Chapter 4
There was a sly light in Su Yuci's eyes, she was finally reborn, how could she just die like this?Besides, she has already occupied someone else's body, so she has to avenge the owner of this body as a reward. How can she die?

Biting off her tongue fiercely, blood with a fishy smell came out from the corner of her mouth, which made her numb body feel a little bit. She dived very well, and she couldn't believe it. She dived into the water Are you afraid that it will also hold your breath?
The body that regained consciousness slightly plunged into the water of the valley behind him, and suddenly the cold and numb body was relieved by the water, Su Yuci was slightly delighted, exhaled deeply, and dived into the water , she can swim in the water for about ten minutes, and she will definitely be able to find a way to hide in this valley!
Seeing this, the leopard horned beast also wanted to catch up, but it couldn't take it anymore after entering the water for a while, so it quickly swam up to the shore. Although it practiced water magic skills, it couldn't stay in the water. too long!Seeing the cooked duck flying away, he couldn't help being furious, and he raised his head to the sky and roared again. It was waiting here, and it didn't believe that she would stay in the water forever and not come out to breathe.

Su Yuci under the water swam forward quickly after sinking into the water. The valley is so big, she could swim a little farther and land ashore. After a few minutes, Su Yuci also felt a little unstoppable However, the roar of the leopard horned beast still reached her ears, and she didn't seem to have run very far. Now she has to work harder and get out of here quickly.

At this moment, a huge fish swam towards her. Isn't that a bone-eating fish and a monster?
Although Su Yuci is not from this world, but the memory of the original owner is still there, she naturally knows what this bone-eating fish is!

Seeing her, the bone-eating fish was as excited as a cat seeing a mouse, baring its unique steel-toothed weapon and chasing after Su Yuci.

"Damn it, I've been unlucky for eight lifetimes, right? I just thought I could avoid that strange-looking beast, but here's another one?" She swore that she would definitely practice magic when she left here, even if she couldn't practice magic. Teacher, she must also practice to become a warrior!She is not the master of being bullied!Especially being bullied by a beast!
The body swims quickly, but no matter how fast it is, it cannot be as fast as the fish living in the water. The bone-eating fish opened its mouth and bit towards Su Yuci's heel. With a retracted foot, although he avoided the attack of the bone-eating fish, the corner of his clothes was bitten by the bone-eating fish, and the strength of the bone-eating fish was also great. Do not move.

The bone-eating fish seems to be provoking Su Yuci, just biting the corner of Su Yuci's clothes and not letting go, turning his head and swimming backwards, Su Yuci gritted his teeth, this damn monster actually took her a proud generation of ancient Wu Tiancai was so suppressed to death, he thought she was really so easy to bully, right?

Gathering strength in his hand, he slammed it towards the bone-eating fish's head. Although his hands hurt, the bone-eating fish couldn't get better. Take the opportunity to escape quickly.

The bone-eating fish recovered from being knocked unconscious, and was immediately annoyed, speeding up and swimming towards Su Yuci.

(End of this chapter)

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