Chapter 612 School Fight 4
The person who came was Xiang He's teacher. Although Su Yuci looked at her with a smile on her face, there was a hint of sadness in her eyes...

sad?Why are you sad?
When Su Yuci was thinking this way, Teacher Xianghe had already said: "Congratulations, you can pass through the Chantian Mountain Range and reach Luoyun College. Next, as long as you confirm that the tasks ordered to you are completed, you can officially become students of Luoyun College." Yes! Now you come with me!"

After finishing speaking, Bai Xianghe walked towards the left, opened the door on the left, and saw that the door led to a spacious hall, and at the same time, the opposite door was also opened on the left and right, and people came out.

Su Yuci felt that this design was a bit strange, because the hall looked like a back shape, and the four rooms seemed to surround the entire hall.

At this moment, there is a six-connected chair placed in the center of the hall, which is the form of six chairs gathered together in a circle.

Bai Xianghe led them all into this hall, and people from the other three directions also walked in.

The crowd formed four corners and lined up. At this moment, there was a hearty laugh, and then suddenly they saw two people sitting on the seats, wearing white robes and gray hair, but they were full of energy. One has a goatee and the other has no beard. Although both of them have white hair, they don't have any wrinkles on their faces, and they seem to be in their forties.

Of course, Su Yuci was not the only one who was surprised when these two old people appeared!

In fact, this is the space shuttle above the soul level, for example, from the house on the east to the house on the west at once!They naturally don't know this level before reaching this level!
At this moment, the old man without a beard said: "Yo, girl Xianghe recruited quite a lot of people this time, I hope you won't disappoint us this time!"

Bai Xianghe saluted respectfully and said with a smile, "Elder Peng Xianghe did his best..."

When Bai Xianghe finished speaking, a voice broke in and said, "Xianghe, try your best. If you don't work hard, I'm afraid this academy won't be able to accommodate your useless tutor!" Who is the stabbing voice, not Su Rong?

At the same time, another voice said: "Yes, Teacher Xianghe, although you recruited a lot of people, but they all don't look good? Do you really want to be the first shame of the academy?"

"Drink, An Changli, it's none of your business, what are you talking about!" Another voice sounded at this time.

"Mai Lin can't say that. Of course it's none of my business. After all, Teacher Xianghe and I also met once. How can we bear to see her humiliated?" An Changli said.

Bai Xianghe stopped in her ears, feeling very uncomfortable in her heart, but she didn't refute much. Anyway, her mouth was on them, and she couldn't stop them from saying what they wanted to say!

At this time, after the old man with a goatee stroked his beard, he said in a strong and restrained voice: "Okay, stop arguing, and waste the students' time! Su Rong, you are a second-level tutor, you Why did you bring your people here?"

"Elder Yang, I mixed up with Xiang's students, took her students to complete the mission, and arrived at Luoyun College. Of course I have to come here!" Su Rong said.

(End of this chapter)

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