
Chapter 14 Zuzu Xiaohua

Chapter 14 Zuzu Xiaohua
The puppy Zuzu sleeps in a small wooden box under my bed.I feed him whatever I eat; when I study, no matter how hot it is, I put him on my lap; I bathe him every day, and then I hug him and play on the bed for a while.The next day, I found that the T-shirts were covered with white puppy fur.

Sometimes I take him to play in the square, I buy a sandwich, half with Zuzu, when he is full, he goes to run wild with other dogs, so you must not be fooled by the appearance of any male creature Deceived, this guy who is usually quite quiet and quiet can roar down a big dog when he barks in the square.

Someone finally came to complain: "Your dog is barking too loudly, affecting traffic!"

I was reading a book in a chair, and when I heard this, I raised my head and lost my smile, only to find that it was the boy Zuzu Ferrandi.I put my smile in my mouth, raised my eyebrows and said, "People have human rights, dogs have dog rights. I can't agree with every sentence it barks, but I will defend to the death its right to roar."

Zuzu sat next to me and looked at me carefully: "It's not bad. After a while, you can speak French better than me. I didn't study much at first."

I chuckled: "You're too much, look, I happened to see this paragraph."

Voltaire in the book frowned and said: "I can't agree with every word you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."

Zuzu held a skateboard in his hand, and I said, "You know this?"

"Do you want to try?"

"why not?"

I have never eaten pork, and I have seen pigs run.Besides, I'm an athlete.

I put the book down and was eager to try.

But within two strokes, I pouted my buttocks, knees on the ground, and knelt on the ground.The puppy yelled excitedly next to me, so excited because he gloated.

Zuzu said: "Hey, it's pretty good at falling, so it won't fall on the back of the head."

I was in so much pain that I got up and clapped my hands in a nonchalant manner: "Oh, this, hehe, it's more difficult than roller skating, ha."

The two ancestors laughed so hard that they almost lost their breath.

Later, he demonstrated carefully and explained again. When it was getting dark, although I was not very proficient, I also looked good.

"It's a pleasure, thank you, I'm leaving." I picked up the puppy, he played crazy today, and was so tired that half of his tongue was left outside.I said to Zuzu: "I'm not bad."

"We still have to work hard."

I turn around and leave.

Zuzu said from behind: "Fei, how about we go to Avignon on weekends. It's an old city, you must like it."

Let me think about it, before the mid-term course starts, I still have a week's vacation. Avignon is a famous ancient city, and I have been longing for it for a long time.I turned around and said, "Okay, let's go together."

"Great. You wait for my call."

I went home by tram around the city, and the blue car drove on the track of the stone road, passed through the square, and passed the full-filled coffee pergola, driving the pigeons that were parked on the side of the road, huffing one by one.Looking out through the floor-to-ceiling windows, Zuzu Ferrandi is skating beside me on his skateboard.

Cheng Jiayang

Xiaohua is a Virgo. In early September, the weather was slightly cooler. She invited a few friends to go out to sea for her birthday.Most of them were unfamiliar faces. Xiaohua introduced me to them and said, "This is Jiayang, my boyfriend."

Shake hands, greet, drink, tell jokes, go fishing.I dutifully accompanied the entertainment.

Most of them are people in the news circle, chatting and talking, and then began to talk about the rumors in the industry.Who has his own insider in which major ministry, whose photo was sued by foreigners for imitation and plagiarism, and who is planning to go to the Gulf for interviews.

Xiao Hua said, "What did you say? Lao Zhao is going to the Gulf?"

The insider said: "It's not news anymore, how did you know? You've retired recently and can't keep up with the situation. Lao Zhao is already organizing a small team. Why, are you interested, Xiaohua?"

"What are you talking about?" Xiaohua poured himself a glass of champagne and took a sip gracefully. "Life is precious."

I also poured a glass of wine, and I just felt that what she said that day was still in my ears. She said that she likes to go to the most dangerous and tricky places for interviews and do things that others cannot do.

