
Chapter 12 Farewell

Chapter 12 Farewell
Cheng Jiayang

I took Qiao Fei's form, resume, relevant academic certificates and application letter out of the material bag, checked carefully, and then remembered that this was the first time I saw her handwriting, graceful and powerful, as if she was a person .I corrected a little bit of her mistakes and handed it back to the colleague in charge of education cooperation. He smiled and said, "Who is it that bothers you so much?"

"My friend's sister," I said.

Not long after, the French university replied, sending registration certificates and housing guarantees for international students. Paul Valery University sent a letter to Qiao Fei, asking her to arrive at the end of June to participate in basic language training during the holiday.

Thinking about it this way, time flies really fast.

Last June, we were strangers together; after this year, I sent her away from me.

I used to think that we would not be separated, but now, I do one last thing for her.But no matter what, this woman used to be by my side, giving me happiness and warmth.

While I was thinking this way, I was driving on the road.

With the hood open, the locust tree leaves mottled shadows on my body.

At the traffic lights, my car stopped, and I looked next to the movie theater I had been to.A boy and a girl are holding hands and standing in front of a window, as if discussing what movie to watch.

The poster says that there is a rerun of an old movie - "Casablanca", in which the man finally sends away the woman he loves.

The final scene of the movie is touching, the beautiful Ingrid Bergman, with tears in her eyes, says to Humphrey Bogart, who is about to say goodbye forever, please kiss me.

In the movie, women are like soft fingers, and men are like steel.

When it was my turn, it was the exact opposite, which was really unfair.

I turned around at this intersection and headed for the School of Foreign Languages.

I called Jofi, but no one answered.

I made an internal call to find her downstairs in the dormitory, as if the scene from a year ago was repeated.A classmate told me that Qiao Fei went home to pack her luggage.

I went home and told my mother that I was going to France.

Mom said, are you dreaming?then you go.

It's true, mom, I'll show her the visa I've got, you can take a look.

She said, you can lie to me with anything, anyway, I have never seen a passport of the People's Republic of China.

My dad said it was true.A neighbor’s child also went to Japan to study. He came to carefully look at my passport and the visa of the French Republic affixed inside.

Is this the letter?I will leave in two days, and I will be sent to study abroad by the government, and I will come back in a year.

Then they became worried, France, things are more expensive than Shenyang, right?

Mom said, what about living expenses?
There is living allowance provided by the government.There are also more than 6000 RMB per month.

Why are there so many?The chance the school gave you?they asked.

I thought about it, Mom, do you remember the elder brother who came to our house last year?
She said, remember, remember, he did it for you?
I said yes.

Feifei, you remember to repay others.

I nodded, but I was also guilty, how could I repay Cheng Jiayang?Is there something I have that he doesn't?
I packed my luggage, checked them away, and took the train to Dalian by myself.I sat by the seaside of this city for a long time, thinking of that trip, me and Cheng Jiayang, the soft words on the plane, the holding hands, and the passion all night, now become the content of a person's memory of a relationship.

Cheng Jiayang

By plane, by train, I came to her hometown again.

When I got to her house, Fei's father was there, and I had seen his picture.

I gestured with my hands and asked him, where did Fei go?

He wrote on paper with a pen, not long after he came back, he already went back yesterday.

I sit down at once.The journey is long, it doesn't matter, it's empty, but it makes people feel tired.

Fee's dad poured me water, and I thanked him and drank it all in one gulp.

I wrote to him and said, I am Fei's friend, I know she is going abroad, and I want to meet her.Is your heart feeling better?

Much better, thank you.

I have to go, I have to find her.Here is some money, not much, please accept it.

He insisted on refusing, pushing and shoving for a long time.

I had no choice but to get the money back.

I want to go back as soon as possible, and before she leaves, I will see her. There are some things I haven't said, but now that I think about it, regret is a terrible feeling.

I found a fresh butcher shop in the small market downstairs of Qiao Fei's house, and asked the owner, "Do you know Qiao's house in Building [-]?"

"Both of them are deaf-mute, and the little girl learns foreign languages?"


"Old neighbor. What's the matter?"

I took out money from my pocket: "This is 2000 yuan, please send some fresh meat and ribs to their house during weekends and holidays."

The boss wiped his hands with his apron, looked at me, and pondered for a while: "Okay, I'll give you a receipt."

I took the receipt, and it finally got done.

I went back without stopping, but Qiao Fei's classmate still said to me, didn't she go home?
"Not back yet?"


"She has gone to France, hasn't she?"

"No, we just collected her luggage this morning."

I breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately she hasn't left yet, so I'll wait for her here.

But this afternoon, the ministry suddenly gave up a task, and I went to Shanghai to replace my sick senior sister to do simultaneous interpretation for the International Barrister's Annual Conference for two days.

