Concubine Xiao changed her life against the sky

Chapter 570 Conspiracy 1 Moment 4

Chapter 570 A Moment of Conspiracy 4
"Gong Luo and I stop these monsters first, you leave first, and go in the direction of Luoyun College, you go to Luoyun College first!" Su Yuci stopped walking.

Everyone stopped immediately, and Gong Yuting then said, "We can't leave you behind! We won't leave!"

"Yeah, we can't let you take risks. There are so many monsters and they are all at the level of meta-beasts. We will kill them together. We must not let you act alone!" Mu Xingfeng said lightly.

"I'm Wu Zong, these monsters can't threaten me, so I'll stay!" Yan Meiji said.

"We're going to walk together, and if we want to kill, we'll kill together. It's better to die in battle than to die like a coward!" Ruo Yechen, who had already thought about many things, said firmly.

Su Yuci shook his head helplessly and said: "Then everyone, be careful and kill together. Since you can't get rid of those monsters, then kill them quickly. If you can't handle it, you can step aside first. If Ye Chen, you first Go to the tree and hide, we can't take care of you in your current situation, and you are not suitable for using force now, so as not to implicate us!"

Hearing what Su Yuci said, although Ye Chen wanted to help, but in order not to cause Su Yuci trouble, he had no choice but to agree. The figure flew on the branch of a towering giant tree with the blade of the sword, and his eyes Then he looked at the group of monsters that had already caught up.

"Everyone be careful! Kill!" Su Yuci said.

Then a ball of fire was shot out and headed towards the mighty monster. When the monster saw this, it was naturally not an idiot waiting to die and attack, so it immediately used illusion skills to counterattack.

Yan Meiji pulled out the weapon from the ring, and placed a silver winged bow on Yan Meiji's arm. The winged bow was made of two wings, and the bow string was under the wings. Yan Meiji pulled the bowstring with one hand , and then let go, and a silver arrow shadow covered the sky and attacked the group of monsters with the sound of howling wind mixed with sharp piercing air.

Gong Yuting also absorbed the phantom energy, and a huge ball of ice slammed into the group of monsters.

Mu Xingfeng waved his hand and counted until the pale yellow gas flew towards the group of monsters like a meteor.

And Qi Gongluo made a protective cover for them to cover them in order to prevent those monsters from rushing forward and stepping on them with their hooves.

The demonic beasts also used illusion skills to attack and resist. Immediately, the colorful air currents in a hundred miles collided with each other. There was a mess everywhere.

Although the monsters are not very powerful, but there are too many of them, it seems that they can't be killed. The dead come one after another, and Su Yuci's eyes are already covered with the bodies of those monsters.

Su Yuci didn't know why those group of monsters seemed to charge towards them desperately, and it seemed that there were more monsters rushing towards Yan Meiji!

At this moment, Yan Meiji was surrounded by the monster circle, the winged bow in her hand was splashed with the blood of the monster, and the clothes on her body were also torn by the monster, and the group of monsters seemed to be more nervous when they saw this. Get excited.

Gong Yuting is also being attacked by a group of monsters at the moment, the number is not many, but after killing one, another one will be added, it seems that it will never be killed, and the phantom energy in her body is gradually draining, and it seems that she can't last too long!
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(End of this chapter)

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