"However, I'm not surprised that Lao Zhao did this." Xiao Hua said, "He's divorced, and the child is awarded to his ex-wife. He has nothing to worry about and no burden. Come, let's have a toast for Lao Zhao."

My fishing rod rang, and I went to get the line.What was caught was actually an octopus with a round head hung on the hook and long legs winding up along the fishing line.This is a pale life with no power to struggle.

I took it off the line and tossed it back into the sea, letting the fool live.

When it was dark, I turned the yacht back.

The evening sea breeze was refreshing, and Xiaohua hugged me from behind. "Wait a minute, send them back, just the two of us." The woman's voice was soft and sweet.

I patted her hand on my waist: "I can't sail like this."

"Then you can find a rock and hit it, we don't have to go back, just live on that rock and become Mr. and Mrs. Robinson, okay, Jiayang?"

I laughed: "Are you a bad woman? What about your friends?"

"They are all good swimmers, let them swim back."

We went back to port and parted with our friends.I drove Xiaohua to eat her favorite Cantonese seafood.

After ordering a few dishes, I said to the waiter, "I want a plate of stewed eggplant with potatoes, do you know? Northeast dishes, the kind with chopped chives on top."

"How do you eat this kind of thing?"

"It's delicious. You can try it later."

When the dishes came, Xiaohua only tasted a small bite of each dish. After eating that plate of Northeast dishes, he took two bites and said he was full, saying that the dishes you ordered in Jiayang were really delicious.

I was so hungry that I ate that dish by myself with rice.

I sent Xiaohua home, but she stayed behind.

After chatting for a while and drinking some wine, she was lying softly in my arms. There should always be something to do at this time.As soon as she hooked her hand, I kissed her.

The first time we had sex, I had an orgasm in her body, with all the proper positions and content in between.Fondling, sucking, entering, twitching, clamping, moaning.Then she showers in the bathroom and I go to her living room and turn on the TV.

The movie channel is playing "Red Roses and White Roses."I think the old movies that have been broadcast in the past are too literary and petty, and they always change channels.But today I was attracted by a plot. A woman said to a man while eating peanut butter: "I am a rough person, and I like to eat rough food." The woman played by Chen Chong has a charming body and a child-like head. giggle.

This seems to be the woman in my heart.

But men love red roses to the bone, and finally leave her.

I heard the lively sound of water in the bathroom, and shed tears in relief.

I haven't had a dream for a long time, but on this day, I suddenly dreamed of Cheng Jiayang.

I was doing translation, simultaneous interpretation. It seemed that I saw him at the Asia-Europe Summit, but instead, I was the one doing the job this time. Cheng Jiayang sat quietly next to me. Khan, powerless, looked back at him and wanted to ask him, why didn't you help me; in the dream, he seemed to be able to read people's hearts, so he said to me: "How do you ask me to help you? I will give you what I have. I gave it all to you. Look, my head is empty now." He was about to push his head off to show me, and I sat up suddenly, sweating profusely.What a horrible dream.I lay on the bed and couldn't fall asleep for a long time. I hugged the puppy and felt a little relieved.

When I woke up in the morning, my eyes were swollen, with dark circles, and I looked ugly.

I went downstairs for breakfast in a dress and was startled by Zuzu Ferrandi, who was sitting on his motorcycle and honking at me.

I walked over and covered my eyes with my hands.

"What are you doing here so early?" I said.

"Nothing. Let me tell you, the train ticket is bought, and we're leaving on Friday night. Why are you covering your eyes?"

"Can't you just make a phone call? How much is it, Zuzu? I'll give it to you when I go upstairs later."

"How do you cover your eyes?"

"The sun is too strong, my eyes are sore."

He followed me to the restaurant.What an unexpected visitor, I have to bring a copy of him when I buy breakfast.

I ate my breakfast dully, but accidentally, he noticed my eyes.

"Why is it so serious? Did you fall on a skateboard that day?"

