Chapter 726 Experience 8
At this moment, Chong Zong's hands turned into illusions, and a barrier blocked the Hongtian snakes, preventing the Hongtian snakes from taking a step forward for the time being.

"The best way now is to act separately. Xianghe, you all take a team to leave first, and then go to Yunxian Valley to gather and pick Yunxian fruit!" The sky snake slammed into the barrier desperately like going crazy.

These Hongtian snakes are basically at the level of holy beasts and primordial beasts, with lightning bolts on their bodies, emitting streaks of red lightning and vigorously performing animal skills, intending to break this barrier.

"I understand! Everyone follow me!" Mai Lin held a heavy hammer in both hands and walked towards the back, followed by a group of people.

An Changli went to the left, leading part of the people to separate, Yan Yu instructed some people to go to the right, and she followed behind. beheaded.

Su Yuci and others naturally followed Bai Xianghe. Bai Xianghe first asked Su Yuci to take people away, and she had to stay to help Chongzong.

A trace of bright red left from Chong Zong's mouth, obviously a little weak, and Bai Xianghe injected phantom energy to make the protective barrier more secure.

The red electric light and the white phantom light complement each other, as if they are playing a tug-of-war with each other.

"Mr. Xianghe, I will leave a mark on the road. When the time comes, remember to look for the mark and catch up. Take care!" Su Yuci said and left with the other team. In another left.

Su Yuci naturally knows that if so many Hongtian snakes spend all their energy on these magical beast snakes, they can naturally destroy them all, but these tens of thousands of magical beasts basically exhaust all the strength of everyone. Other magical beasts are not so lucky to attack, so they can't waste unnecessary energy at the beginning, not to mention that Hongtian snakes do not grow magic cores except for the snake king, so it is unwise to waste one's energy in vain !
Naturally, everyone has already formed a team. It is impossible for 1000 people to act together. Not only is it inconvenient, but it will cause a lot of trouble to kill monsters and get magic cores. The team was originally assigned tomorrow, but now it is in advance. That's all.

Everyone followed the formed team and left in an orderly manner. In an instant, everyone had already evacuated from this place.

Seeing that everyone retreated safely, Bai Xianghe immediately said to Chongzong: "You consume a lot of phantom energy, and you can't fly in the Chantian Mountain Range, so you leave me first to finish off!"

"No, we have to go together. Although these Hongtian snake monsters can't threaten us, but there are too many of them, we can't deal with them at all. It's safer for two people to go together!" Chong Zong said.

Bai Xianghe nodded and said, "Okay, let's leave together!"

The two looked at each other and quickly withdrew their phantasm, turned around and ran away behind them.

Seeing that their companions were injured and died, those densely packed Hongtian snakes did not avenge their revenge, and the food in their mouths escaped, so naturally they refused to give up, and chased Bai Xianghe and the two of them.

Fortunately, both Bai Xianghe and Chong Zong are both Nine-Star Illusory Sects and cannot fly, but their running speed is not slow, and they quickly drove away most of the Hongtian Snake, but the Hongtian Snake relies on scent to find people. The two still couldn't escape the Hongtian Snake's sight.

(End of this chapter)

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