Chapter 814 Refining Test 2
Seeing that she could also become a craftsman, Su Yuci said in her heart that she was not happy, it was a lie, she was too skilled, and she could do it herself if she wanted to refine vessels in the future?
Ye Minghao's diary recorded a lot of utensils, and many of them are very practical. She also saw that there is a utensil that can live in people, and it can live in people. If you go there for sightseeing, at least you don't have to worry about finding it in rainy days. It would be nice to have a place to hide from the rain, she wanted it very much.

However, according to the records, it seems that someone refined it in a long time ago, but no one has refined such a thing for thousands of years. Of course, not only is the material rare, but the current refiner is not as good as before. Refining something like this requires at least a heavenly level craftsman.

"Sister Yuci can use weapons without Wuling. It's not surprising that she can refine weapons. Ha, sister Yuci, I adore you so much. Are you going to cover me in the future? When will you practice a peerless weapon for me? Good violin, hehe, I can promise you with my body..." Liu Rufeng put the condensed and unremarkable model violin on the table, and resigned to Suyu with a flirtatious tone.

Su Yuci smiled sweetly and said, "Okay, then you can just wait for the promise..."

Jokingly, if Ye Chen has also completed the test product, a machete, he is more successful than alchemy this time.

At the same time, Bu Chenhai has also completed his own test, a long sword.

According to the tests completed by everyone, Bu Chenhai is the best. Of course, Bu Chenhai was originally from a family of refining equipment in the Yama Empire, so it is only natural that he can succeed.

Although Liu Rufeng's items were a little unbearable, they barely passed.

Everyone dealt with Gong Yuting's lack of a badge, and the testers all had a shield-shaped badge in their hands, with a sword engraved on the badge, which meant that they were now members of the refining room.

The sky is over and everyone has completed the test at this moment. The second elder took them back to the Qiuyun Pavilion and told them the plan for tomorrow. He will give them the superior illusion and martial arts at that time. As long as they complete what he arranged every day, they can be free Activity.

It is naturally good for someone to restrain and someone to give pointers. Everyone is excitedly waiting for the arrival of tomorrow. Who makes them good children who work hard?
But tomorrow there is still a difficult task waiting for Su Yuci to complete, which is to fulfill the agreement with Xuan Xiao, Su Yuci looks at the bright moon in the sky, hey, she has to think of a way tomorrow, first of all, I don’t know how many people I'm going to wait to see what happens to her tomorrow and then humiliate her...

In order to have a good spirit tomorrow, Su Yuci did not plan to practice alchemy tonight, but lay on the bed and slept.

In the middle of the night, I didn't know whether my ears were hallucinating or what, I only heard the sound of a woman crying into Su Yuci's ears.

In the middle of the night, there was a woman's crying sound, it must be said that it made people feel a little gloomy.

Su Yuci opened her eyes and got up, opened the door, and searched for the place where the crying sound came from.

Naturally, she is not afraid of ghosts and gods, but she has always been a light sleeper, and a slight sound can wake her up. The crying keeps going, how can she sleep?

The sound came from above her roof, and the light of the moon was reflected in front of her door, as if the moon had grown under her feet. Su Yuci didn't have the heart to appreciate the beautiful scenery, and flew up to the roof with phantom wings.

(End of this chapter)

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