"Where can I fall in the eyes? Be careful, I will throw you into the teacup and drown."

"So fierce."

I sighed: "I had a nightmare, dreaming of a person." He stopped eating and just looked at me.

"He gave me many things, and he was emptied."



"I had a nightmare too."

"What?" I squinted at him, I guess he was going to play a trick.

"I dreamed that I was writing a composition in school. It was obviously in French, but the paper was all wrong. I took a look and the tutor was actually you."

I gritted my teeth and said with a smile: "I hope I failed you."

Zuzu gave me the train ticket: "This is yours, take it. I will pick you up on Friday."

I looked at the ticket, twenty euros, "wait for me, I'll go upstairs and get the money for you later."

"What is this for? The money is not much." But I know that foreigners are used to AA, and so are people I know well. What's more, when I exchange twenty euros into RMB, I feel that it is quite a lot.

"No, what's the point?"

He looked at me: "Phi, I feel very strange."


"I used to think that Chinese girls are the most gentle and submissive, but I think you are such a person, so tough, like a boy."

Not the first person to say that about me.

For me, money is something that is lacking and makes people helpless. I don't want to be looked down upon by others, so I become more sensitive.

But it's not my fault.

I didn't speak, Zuzu looked at me, took out a pen from his arms, listed the calculations on the napkin, and said: "Then let's do the calculations clearly. I will pay for it, and you will pay for it.

"You ate cheese fondue at my house, according to the price in the store, [-] euros per person.

"I ate fried rice, Chinese salad, and beer at your house, which was about fifteen euros at the price of a Chinese restaurant.

"I ask you to raise a puppy. You pay him about ten euros for food every day. Now it has been ten days, so I owe you one hundred euros." This meal is early, [-] euros.I owe you.

"Then, madam, I owe you 97 euros in total, minus the fare, and I owe you 77 euros.

"O Lala, I thought we were friends, so I don't need to be so clear."

As Zuzu said that, he really took out the money and put a few banknotes in front of me.

He calculated such an account in such a self-talk, and in the end, he still owed me, and I didn't know what to say.

I pushed the money to him, and his hand on the banknote was suddenly held down by him.The boy's palm was warm, he pressed my hand, and then clenched it tightly.

Zuzu didn't even look up at me, and said slowly, "Why are you so difficult?"

I shook him off hard and walked outside.

I ran back to the dorm, hugged the dog, and smoked against the window.

I am distraught.

With my hand holding the cigarette, I still have the temperature of a young boy. At that moment, this temperature makes people yearn for it.

I like tall boys, healthy and vigorous bodies, fresh and clean body breath, I like skin-to-skin contact, but what I have in my mind is another person's face.

Two days later, Zuzu came to the dormitory to look for me.

I just washed my hair and still have a towel wrapped around my head.

I asked him to come in and opened the door wide, and the boy who lived opposite came out of the house and greeted me.

I sat on the cushion, Zuzu sat on the chair, and the puppy lay beside him.The traitor.

He didn't speak, he looked at the book I put on the table for a while, and curled a curl of the dog's hair with his fingers for a while, chattering.

I couldn't bear it anymore.

Anyway, he is also the younger brother of a good friend, such a young boy, who once helped me so generously and enthusiastically.

I said, "Zuzu, would you like something to drink? I have green tea, milk, and beer here. What would you like to drink?"

Just as I was asking him, I heard him say, "Phi, how did I offend you?"

"What are you talking about? How did you offend me?" I took the towel off my hair, and when I lowered my head, I said in my heart, good boy, you have the talent to be a diplomat, and you are going to retreat to advance, and you beat me up.

"Haha, Zuzu, don't worry, I happened to be in a bad mood that day. You see, you bought the ticket, and I haven't said thank you yet, oops, thank you, thank you."

"Well, please make me a cup of green tea with mint leaves and a spoonful of sugar," he said.

"I don't have mint leaves, just soak a piece of mint-flavored gum in it for you, okay?"

