Chapter 526
"I hope you're just targeting me!" Bai Xianghe said coldly.

"Why would I target you? Ha, don't talk nonsense, let them all go!" Su Rong had a hint of cunning in her eyes, then turned her head to the group of teams and said: "Go, remember the mission! "Mission seems to be a heavy word.


After everyone responded, they entered the Chantian Mountain Range one after another.

"Heh, we have nothing to do now, do you want me to take you back to Luoyun Academy!" Su Rong smiled and said to Bai Xianghe.

Bai Xianghe was expressionless, and snorted coldly, then spread her phantom wings and flew into the air with a specially made elixir in her mouth, then headed towards Luoyun Academy.

The airflow in the Chantian Mountain Range is very strange. If you don't use special pills, you can't fly there. Naturally, this group of students who are about to become Luoyun Academy can't fly there opportunistically. They can only walk to Luoyun Academy step by step!
There was a conspiratorial smile on the corner of Su Rong's mouth, and she sneered at the far away back and said in a low voice: "My dear students, you have to work hard, work hard, don't give any magic core to the student Bai Xianghe !"

Then it turned into phantom wings and headed towards the direction Bai Xianghe was going...

The Chantian Mountain Range looks like other forests, with towering trees everywhere, but it has a little more beauty than other forests.

The leaves covered the sky and the moon, the sun penetrated the leaves, and the golden light scattered on the ground, shining on the dead branches and leaves, as if stepping on broken gold, and there was a rustling sound, which sounded very beautiful.

A group of people thought that the Chantian Mountain Range was dangerous and dark, but they didn't expect it to be such a beautiful scene, and they couldn't help but relax their vigilance a little.

Because the mission needed to find the Nightmare Eater to get the magic core, after everyone entered the Chantian Mountains, the teams separated to look for the Nightmare Eater!
Su Yuci and other team members also gradually dispersed with other people, and then, it seemed that there were really only five people in Su Yuci's team left in the huge forest.

"The scenery here is so beautiful..." Gong Yuting was in the same mood as the others, and couldn't help but admire such a beautiful scenery.

Immediately, I saw a huge red flower not far ahead, swaying slightly in the breeze. As long as it is a woman, seeing such a beautiful flower can't help but want to look at it...

Gong Yuting couldn't resist the temptation, stepped forward, and lightly touched the red petal with the tip of her hand, at this moment, more than a dozen vines stringed out from the root of the flower, wrapping Gong Yuting in an instant. , can't move!
"Ah..." Gong Yuting screamed.

Su Yuci and the others really looked at the surrounding environment, and were attracted by Gong Yuting's screams. Immediately, Mu Xingfeng held a golden sword in his hand and slashed at Gong Yuting's body wrapped around her body. On the vine, Gong Yuting was out of danger.

After cutting off the vines, the huge and coquettish flowers withered instantly. Seeing this astonishing scene, Gong Yuting was terrified.

Su Yuci then said: "It seems that this forest is very beautiful, but there are dangers everywhere. This is to let everyone relax their vigilance, everyone be vigilant, and don't touch things that shouldn't be touched!"

Indeed, this forest looks beautiful, but the more beautiful the thing is, the more dangerous it is, just like the poisonous mushroom, the brighter the appearance, the more powerful the poison.

(End of this chapter)

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