Chapter 615 School Fight 7
Su Rong never asked her students what happened in the Chantian Mountain Range. She knew that Lei Xiaoxiao crushed the broken spirit stone, but it was a pity for a talented student, but she didn't take it to heart at all, because After she crushed the broken spirit stone, she was worthless, so why should she bother?
But at the moment, she naturally thinks that the special dormitory is her family's, because she ordered her students to get all the magic cores of Bai Xianghe's students, so only her students have the best chance!Since the magic cores are all in the hands of her students, the special dormitory cannot accommodate students from Bai Xianghe, she has to find a reason to arrange her students in the special dormitory!
When she was happily thinking about this matter, Mai Lin said: "Elder Yang, don't pretend to be mysterious. The special dormitory has been busy throughout the ages and has been heard to be open only once. Who is so capable to complete the special dormitory?" The conditions of the magic core?"

Elder Yang wiped his beard and said with a smile: "The old man won't delay any more, let them go back to the dormitory to rest early after the announcement is over! Old Peng..."

Elder Peng nodded and handed the crystal in his hand to Elder Yang, and then Elder Yang began to read again: "Then assign A, B, C, level accommodation candidates..."

Everyone listened with their ears upright that Elder Yang began to allocate grade dormitories, and the grade dormitories also directly affected the cultivation, because the rooms built in the dormitory had special heaven and earth spiritual energy, which was helpful for cultivation. The higher the grade, the better the spiritual energy The higher the concentration, the more convenient it is for everyone!
The group of students who can only be assigned to C-level dormitories are very annoyed why they didn't get more magic cores back then?I thought the magic core just passed the test, but I didn't expect it to have such an impact?

Of course, they might have been overly excited and didn't notice that their mentor had told them that the magic core affected the level distribution!

That's right, these magic cores have to be obtained by themselves. If they don't work hard, the assignment to such a poor dormitory is also the result of themselves, and they can't blame others.

The dormitory levels are matched from low to high, and the names of each person are read out by Elder Bai. If Lingyueling, Buchenhai, and Ye Chen are all assigned to A-level dormitories, then of course, if it weren’t for the thousand monsters He dug out so many magic cores from the corpse of the nightmare-eating beast, and it was impossible for him to be assigned to A-level. He sincerely thanked Su Yuci.

And Lingyueling and Buchenhai just had one hundred magic cores, and they were just assigned A rank.

At this time, the only ones whose names were not read were Su Yuci and others!Of course, Su Yuci already knew in his heart, it seems that they belong to the special dormitory!

Everyone else waited with bated breath for the announcement of the person in the special dormitory, because they were all strangers to each other, and only members of their own team knew the name Elder Yang read just now.

Elder Yang is obviously very happy at the moment. He laughed and said: "Mr. Xianghe, you have recruited talents. It seems that you have a turning point. The people living in the special-level dormitory are Su Yuci, Qi Gongluo, and Mu Xingfeng. , Gong Yuting, Yan Meiji and five of them!"

At the end of the sentence, although the others didn't know who those five people were, but after hearing Elder Yang's words, everyone knew that they were from Bai Xianghe's side, and they couldn't help being shocked.

(End of this chapter)

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