Chapter 724 Experience 6
When everyone happily chatted again, especially when everyone was chatting about Qi Gongluo in front of Su Yuci, talking about Qi Gongluo's infatuation with Su Yuci, talking about Qi Gongluo's romance, and talking about Qi Gongluo How did you pursue Su Yuci!
This gave Su Yuci a very headache. Is there no other topic to talk about?Do you have to say her?And he was discussing in front of her, did he take her seriously?

This is natural, Su Yuci puts a smile on her face all day long, if it wasn't for someone who made her unhappy, she would not have the slightest aura of cold killing on her body, and Su Yuci never minded everyone's gossip, and they Discussing these in person is naturally not afraid of Su Yuci's anger.

Just when Su Yuci was about to stop them, a male voice with a slightly enchanting voice came into the ears of Su Yuci and others.

"Sister Yuci, what are you brothers and sisters talking about? Are you talking so happily? Tell me to let my sister listen, so that my sister will be happy too..."

Following the sound, I saw four women, no, three women and one man walking towards them slowly.

Isn't this Liu Rufeng and 'Three Winds' who are they?
Su Yuci was slightly taken aback, since Liu Rufeng had never appeared in front of Su Yuci since the banquet that day, of course Su Yuci knew that Liu Rufeng had also come after this experience, but there were too many people and she didn't have time Looking for him, I didn't expect Liu Rufeng to come to her!
She didn't know what she said wrong that made him lose his composure that day, but seeing that he came to her now, the anger disappeared.

Liu Rufeng still dressed in a neither manly nor feminine way, if he didn't always like to show his chest, people who didn't know would really think he was a woman!

Liu Rufeng raised his orchid finger and naturally squeezed in beside Su Yuci and sat down. He gently placed his raised orchid finger on Su Yuci's shoulder and said, "I heard that Qi Wumeng left you and left." Did this brat dare to abandon my sister Yuci and tell her where he is? My sister will avenge you!"

Su Yuci twitched the corners of her mouth, when did this version become that Qi Gongluo abandoned her?Didn't she abandon Qi Gongluo?
"Rufeng, he just left Luoyun Academy for something, he didn't abandon me!" Su Yuci explained.

"Really? Don't be polite to my sister. If he dares to bully you, my sister will help you get justice!" Liu Rufeng said like a big sister.

Su Yuci smiled lightly and said, "Why do you have time to come to me?"

"Uh, I've been a little busy recently. I wanted to find you, but it's been delayed until now. Don't you blame me for not looking for you? I'm sorry about what happened last time. I was in a bad mood for a while. Yours! Don't mind, otherwise I will be very sad..." Liu Rufeng said, gently touching the corners of his eyes with his raised orchid fingers.

Seeing his pitiful appearance, Su Yuci replied: "Why would I be angry? It's just me talking too much, no wonder you!"

Talking with Liu Rufeng, Su Yuci felt a sharp gaze staring at her all the time, she couldn't help frowning slightly, and then looked back, only to see the three of Fengqi standing behind Liu Rufeng, with no abnormal expressions on their faces.

Is she too sensitive?Maybe it's my own overthinking?
Soon Liu Rufeng got along with everyone. Although Liu Rufeng is not difficult for men and women at the moment, it has to be said that his social skills are very strong. Everyone was amused by his words, and those people not far from the next door were offended. They turned their attention to them.

(End of this chapter)

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