"That's still unnecessary."

I gave him the tea, and he looked at me and laughed, and I laughed too.

The puppy stood up and was about to run out, but bumped his head against the table. I said, "Zuzu, you idiot."

"Hey!" the boy called.

"I mean it," I said.

"Don't you know how to add a prefix to the word idiot? It should be said—" He paused, sincerely, "Zuzu, you cute little idiot."

Our trip to Avignon went exactly as planned.

On Friday evening, we boarded the small train from Montpellier. Because the speed was less than one-third of the high-speed train, we walked for more than two hours to Avignon.

After getting off the train, I quickly released the puppy from the cage.Someone was waiting for us at the train station, and an uncle said, "Zuzu, you are finally here, and we will be waiting for you." The uncle hugged me without asking, and said, "This is the lady, hey, she it's beautiful."

I said thank you, thank you, and said in my heart, Uncle, you have flattered me. I know it in my heart. When I take the train and travel long distances, my face turns black. Uncle, you open your eyes and talk nonsense.

I didn't understand the situation, so I followed Zuzu to call Uncle Yule.Oh, acquaintance, an old friend of the Chinese people, what a coincidence.

Sitting in the car, I asked Zuzu why there are relatives here?

Zuzu said: "It's Uncle Yule's daughter, my cousin's wedding. The wedding will be held tomorrow. Mom and Dad are in Italy, and Ode went to Chengdu on a business trip. I will attend on behalf of the whole family."

"Then you didn't say it earlier, I should dress up."

Zuzu looked at me: "It's pretty."

This is a smaller and classical city than Montpellier.After a short drive, we arrived at the farm on the outskirts of the city from the train station.Although it is night, the white stone brick wall can still be seen covered by dense plants.

The uncle parked the car at the door and said, "Go to the kitchen to meet your aunt and your sister. They have prepared food for you."

I followed Zuzu into the small building, turned around in the classical and simple house, just saw the red-haired beauty, and just smelled the smell of meat, I heard Zuzu laugh out loud, and ran over to hug the beauty : "Haha, you're good now, you're married, and Ode will be next."

A mother who hugs a perfect girl and a beautiful woman.

Not only hugs, but also hugs and kisses. I think of the cartoons I watched when I was a child. There is a hug monster. The French must be the prototype.

Strangers, I hugged the dog and followed me happily.

Zuzu had had enough hugs and introduced me to these two.Ah, it's the aunt and the bride.I said, congratulations.Then I was hugged warmly.All right, let's all come together, and I'm not the only one behind.

After a simple meal and a chat, I told them what I was doing in France. This is how I got to know the Ferrandi brothers and sisters. We get along so well...

Zuzu was playing with the dog on the side, slipping one sentence after another.

"Yes, she and Ode are classmates.

"Yes, she studied translation at Paul Valery.

"It's great, yes, there are not many Chinese here.

"Interesting, I saw her in Paris."

I said, "Zuzu, why don't you be my spokesperson."


The aunt said with a smile: "Really, Zuzu is usually the least talkative."

The red-haired beautiful bride said, "That's right."

Zuzu stood up: "Oh, I'm sleepy, go to sleep."

The aunt said: "You guys rest. I will take you to the room."

We slept on the second floor, and I was opposite Zuzu's room.I thanked them, said goodnight, washed up in the bathroom, and got ready for bed.The white and soft sheets smelled of lilies, which made people feel drowsy. I was about to fall asleep when I suddenly remembered to close the window and look outside.

In the early morning of the next day, I woke up contentedly from sleep, opened the window and looked, and found that the vast darkness last night was actually dense grape vines, which could not be seen at a glance.Verdant green foliage and fruit glisten sweetly in the southern sun, and the air is filled with the rich aroma of ripe grapes.I stretched out my arms and breathed as much as I could. Seeing that a seven-character quatrain was about to come out, I heard Zuzu shouting from below: "You have to do morning exercises, why don't you come down."

This is really a disgrace.