However, I cannot leave at this time.

"It was too sudden, why did you tell me? I didn't even make preparations." I told the director.

"Your young master disappeared suddenly for three days, who prepared it?" He snatched me away, then turned behind me, and patted my shoulder, "Besides, I can't help it, she suddenly fell ill, what should I do? No one else in the office is prepared, so Xiao Cheng has to step in."

There is no way to do this, the military order is like a mountain.I can only pray that Qiao Fei will not leave these two days.

The venue is like a battlefield.

I was not in good condition, and I went to the stage to translate when I was not ready, racking my brains. Fortunately, my counterparts in Shanghai are of good quality, and the translation effect of our cooperation is ideal.

On the plane back, I thought I was just taking a nap, but accidentally fell asleep.Dazed, as if her mind was no longer here, she asked the flight attendant, and she replied, "This is Air China's flight to Dalian."

Waking up, it was a dream.

Suddenly thinking of it, I laughed.That's right, why didn't I think that Fei would go to Dalian?I went back, and she must have been back too.

When we met, I told her that she must be careful on this journey, study hard, and come back to work as a senior translator to earn a lot of money for her parents.Will she have a lot of luggage?Fortunately, I have acquaintances at the consignment office, so it doesn't matter how much I am overweight.Did she bring some dried vegetables, mushrooms, fungus?Well, I'll buy this one.There is no need for sanitary napkins. I have also noticed that the price in France is similar to that in China.But this, don't say anything, lest she say I'm a troublesome mother again.

Thinking this way, it was like returning home like an arrow. When I got off the plane, the wind was blowing under my feet, I rushed out of the passage at a trot, and boarded the unit's car at the exit port.

Before the car got out of the airport, my eyes were attracted by the huge advertisement on the big bus opposite. The advertising girl for Herbal Essence Shampoo had cat-like eyes slightly squinted, and her black hair was as shiny as satin, just like Qiao Fei.

My carelessness turned into an irreparable mistake at this time. I didn't even look up, and I didn't see Qiao Fei who was sitting in the car and was about to step on the plane.

After flying westward for nearly ten hours, I arrived in Paris in the local evening.

After picking up the luggage and leaving the port, foreigners with tall eyebrows and dark eyes talking in low voices are everywhere. In a blink of an eye, it turns out that they have arrived in a strange city.

I'm going to Montpellier in the south, and I'm going to the train station in the city to take the high-speed train.After inquiring all the way, I got on the big bus, and the car drove through the city in the summer drizzle and headed for the Gare de Lyon.

The capital of flowers in the twilight.

I just feel that my eyes are not enough.

Ancient sycamore trees, neon street lights, streets that have been moistened by the drizzle for hundreds of years, pedestrians with gloomy expressions filled with moisture.There are beautiful teenagers passing by with a big dog in a hurry on the street, and there is a mysterious girl who lights a cigarette in the transparent window of the coffee shop and looks out the window quietly, not knowing who is who.I could vaguely discern the tall shadow of the distant iron tower, which was imaginary and impressionistic. I tapped on the window with my fingers and whispered in French, Eiffel, Eiffel.

The foreigner in front of me turned around and asked me, "This is your first time in Paris?"

I nodded, a little embarrassed: "Ah, yes."

At seven o'clock, I arrived at the train station.When I bought the ticket, I was told that the last train to the south had just left, and the nearest train would wait until 06:30 tomorrow morning.Then there is no other way but to wait.Fortunately, people saw that I was under 25 years old, and took the earliest train again, and gave me a [-]% discount on the ticket.

I sat on a bench at the station and wanted to wait until the next morning.Eat some of the biscuits I brought, and the crumbs fall on the ground, attracting a large group of gray and black pigeons, jumping and eating them until I reach my feet.

I don’t know how long I waited, but the number of people in the station gradually decreased. I saw a few tall policemen approaching with big ferocious dogs with leather chews on their lips. A few people stopped not far from me and talked in a low voice. , look at me from time to time.

So easy, I sneered in my heart.I've always been used to being alone. Before I came, I had already prepared it. If anyone dares to make things difficult for me, I'll see how I get angry.

I silently recited a prepared sentence in my heart: I am a citizen of the People’s Republic of China. I am invited by the Ministry of Education of the French Republic and Paul Valery University of Montpellier to study in France. If I am treated unfairly, I will be protected by our embassy. , and the right to recourse to the law...

And: Oh, so this is French democracy?

OK, let's do it again.

The one who came over was a relatively young one. Unexpectedly, he smiled and said in stiff English: "Chinese? Japanese? Korean?"

I replied in French: "Chinese. I speak French."

"Great." He rubbed his hands, "Miss, you can't stay here."

