Concubine Xiao changed her life against the sky

Chapter 941 The Mystery of the Nine Palaces 9

Chapter 941 The Mystery of the Nine Elements Palace 2
"Ji Tianya is your granddaughter, Great Elder?" Not only Lingyueling and others were surprised when they heard the news, even Su Yuci was also surprised.

"It's just that Ji Tianya never knew that the First Elder was her grandfather!" the Second Elder added appropriately at this time.

"The Great Elder has always allowed Tianya to do what he did in the inner court. It was indeed the Great Elder who harmed the academy because he was too..."

Before the Second Elder could finish speaking, he was interrupted by the First Elder: "Let's talk about this matter for now, Elder Tang will give them the prize of Su Yuci! Please don't tell this matter. "

The second elder had no choice but to keep his mouth shut and handed out the prizes he had given to Cheng Suyuci and others from Najie to them.

Su Yuci knew that these things were not what she should know, so she didn't ask any more questions. Anyway, if Ji Tianya dared to deal with her, she would definitely let her die without a place to bury her, no matter who her backer was!
Su Yuci confirmed the root of Scrophulariaceae, and then he was satisfied and put all the things into the ring.

Yan Meiji and the others also looked excited when they got the level-up pill, and at the same time promised not to tell the secret of the Great Elder.

Only then did the Great Elder speak again: "Yuci also guessed about this, so I'll tell you all about it now."

"Yes, from the very beginning we selected Yuci girl and a few companions, but after the two strong men around Yuci girl left, we reselected you and Yuci's good partners..."

Since Luoyun Academy chose to build here because the aura here is several times higher than other places, it is very suitable for cultivation!

After the dean established the Luoyun Academy here, every few days, a large group of monsters would attack, causing many casualties.

Under the investigation of the dean, it was discovered that there is a seven-star soul beast deep underground, the ghost beast, it is ferocious, especially it is good at using illusions, at that time five nine-star magic saints and the dean went to meet this monster, and the result Except for the dean who escaped, the other five killed each other and died in the hands of the ghost beast.

Later, they went down several times to encircle and suppress, but due to internal and external troubles, the monsters in the Chantian Mountain Range seemed to be called by the ghost beasts, and they would come to attack every now and then, causing many deaths.

In the end, the dean, his friends and the great elder co-authored eight people to seal the ghost beast. In order not to be discovered, they built a nine-element palace underground. The ninth floor is where the seal is located. The ghost beast hates the most Beast eater, the dean used the magic core of the nightmare eater to force out its aura, so that the ghost beast would no longer be upgraded, and its power would also be consumed. Going out can only be in the surrounding area, which will not cause much danger. Later, the incident gradually subsided and gradually stabilized.

However, there was a riot every few years, and the dean tried his best to get rid of the ghost beast, but the illusion of the ghost beast is too powerful, basically no one can escape the ghost beast's illusion attack , only a strong man like the dean can force it to protrude from the inside.

But later the dean knew that the illusion was based on the trust of people's hearts, and only the other party trusted each other to be able to break the illusion, see the ghost beast, and kill the ghost beast!
However, two times it was because the cooperators had different intentions, and they all died in the hands of the monster, the ghost beast.

(End of this chapter)

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