Chapter 472 Revenge, Break 3
With such a close distance, Yue Qing knew that they must be unprepared, even if they were not prepared in time, she would send them to hell!Ha ha……

Just when she was happy, the silver needles suddenly stopped [-] centimeter away from them, then changed direction and flew towards Yueqing Han.

Yue Qinghan's smile hadn't had time to stiffen, and in an instant, the poisonous needle pierced her body, and her eyes popped out.

"Such a little trick wants to kill people, it's too contemptuous of me!" Qi Gongluo said in a neutral tone.

"You..." Yue Qinghan said half of the words, and then fell to the ground, the blood that flowed out of his body was purple and black, which shows how powerful the poison is!

Su Yuci shook his head and said, "Oh, I didn't kill you, I shouldn't go to Demon Realm, right?"

"Hmph, what is asking for a dead end, this is the case!" Yu Jianfeng looked at Yue Qing with disdain and said.

"I don't know if the eldest brother is in there!" Qi Gongluo began to get acquainted with Su Yuci's family very affectionately, and then stepped into the secret room.

The secret room has a stair-like layout, from the upper and lower passages to the secret room, Qi Gongluo waved his hand, and he held a silver ball of light in his palm, illuminating the dark passage, and then slowly walked towards the secret room .

Su Yuci and two people followed behind, gradually approaching the secret room, and there was a slight noise in the secret room.

Su Yuci then quickened her pace until she stood in the middle of the secret room, her eyes suddenly showed a trace of anger!How frightening is that laughing anger!
I saw a man with disheveled hair and tattered clothes. I couldn't tell what color it was, and couldn't see his face clearly. His hands were bound by iron chains, and he, his legs had already been tied by someone. Cut off, there is nothing under the robe.

An unpleasant smell came from his body. Su Yuci didn't see his appearance clearly, and didn't know if he was his elder brother, but Su Yuci could strongly sense the blood relationship. It's his big brother, not should but sure.

"Brother!" Su Yuci shouted subconsciously, naturally kind and not at all awkward!

In her last life, she didn't have a big brother, and calling this name should be unfamiliar, but she didn't feel unfamiliar at all, it was a spontaneous voice from the heart.

I saw the man whose hands were clasped moved slightly, and then raised his head. His messy and tangled hair couldn't resist the blaze of his gaze, and he said in a weak and deep voice: "You, are you Cier..."

These words seem to be filled with hope and joy, but also with a trace of despair. It seems that he is holding on to his last life, waiting for this moment to come. I don’t know if it is a dream. I have no regrets anymore!
When he was alive, he could not protect his sister, but he could also be her backing after death. Sister, if you are still alive, then my soul will accompany you by your side. If you die, my brother will also I found you, took you to a piece of pure land, and lived an ordinary life with my mother!

Then his raised head lowered slightly!

Su Yuci didn't know why, the moment she saw him, she felt sore and uncomfortable, she ran over and put her hands on his shoulders and shouted: "Brother, brother..."

(End of this chapter)

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