But when I look at him now, he is standing downstairs, looking up at me, this boy with black hair and black eyes has a very cute and handsome face.

Forget it, I don't mind with him anymore.

I put on my little blue dress, light make-up and hair in a braid.When I went to the garden downstairs, I found that many guests had already arrived, and the ceremony had not yet started. They sat around the wooden table full of flowers on the lawn and chatted.

While I was looking at them, I was also being looked at by these people. I wandered around and looked at each other with these people.Zuzu Daxia finally appeared next to me: "This is Fei, my Chinese friend. Fei, this is my friends, folks."

"Coaxing" laughter, everyone toasted: "Welcome, welcome."

I picked up a glass of red wine: "Friends, folks."

Drink it down, there should be applause here.

Zuzu said: "Is it good to drink? It's produced by the farm itself, in [-], it's Uncle Yule's treasure."

"Yeah." I nodded vigorously, "It's really delicious."

In the happiest days of my life, this wedding in the French countryside is always a highlight worth remembering.

The milky white farm under the sun is immersed in the sea of ​​emerald green grapes. The bride and groom in the garden are all young beauties. They swear in front of the priest that they will love each other forever, accompanied by applause and blessings from relatives and friends.

The cake is cut, the champagne is opened, the groom shakes vigorously, the hops are splashed, it is luck, and it falls on everyone.

Dragging the skirts for the bride is a pair of little boys and girls, as beautiful as the dolls I saw in a picture book, I waved and they came over, I held them on my lap and kissed them.

"Do you know whose family this child is?" Zuzu asked.

I thought about it: "Is it the bride and groom's own?"

"So smart."

I guessed it, and I was surprised and envious.How romantic it is to have your own children witness your love and wedding!What a luxury this is!

Zuzu held my hand: "Let's dance, okay?"

The band played happy music at this time, and the newcomers and guests danced on the lawn.I followed Zuzu up and joined them.

One song after another, I don't know how long I danced.I feel like sweat is coming out, my face must be red and hot, and so is Zuzu.

We stopped and we looked at each other.

The boy said, "Huh?"

"what happened?"

"You look like you're bleeding here."

Before I could say "where", he kissed my mouth, and the words disappeared between my lips and tongue.

This is a hug kiss from my long lost boy.

It's strange, it's clear that they are foreign men and women who have met for the first time, but the embrace of the young Zuzu makes me feel safe and warm.I put my arms around his neck.

He is so nice.

But this afternoon, Zuzu Ferrandi received an order from Paris, the vacation ended early, and he had to go back immediately.

When we received the call, we were sitting on the wall of the farm watching the workers harvest grapes.He picked up the line and was very embarrassed: "Really, I haven't walked around the city of Avignon with you yet." After thinking about it, he had a good idea again, "I told my cousin, let them take you, It's the weekend anyway."

"I'm not," I said, "I'll go back with you."

He looked at me, actually quite happy, and said, "That's a pity."

"What a pity, come back later. Wait for your vacation."

He is happier.

I said goodbye to Zuzu and his relatives, and took the train back to Montpellier overnight.He went home to pack his bags and I went home to sleep.

The next day I woke up and was going to see him off at the train station. I opened the curtains and saw that the weather was really suitable for the occasion. It was raining this day in this Mediterranean city where the sun shines all year round.

Umbrellas are not popular here, so the rain is not heavy but enough to wet people.

When I arrived, Zuzu in uniform was waiting for me on the platform, and I watched him from afar.It was the first time I saw him, tall and strong, wearing a dark blue military uniform and a sail cap.Zuzu Ferrandi is very handsome.

I walked over and he looked at me.

It seems that I should say something, but at this time I find that the language is poor.

We just had to hug each other until he got in the car.

I thought to myself, he is so warm.

A week later, I received a card from him in Paris with the pattern I had told him—my favorite, the Eiffel Tower.On the back, Zuzu wrote only one sentence: I miss you very much.

