Chapter 688 Friendship 2
Su Rong asked her to fight Su Yuci, and wanted to win her, but Su Yuci was her friend, how could she fight her?How can you beat her?How embarrassing it was for her.

If she was against Su Yuci, would she still consider her a friend?She doesn't want to lose this friend, doesn't want, doesn't want...

After listening to Yan Meiji choked up what Su Rong wanted her to do, the corner of Su Yuci's mouth twitched into a sneer.

Borrowing her relationship with Yan Meiji to bet on this mentor promotion competition, what does she want to do?What is the grievance between her and Teacher Xiang He?Why did she talk to Bai Xianghe in such various ways?

It seems that she needs to have a good talk with Bai Xianghe, sometimes ignoring other people's private affairs can't solve the problem!

Su Yuci comforted Yan Meiji, telling her not to worry, just follow Su Rong's words, first let her replace the kindness she owes Su Rong, and she will make defenses according to Su Rong's plan.

Yan Meiji knew that Su Yuci would say this, so she would be sure, and the unspeakable pain in her heart was slightly relieved.

"Thank you Yuci, you really don't blame me for being right with you?"

"Fool, it's not that you want to be right with me, well, go back..."

After the matter was sorted out, she brought Yan Meiji back to the Thousand Wild Goose Pagoda, and then Su Yuci went to look for Bai Xianghe.

The faint smell of sandalwood lingered in the room, Bai Xianghe poured a cup of tea into Su Yuci's hand and asked with a smile: "Why do you have time to come to me today, I planned to visit you tomorrow... "

Su Yuci took the tea from Bai Xianghe's hand and took a sip, "Mr. Xianghe came to me for the promotion competition, right?"

Bai Xianghe smiled slightly and said, "Yeah, do you know that five days later is the day for the mentor promotion competition? I want to ask you to participate in the competition!"

Su Yuci nodded and smiled: "Mr. Xianghe, I will definitely help you with this matter, but there is one thing I want to ask clearly. What happened between you and Mr. Su Rong? Why is Mr. Su Rong targeting you so much?" ? And your strength and Su Rong's strength don't want to compare, why do you swallow your anger?"

Listening to Su Yuci's question, Bai Xianghe seemed to have expected that there would be such a day when Su Yuci would ask her about this matter. Speaking of 20 years ago..."

20 years ago, they were trainee tutors, and Bai Xianghe and Su Rong were close and close friends who talked about everything, but because of a love word, the relationship between the two good sisters was broken and turned into such a rivalry. .

That day Su Rong told Bai Xianghe that the man she had chased for a long time finally agreed to be with her, and Bai Xianghe was happy for her!It was the man who made an appointment to see her whom she had pursued for many years.

In fact, Bai Xianghe only listened to Su Rong chanting about that man, but never met him in person.

When Bai Xianghe saw the man Su Rong was talking about, Yan Rongling was stunned, that Yan Rongling was the man who had pursued her before!But that was already five years ago!
Bai Xianghe didn't expect to meet him, nor did he expect Su Rong to like him!
When he saw her, he didn't seem to know her at all, and he greeted her naturally. In this case, she didn't poke it, because there was no need, maybe he had already forgotten her!Then it will be as good as the first time you see it!
(End of this chapter)

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