin on the head and said: "Where did I lie to him? Go to sleep, I'll go and ask which two people why they wanted to assassinate me!"

"I want to hear it too!" Su Xin said, she also wanted to hear who was trying to kill her sister!

Su Yuci supported Su Xin's shoulders, and brought her back to the room by the way: "I'll tell you when I come back, you should take a good rest now, be obedient!"

She is ruthless, forcing that stubborn person to be too bloody, she doesn't want Su Xin to have nightmares!

"Okay!" Su Xin looked into Su Yuci's eyes, and obediently nodded in agreement.

Su Yuci covered Su Xin with a quilt and told Xiao Lie to take good care of Su Xin. Xiao Lie obediently stood by Su Xin's bed and stared at the closed door.

Su Yuci had just left the room, Yu Jianfeng had already dressed and came.

Su Yuci smiled, staring at Yu Jianfeng with piercing eyes, Yu Jianfeng immediately put his arms around his brother and said: "What do you want to do? Don't think about it!"

Su Yuci looked at him with contempt and said, "Brother Yu, where do you want to go? I want to see if your clothes are neatly dressed!"

Yu Jianfeng followed Su Yuci with an embarrassing face.

The two had already arrived at the firewood room. Su Yuci found a long and thin knife, an oven, oil, salt and iron pieces from the kitchen.

Seeing her carrying so many kitchen utensils, Yu Jianfeng really wanted to ask her, are you going to cook?But in order not to be despised by Su Yuci, he refrained from asking.

Su Yuci said to Yu Jianfeng: "Brother Yu, are you sure you want to watch?"

"En!" Yu Jianfeng replied firmly.

"Then don't think I'm cruel, you'll be afraid of me then!" Su Yuci said with a smile.

"Just like you, I'm not afraid of becoming a demon!"

Su Yuci laughed so that Dieying could go back to sleep. After Dieying left, Su Yuci squatted on the ground and said to the two tightly tied and dying people: "I am I'm giving you one last chance, who wants you to kill me! I can spare your dog's life if I say it, otherwise, don't blame me for being ruthless!"

The two snorted faintly, preferring to die rather than surrender.

Yu Jianfeng laughed and said: "Little brother, it's useless to threaten them like this. They won't recruit if you don't give them a little bit of pain. I heard that there is a criminal law called pepper water, which is poured on them to torture them. They must Will be afraid to recruit!"

Su Yuci smiled and said: "It's too low-level to deal with a person like that. It's just physical pain and fear. I'll give you a method. Just wait and see, maybe you will use it in the future!"

Su Yuci's smile is very evil, those two people have already disregarded life and death, they are not afraid of being tortured or something, what kind of chili water is for them, it is a child's play for them, as long as they have a little phantom energy and martial spirit Self-defense, that thing is like tickling them!

"Really not to say?" Su Yuci asked, shaking the knife in his hand.

"Kill us!" One of the Wutian Zhe who was full of spirit snorted coldly.

Su Yuci sighed slightly: "Hey, since you don't say anything, then forget it, let me bake something for you to eat?"

After hearing this, Yu Jianfeng raised his eyebrows slightly and said: "Little brother, you are not stupid, are you? Do you think they will recruit them if you invite them to eat?"

"No way?" Su Yuci said calmly, the knife in his hand suddenly chopped off a piece of meat from each of the two thighs.

(End of this chapter)

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