"Why?" I was on the verge of breaking out, and I was about to blurt out "I am a citizen of the People's Republic of China".

"First, it's not safe to come here. It's best not to stay here for single women. Second, the last train has already left, and the train station will be closed within half an hour."

Will the train station be closed?
I froze for a moment, why wasn't it written in the textbook?
Nothing he said was bad, but where should I go?I look outside, what time is it?Why are the cafes closed?
"Did you understand what I said? Okay, then I will speak English again..."

I quickly reached out to stop it, and said honestly, "Look at my luggage, I don't know where to go."

The young police officer saw my embarrassment, went back to ask his companions, and discussed again. During the process, the few people smiled at me. Now they feel that the idea just now is really arbitrary, and they feel that they are embarrassing.

The young man came over to me and said, "There is a youth hostel for students not far away. I don't know if there are any vacancies, but I can send you there. Do you think this is suitable? Or..."

His second suggestion was to go to the nearby police station and wait for the train the next morning.

How can there be such a reason?Got into trouble on the first day of studying abroad?It's unlucky.

I said, "Please take me to the youth hostel." I looked at the few people over there, and I was careful, and I smiled: "How do I know, are you really the police?"

The young man also smiled: "We are not police, but patrolling military police. I am trainee military police Zuzu Ferrandi, and my number is X."

I pretended to be relieved, smiled and said, "Ah, it's the military police, haha..."

Turning around, he took out a small notebook and wrote in Chinese: If something unexpected happens to me, I will be taken away by a trainee military police named Zuzu Ferrandi, his soldier number is ×.After finishing writing, I was a little dazed, who is this writing for?Who will see these words?

Cheng Jiayang.

I scribbled his name.

It is good to be tall, and the young military police lifted my heavy suitcase lightly, strode away, and led me away from the station.

On the way, we did not speak.

It didn't take long to reach the youth hostel.I'm so lucky to have a spare bed.The price has been reduced to the lowest for young students from all over the world, [-] euros, I dare not change it into RMB.

After registration, the gendarme said to me: "It's two o'clock, what time is your car?"

I took out the ticket and took a look: "06:30."

"It's not too late. Goodbye."

"Thank you. Goodbye."

I washed up and lay awake on the bed.

Although the journey was tiring, my heart was full of novelty and excitement.

Where am I now?Paris!Eiffel's Paris, Louvre's Paris, Napoleon's Paris, Hugo's Paris...

And I am going to the picturesque Montpellier on the Mediterranean Sea.

People are already in the dream that has come true.

However, I feel a little distressed about the [-] euros that accommodated me for four hours, leaving a little at home. I brought most of my savings, but only a few hundred euros in my underwear.

You have to save it.

I thought of the scene at the station just now, and felt ridiculous for being nervous and cautious.

Thinking about it this way, the sky will turn pale.

I look at my watch, ah, it's still Beijing time, so the current Paris time is...

At this moment, someone knocked on the door, and I opened it. It was a tall French boy. I took a closer look. Oh, it turned out to be a young gendarme with his uniform off.

"Miss, it's 45:[-], you go to the station now, check your ticket and get on the train, take it easy."

"Okay, okay, thank you."

I closed the door, quickly changed clothes, and took a shower.

The military police still helped me carry the suitcase and sent me to the train station.

On the way, I asked him: "Are your French gendarmes still responsible for picking up foreigners?"

"Those who work at the railway station must ensure the safety of citizens and foreigners."

"Responsible for delivering the station?"

"That's not true. I'm off the night shift. I'm afraid you'll sleep too late and delay the train. Anyway, I'll be on my way back to the dormitory."

"Oh, thank you very much."

We entered the station, and I saw several bullet-shaped high-speed trains had stopped there.The military police pointed me to the ticket machine: "Please check the ticket here."

Tickets went in at one end and out at the other end, with small gaps on them.

The military police told me: "The train conductor will check the ticket, please put it in a convenient place."

"Of course." I said.

There were already few passengers in the station at this time.

I shook hands with him, I was very grateful to this enthusiastic young man, and said thank you repeatedly.

He looked at the train: "Where are you going?"

"Montpellier. I'm going to learn to translate."

"No wonder, you speak French really well." The young man said with a smile, "Monton is a good place, with a warm climate and plenty of sunshine."

"Have you been there?"

"I'm from there."

"Oh. Working in Paris?"


"Yes, you told me yesterday."

I'm going to get in the car and thank him again.

Zuzu Ferrandi, a young gendarme, said to me: "Come on."

With a distance of more than 100 kilometers, the high-speed train is fast and fast. This is the fastest and safest means of transportation on land, and it really lives up to its reputation.

There were not many passengers in the car, some were chatting quietly, some were sleeping.I was emotional because of the first ride.

(End of this chapter)

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