Chapter 795 Trading Area 4
Su Yuci entered the trading area, and the stalls in the trading area were basically full of people. Every stall owner placed what he needed in front of the low table of the booth, waiting for buyers to come and buy the things.

And those stall owners practiced cross-legged while waiting for the buyers to come forward, and they really didn't delay their own level of improvement for a moment.

Su Yuci saw a lot of weird things on the booth, including ore for refining equipment, weapons, and medicine pills...

Wait, what did she see, that there were people buying flowers?No way, and the booths selling weapons and medicines were deserted, but the flower booth had countless people clapping and buying flowers, and Su Yuci couldn't help but a black line appeared on his forehead.

Those flowers are not herbs, just some red, purple, pink roses, lilies, water lilies, why so many people buy flowers?What can those flowers be used for?

When he was puzzled, Su Yuci also walked over, and saw the stall owner shouting with a smile on his face: "The flowers are sold out, please come early tomorrow!"

"Damn, I didn't get any flowers when I came so early. Hey, can you make more flowers next time? I'll bring you a fourth-grade high-grade elixir in exchange for you!" A strong man shouted.

The stall owner smiled and said, "Then please come early tomorrow..."

The flowers were sold out, and the others had no choice but to coax them away.

At this time, the stall owner saw Su Yuci standing in front of his stall and said with a smile: "Girl, I'm sorry that the flowers are sold out. If you want the flowers, come early tomorrow..."

Su Yuci shook his head and said, "I'm not here to buy flowers..."

"Oh? Then you came to see me?" the flower stall owner asked Su Yuci, looking him up and down.

Su Yuci smiled and said: "No, I'm just curious and want to ask why so many people come to buy flowers? What are the flowers for?"

Hearing Su Yuci's question, the stall owner said, "Oh, you don't know? You should know the two beauties in the inner courtyard, right?"

Su Yuci thought for a while and said: "You mean the scenery?"

"Well, it's the scenery and Ji Tianya. These two beauties are the goddesses in the hearts of all men. Women's flowers, as we all know, these men buy these flowers to curry favor with them." The owner of the flower stall told Su Yuci with a smile. listen.

Hearing the words "beauty" and "goddess", Cang Jing's eyes immediately turned pink, "beauty, can you be more beautiful than Su Yuci?"He wanted to see it, it would be even better if he could eat it in his mouth!
Forgetting Su Yuci's warning to him, he disappeared all of a sudden, and it was only when Su Yuci thanked the stall owner that he was about to leave that he found that Cang Jing had disappeared.

Su Yuci didn't need to say anything, but she also knew that Cang Jing must have heard the word "beauty" and her hands were itchy again, she must have gone to look for scenery or Ji Tianya.

Sure enough, a pervert like Cang Jing has no credibility at all, and she will never trust him next time!
Su Yuci had no choice but to stroll around the trading area by herself. Although there were medicinal herbs sold in the trading area, the pills refined from those medicinal herbs were too low.

After almost visiting the entire trading area, Su Yuci found some high-grade herbs and exchanged the elixirs on her body for these herbs, but she could only refine a dozen copies.

Su Yuci originally wanted to leave here, but after thinking about it, she had to go through all these trading areas, maybe she could find materials for refining the magic pupil pill or the soul-reviving pill, she couldn't let go of a chance, anyway, now It's still early!
(End of this chapter)

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