I also ended my short vacation and started the second phase of study.The tutor is a lady from Hong Kong, surnamed Wang, who used to be a simultaneous interpreter for the United Nations, and I am astonished at Mandarin.

The training of simultaneous interpretation began in the first class.

The teacher played a French recording of about 5 minutes, and we translated it while listening, and the spoken Chinese was recorded at the same time.

I listened to the result of my recording, and the prologue did not match the prologue, and there were French and English interspersed in the middle, as well as the spoken language of my hometown. Teacher Wang asked me: "Qiaofei, please explain clearly, what is 'neigesha', What do you mean by saying this all the time?" I just want to find a place to sew into.

Teacher Wang said, "Do you know where the problem is?"

Everyone said, "Where is it?"

"When you hear something, you think you understand it, and you blurt it out immediately, but when you say it, you have already missed the relevant content behind it. If you don't hear the target language completely and clearly, it is impossible to make a good translation. Also, look at all of you, how come no one started writing? Did I teach you shorthand for nothing before?”

So like this, I thought I would survive the first level of purgatory, but the second level was even more terrifying.We still go to class every morning, listen to a lot of tapes, and do simultaneous interpretation exercises. In the afternoon, we still have free time. Everyone fights against each other.

When people are under extreme stress, they will doubt the meaning of what they are doing.

Why do I raise bears for bile and live a good life, but I prefer to go to Tiger Mountain?

Why should I suffer this foreign crime?I learned until I started to lose my hair. Every day, I felt like I was suffering from obsessive-compulsive disorder. Whenever I heard French, I had to speak Chinese immediately.

I want to make money for my parents. With my current level of ability, I should have no problem finding a job with a good salary after graduation.

I don't have too much to ask for, really.

If not money, what is it for?
There is a shadow of a person spinning in my heart.

His energetic, calm and unrestrained demeanor at work has been deeply imprinted on my heart.

Cheng Jiayang.

When I think about him like this, it's as if I really saw him, but he has a bad attitude, patting my face with one hand, "Idiot, don't study, stupid and lazy."

It hurt me.

Struggling hard to get up, I found that it was the dog Zuzu who hit me with his front paws.

I gave him the potato chips and he happily ran off.

I twisted my waist and continued to listen to the radio.

Cheng Jiayang

Xiaohua's program was re-broadcasted, and she was still radiant, noble and beautiful on TV.Because it reopened after the interruption, Xiaohua invited many celebrities to join in the congratulations.

The leader said to the camera: "This is a program for the future and for the public."

A well-known CEO in the city said: "I am in a good mood to do interviews here."

The famous director said: "What I appreciate most is the cultural atmosphere of this program."

The basketball star who came back from the United States said: "I like this show."

The newly promoted starlet said: "Hello everyone, my fourth is Jiang Manyu, please continue to support this romantic and warm show."

Gold and jade are beyond.

I saw her show in the ministry café.Working overtime at night, big shots have to talk on the phone with foreign dignitaries to exchange views on the Gulf issue, and I am here to stand by.There were a few colleagues from the Information Department nearby, discussing something, and I heard them say, "Oh, what a pity, what a pity."

"What's the pity?" I asked.

One replied: "A classmate of mine went to the Gulf for an interview, and his leg was blown off, and he still doesn't know how to get back." I froze for a moment.

"The child is still young, so take it with his ex-wife. He said he would not tell his parents in Qinghai."

"Is the surname Zhao? From Huaxin News Agency?"

"Ah yes. Jiayang, you also know?"

"heard about it."

My cell phone rang. It was Xiaohua. Her show just ended.

"Jiayang, what do you think the ratings are?"

"How many?"

"20.00%, a new high for talk shows. Is it amazing?"


I wanted to tell her about her colleague Lao Zhao, but I didn't say it out of my mouth.I heard someone on the other side of the phone say, congratulations.When she is so happy, why should I pour cold water on her?

"When do you get off work? Come pick me up."

