Concubine Xiao changed her life against the sky

Chapter 66 Harm others and harm yourself 1

Chapter 66 Harm others and harm yourself 1
It didn't take long to see that the few people who were arranged to hunt prey had returned with a few beasts in their hands, quickly skinned them, and then put them on the fire to roast them.

About an hour later, there was the smell of roasting food, and the person sitting in the carriage couldn't help but feel hungry when he smelled the smell of the food, and Xiao Bai in her arms seemed to be hungry too. He opened his eyes, and his eyes rolled slowly.

"Hungry?" Su Yuci asked with a smile.

Xiaobai nodded quickly, looking very cute.

"Wait!" said to Xiaobai, then opened the curtain of the car, and saw the fifth elder walking towards Su Yuci with a roasted hare.

"Miss must be hungry, right? Let's eat something first!" said the fifth elder, and put the roasted rabbit meat on the rabbit's roast stick into Su Yuci's hand.

Su Yuci smiled and said: "I'm really hungry, thank you Fifth Elder!"

Su Yuci took the roasted rabbit and put it on the tip of his nose to smell it, and then his eyes flashed a cold look, and within a second, the eyes had been retracted, and he said: "It smells so good!"

"Miss, hurry up and eat, if it's not enough, I'll get it!" Fifth Elder stared at her and said.

"Well, I don't know if the fifth elder can help me get some food, my Xiaobai is also hungry!" After speaking, his hands subconsciously patted Xiaobai's head.

Four-star phantom beasts are nothing to be afraid of, the fifth elder glanced at Xiaobai and said with a smile: "The lady wait a moment, I'll go get some food!"

It wasn't until the Fifth Elder left that the smile on Su Yuci's face was withdrawn. I didn't expect, I really didn't expect that Su Baijing was so vicious!
The rabbit meat is actually a flirting fan of Warcraft, huh?Did he want her to be humiliated by a monster?Fortunately, these people really figured it out!If it weren't for her sensitive nose, she could distinguish the herbal ingredients contained in this medicine powder, and the original owner had a lot of knowledge about herbs, I'm afraid she would really be overwhelmed by the five elders!
Xiaobai kept rubbing his head against Suyuci's body, as if reminding her that there was something wrong with the food, so Suyuci smoothed Xiaobai's hair to make it quiet!

Then he snorted coldly, and looked at the fifth elder who came again with a bright smile on his face.

"Miss, aren't you hungry? Why don't you eat?" Fifth Elder looked at the roasted rabbit in Su Yuci's hand and asked.

"Oh, I want to eat with you!" Su Yuci smiled when he saw that he brought two more roasted rabbits in his hand.

The Fifth Elder smiled and said, "Then let's eat together!" Of course he agreed to eat with Su Yuci because he knew that the two roasted rabbits were not drugged.

The Fifth Elder put another roasted rabbit directly in front of Xiaobai and said, "Is this monster a contracted beast of Miss? It looks cute! Come and eat it!"

Xiaobai stared fiercely at the fifth elder and wanted to attack him. Su Yuci noticed that he made a look at Xiaobai. After knowing that there is no problem, I slowly chewed it up.

Su Yuci put Xiaobai aside, then took the fifth elder's hand and suddenly placed it in front of Xiaobai, then said again: "Eat, elder!"

The Fifth Elder showed a faint smile and said, "Eat..."

Just as the Fifth Elder was about to bite the rabbit meat, Su Yuci suddenly patted Fifth Elder's hand holding the rabbit meat.

(End of this chapter)

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