Chapter 610 School Fight 2
Hearing what he said, Su Yuci raised her eyebrows slightly and asked curiously, "What danger is there for Teacher Xianghe?"

"You are new students, of course you don't know what's going on, but it's not a secret, I can tell you!" Gu Chenghan seemed to be unable to hide his words at all, and when he opened his mouth, it was like a flood breaking through the fence surge out.

The hierarchy system of Luoyun College is very strict. It is divided into inner and outer courtyards, student grades, and tutor grades. Especially tutors, they are divided into three levels, first, second, and third grades. There are also internship tutors. There are no grades for internship tutors. After meeting certain conditions, you can be promoted to a third-level tutor.

Bai Xianghe's ability is stronger than anyone else's. When she was an intern tutor, she became a third-level tutor after only half a year, which made those intern tutors jealous. They all thought that Bai Xianghe was promoted so quickly because of her relationship. Formal tertiary tutor's.

At that time, Bai Xianghe was very close to Yan Rongling, the elder of the inner courtyard's craftsman, and everyone believed that there was a basis for it.

I don't know what happened later, but Bai Xianghe was squeezed out by other tutors everywhere, resulting in staying in the position of a third-level tutor for more than ten years!

Of course, there are secrets in it. Naturally, Gu Chenghan is not a person who talks too much, and he doesn't bother to discuss other people's secrets, so naturally he didn't reveal this secret to Su Yuci!

As for the tutors who stay in Luoyun Academy, if 20 years are up, the tutors who have not been promoted will be downgraded, and the immediate result of the third level at the bottom is that they will be expelled from the academy, and Yongsheng will no longer be able to enter the academy. !
And Bai Xianghe is now a member of the third level. She has been in the academy for 20 years. It is inferior to others, and it is naturally incomparable with the students recruited by other tutors!

For this enrollment, Bai Xianghe's students will conduct an overall assessment after two months of training in the academy. Of course, the assessment is that the third-level instructors will select five outstanding students to compete in the competition. The winner of the five games will be the winner. You can challenge the students selected by the second-level tutor to compete again.

If they can win, the students will be rewarded accordingly, and the tutor can be promoted to a first-level tutor.

But Gu Chenghan looked at Su Yuci and the others, and of course the students he led the way two days ago, their grades were not as high as those brought by Su Rong and the others, although most of the students recruited by Bai Xianghe this time passed. The second round of tests, but the level is really not very good, it seems that Bai Xianghe's fate hangs in the balance this time, maybe he will be kicked out of Luoyun Academy.

After hearing what Gu Chenghan said to them, Su Yuci said, "Then if Teacher Xianghe leaves Luoyun Academy, who will be in charge of us?"

Gu Chenghan laughed and said: "Of course someone will take over you, but the intern tutors have not been selected yet, and you may be assigned to other tutors to manage! This college, in fact, I still prefer Xiang Teacher He's!"


"Don't get me wrong, it's Teacher Xianghe who leads people very gently, unlike other mentors, such as the dominatrix who is neither male nor female, and Teacher Mai Lin, just look at me, I used to look like What a graceful tree facing the wind, with a well-proportioned figure, look at me being transformed into this by her now..." Gu Chenghan said resentfully.

(End of this chapter)

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