Concubine Xiao changed her life against the sky

Chapter 397 Moon Shadow Princess 3

Chapter 397 Moon Shadow Princess 3
Shengfu, in fact, rose suddenly four years ago. With the belief of enlightenment, in simple terms, it is like Christianity. It recruits believers, and then what level the believers become and what benefits they will get. It is like a pyramid scheme. , but they don't need to pay money, they only need to contribute, the more extravagant the network is, in just two or three years, half of the people in the Yama Empire have been included in the holy mansion.

If it was a pure faith organization, that would be fine, but later, Liu Qingfeng, Liu Yueying's elder brother, learned about the conspiracy, cruelty, and ambition of the Holy Palace.

Then the Yama Empire and the Holy Palace confronted each other. Obviously, the Holy Palace was already planning to swallow the Yama Empire!
And half a month later, the holy palace will hold a holy meeting. King Yama knows what the intention of this holy meeting is, but he can't organize it!

With the expansion of the Holy Mansion, when the time comes, they only need to talk about it, and the Yama Empire will automatically disintegrate!

But Liu Yueying didn't tell Su Yuci how cruel the Holy Mansion is!

After hearing this, Su Yuci smiled and said: "The princess is worried that the spies of the Holy Mansion will be us, right? Am I one of the four alchemists that the princess said can win the top spot? That's why the princess has spent a lot of trouble Come to test me? The princess trusts Yuci, so Yuci might as well explain to the princess directly that the rumored powerhouses in the palace family are me and my elder brother, and they have nothing to do with the Holy Palace. What does it have to do with the Holy Palace?"

Liu Yueying didn't expect Su Yuci to be so transparent, maybe she still has some doubts about Su Yuci in her heart, after all, she dare not see people with her true colors, she can't let go of a slight possibility!

"It's Yueying's honor to make friends with Young Master Yuci. I wonder if Young Master Yuci can let me meet?" Liu Yueying said with a smile.

Su Yuci's face under the cloak evoked a touch of curvature, and then even if he lifted his cloak, Su Yuci's face at this moment was not the face full of spots, but the face still painted with arabesques, mysterious But ferocious, the blood and tears were depicted as flower buds by Su Yuci, if you don't look carefully, you can't see that they are teardrops that cannot be wiped away.

Su Yuci thought it would be more convenient and not too ugly, so ugly that it would scare people to death, lest Qi Gongluo would make fun of her face again, alas, how can an ugly girl match a handsome guy?No matter what, let's be normal!

Liu Yueying did not expect Su Yuci's face under the cloak to be like this, she was slightly taken aback, then smiled and said: "Is this imprint painted on?"

Su Yuci nodded without denying it, and then said, "Is it pretty?"

"Haha, it's pretty. Why do you have to cover up such a pretty face?" Looking at Su Yuci's face, Liu Yueying suddenly remembered something, and hurriedly said again: "You, could it be that you are the one that Baixin is talking about?" The mysterious beast tamer?"

Su Yuci smiled and said: "The princess wants to think so, and I don't deny it!"

God, did I make a mistake, I thought how old the Beast Tamer was, but looking at the outline of her face, she was only a few years younger than her, right?Is it actually the beast tamer sect?And also a beast tamer!

In the surprise of the princess, they chatted a few more words, Liu Yueying left in a hurry, Su Yuci watched her leave with a smile.

(End of this chapter)

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