"Me?" I looked around, "There are a lot of things to prepare today, I sleep in the duty room."

"Fine then. Call me."

In the evening I went back to the house where I lived with Jofi, and I rarely came here myself after she left.

Shower, drink water, surf the Internet.Coincidentally, "I don't believe I can't register" is also there.

I asked, "How is your novel?"

"It's almost there, it's finishing. Are you not busy?"

"Work done, go home and rest."

"Are there no women around?"


"Why haha?"

"There's no woman around."

"Strange, I thought you were in love."

"Why do you think so?"

"You haven't been here for a long time. Are you in love? Finally decided to fight again?"

"You can say whatever you want."

"What's the answer?"

"There's a woman. It's just..."

"It's just, isn't she the original one?"

Sure enough, he is a writer, and he can guess people's hearts through the Internet.I didn't answer her.

"You know," she typed out each word, "one cannot step into the same river twice. What about the old one? Do you know what she is now? What has she become?"

I clicked "Leave" right away.

Then lie in bed and smoke.

In the busy study, the days pass quickly.

Growth is subtle, both in humans and animals.

The little white dog has grown a lot, and the hair on his head blocks his eyes. I tied a braid for him, and now he looks very hippie.

In such high-intensity study, my classmates and I have also made some progress. Now listening to the effect of each practice recording, it is not so terrible.Teacher Wang said: "Thank God, Qiao Fei, I finally can't hear your spoken language."

I replied: "What's inside, Mr. Wang, I really didn't say 'what' on purpose, I just spoke Northeast dialect when I was in a hurry."

Mr. Wang's course ended before Christmas. I got [-] points and passed the pass. Most of the students in the class were still satisfied with their grades. We joined forces to invite Mr. Wang to have a meal at a famous restaurant in the city. .

From Christmas to New Year, French schools have a two-week holiday. Foreigners and students from Hong Kong, China, all went home for the holidays. Taiwanese students went to her boyfriend’s house in the Alps. The dormitory was empty. Bobo made a phone call and went to the supermarket to buy enough food for two weeks to prepare himself for the holiday.

Montpellier is also quite cold at this time, the leaves are falling all over the ground, and there is a small cool wind with humidity, but I feel cold, mostly because I am alone for the festival.When I went back to the dormitory alone with big bags and small bags, I told myself: next year for the holidays, I must have a thriving population and a full house of children and grandchildren!
At this time, light snow began to fall and floated leisurely on people's faces and bodies. I looked up and saw that they had penetrated into my eyes, melted and then flowed out, warm.

Suddenly someone said, "What did you do? It never snows here. What do you say you did to make it snow here?"

When I looked forward, my jaw almost dropped, and I said to this man: "Why does the government of the Republic support you like elementary school students, with so many holidays?"

Zuzu Ferrandi took the package in my hand and looked at me: "I escorted my sick comrade home, I got a day off, and I have to go back to Paris for duty tomorrow night."

I nodded and looked at him too: "Merry Christmas."

He is really strong, holding my things in his hand, and hugging me.

Hug the monster and say, "Merry Christmas."

I packed up and went to their house with Zuzu for the holidays, and met Ode, her boyfriend Corsica Jenjean, and their lovely parents.

Ferrandi's family is religious, so I prayed with them before the New Year's Eve dinner.

My prayers are actually some wishes in my heart. I hope that the people I love are safe, my parents, the neighbor’s aunt, the Ferrandi family in front of me, my good friends Xiaodan and Bobo; my Puppy, I hope he grows faster and bigger; also, Cheng Jiayang, I hope he is happy.

Cheng Jiayang

Foreigners have started their holidays, and we have a rare period of leisure.

On Christmas Day, Xiaohua and I went to see Mingfang's children.

I picked him up and took a closer look at his small face, his skin was as delicate as water, the curly hair on his head, and the child's body was soft. I shook him, and his toothless mouth opened into a smile. up.

Mingfang brought the fruit, and when she saw it, she was very happy: "My child is laughing at you, Jiayang will have good luck this year."

