Chapter 720 Experience 2
Naturally, Su Yuci's mountain range from Chantian Mountain to Luoyun College is actually not very dangerous. Although there are soul beasts, it is considered bad luck. The soul beast slipped out and was encountered.

But the depths of the Zentian Mountains are different. There are mostly holy beasts and primordial beasts inside, and then there are soul beasts. Other monsters with weaker levels are basically untouchable. In addition to the maturity of the cloud fairy fruit this time, many monsters will Going out to do activities in the mountains is very risky, and if you are not careful, you may die in the hands of monsters.

The Great Elder and Elder Yang stood in mid-air with their hands behind their backs, watching Su Yuci and the other group of people leave the city, Elder Yang then said to the Great Elder, "Great Elder, you said Su Yuci and the three of them Is it really possible to obtain Yunxian fruit?"

The Great Elder smiled and said: "Lao Yang, Su Yuci is the one you like, why don't you trust her? Don't be so cautious when there is no one else!"

"Yes, Brother Nangong." Elder Yang smiled and smoothed his long white goatee and said, "Even if I believe that girl can get the Yunxian fruit, I'm still worried about what happens. Isn’t it in vain to let her enter the inner courtyard?”

"This was originally to pave the way for Su Yuci. If she really can't get Yunxian fruit, then she doesn't need to let us bother to cultivate it. I don't want to be selfish, lest I have a bad reputation. This has been established for many years. Your dignified image will be ruined..." The Great Elder smiled, and in a blink of an eye he had already left Elder Yang's eyes.

Elder Yang sighed slightly: "Girl Yuci, don't let us down! I really want to cultivate you!"

The sky was filled with white clouds, and the sun shone on the leaves of the towering giant trees. The light penetrated through the leaves, reflecting the speckled light on the ground.

There is still a big difference between the depths of the Chantian Mountains and the periphery of the Chantian Mountains. Although there are more towering giant trees, the depths of the Chantian Mountains have a very gloomy feeling. A warm and beautiful scene.

There are many rocks and thorns on the ground of the Chantian Mountain Range in the depths, and the sunlight penetrates rarely, making it look a little dim. Some huge stones look like monsters blocking the way from a distance, but people feel a little nervous.

Except for the city, everyone walked all the way to the front. Although the feeling in the mountains was a bit heavy, they didn't encounter any monsters along the way. Even if there were, they were only one or two star beasts. With their current strength, they can kill a monster of the Yuan beast level with one move.

Starting at noon, until it was about to get dark, Bai Xianghe and other five instructors asked everyone to find a place to rest for the night. How can I say that the night in the Chantian Mountains is much more dangerous than the daytime, and it is not suitable for night activities!

Not long after they went, they found a place with fewer stones and thorns and settled down. They set up a bonfire and lit a fire. Five people and ten people gathered together to chat and rest!
And the people who formed a team each went to find food, and soon many people put all kinds of game on the bonfire, and the aroma of barbecue lingered in the air.

Su Yuci and Gong Yuting went hunting with the Shuiyun Leopard, and within a quarter of an hour they caught a rhinoceros, and simply peeled the skin and disposed of its internal organs.

(End of this chapter)

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