Her husband Zhou Nan said: "What good luck does Jiayang need?"

Mingfang looked at me, then at Xiaohua: "It's not about career, it's about life. What else do people want in this life?"

The baby moaned, and he didn't know where he was lying uncomfortably. I picked him up and patted him.

"Look, the posture is so standard, stop being an uncle, and be a daddy to our child."

Zhou Nan said, "What kind of salary do you get?"

I couldn't help it, so I laughed.

Xiaohua said: "I said you, sister, brother-in-law, have you watched my show recently?"

"Oh, by the way, I forgot to say congratulations to you. Now this style is more relaxed and beautiful than before." Zhou Nan said.

"Thank you. Next year's plan in the station, my column is a project that I strongly recommend. Hey, I don't know how busy I am."

The baby and I looked at each other, his eyes were transparent brown, I don't know if he can grow up to be such a beautiful color, like that person.

We ate at Mingfang's, and she invited a chef from a western restaurant to make a delicious steak.The children went to bed early, and we couldn't bear to disturb them, so we left after sitting for a while.Afterwards, the program is to go to nightclubs to meet friends, sing and dance, and spend time.

I sang a song with Xiaohua, and I don't know whose face it was, but it was full of applause.

I wanted to go outside to get some air, and in the corridor I ran into Mr. Liu whom I hadn't seen for a long time.I didn't want to speak, but was stopped by this man who smelled of alcohol.

"As for it, Cheng Er, I've been playing since childhood, why haven't I spoken yet?"

I look at him, what's the matter, I never want to talk to this person.

"I really want to ask you something, it's amazing, you sent that girl to France?"

It doesn't matter if he doesn't mention it, but when I mentioned it, I was instantly furious, and I couldn't control myself for some reason, and punched Mr. Liu in the face. Wanting to mend a few feet, seeing that he was drunk, he insisted on taking it.

Mr. Liu refused to accept it, and wiped his face: "I know about that girl, she was framed, right? Do you know who is to blame for this? Let me tell you, it's you, Cheng Jiayang, it's not you who lived so badly." Zhang Yang, who can go after her?"

I loosened my tie and walked outside. After a few steps, I saw Xiaohua standing on the side of the corridor, looking at me.

We went to her house at night, and we didn't talk much along the way. I think she seemed to have heard Mr. Liu's words, and I waited for the woman to interrogate her.I will tell her honestly that there is such a girl who dumped me.I'm not going to lie or hide.

But Wen Xiaohua didn't ask or say anything.

We went into her room and she turned around and kissed me.

She was very enthusiastic that night, we did it twice, and then she went to take a bath as usual, and I sat and smoked.

She came out of the bathroom and I was getting dressed.

She looked at me: "Why don't you stay here?"

"I'll go back to my place now, it will be more convenient for me to go to work tomorrow." I said.

She sat on the bed with her back to me, wiping her hair with a towel, and didn't speak for a long time.

I got dressed and was about to leave when I said, "I'm leaving."

Xiaohua didn't speak.

I walked over: "I will pick you up from get off work tomorrow."

She still didn't speak.

I put my hand on her shoulder and said, "Xiao Hua."

She turned her head, her face was covered with tears, and I froze there.

The woman choked up and said, "Jiayang, who do you think I am?"

I was very afraid of Wen Xiaohua like this, I was very afraid of her crying, my heart was sore and soft from her tears, I sat down slumped, hugged her slowly, patted her on the back, like Coax that little kid today.I slowly said: "Don't cry, Xiaohua, who do I think you are? You are my girlfriend."

Instead, she got worse and cried out loud, so I had no choice but to continue to speak softly, thinking in my head, yes, in movies and novels, women are supposed to be like this, obviously tears really work, at least This is the case with me.

I didn't leave that night.

Later, Xiaohua quickly prepared pajamas, stationery, and a complete set of daily necessities for me at her place, and we lived together.

(End of this chapter)

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