
Chapter 16 Dear Zuzu

Chapter 16 Dear Zuzu

My mother was able to speak suddenly, stroked my hair and said, "Is it hard work?"

I just laughed: "What's the hard work? I don't know how happy I am to live."

"Feifei, you've lost weight."

"That's why I keep exercising." I stood up, "I can skateboard now."

Whatever you want.There is a skateboard under my feet. I step on it and show it to my mother.Suddenly there was a gust of wind, and Zuzu Ferrandi slid past me, looking unrestrained and beautiful. Behind him was a puppy running fast.

I said, "Zuzu, slow down, wait for me."

As he said, he wanted to catch up with him, but Zuzu didn't turn his head back, and he was having fun under the shade of the tree. As he got farther and farther away from me, I became anxious and wanted to chase him. His movements changed shape, and I suddenly fell He fell to the ground, grinned in pain, and finally yelled out.

Breaking free from the dream in such pain, I opened my eyes, and the surroundings were covered with white snow. A foreigner's face was kind, and he asked me softly, "Miss, what's your name?"

It turns out that God is French, but luckily I learned the language.

"Am I in heaven?"

"Paris Sacred Heart Hospital."

"I hurt."

"You have many traumas on your body, but it doesn't matter, they are all minor injuries."

"I want to go out for a walk."

"It will take some time."

"Thank you. I am a Chinese student - Qiao Fei, currently studying at Paul Valery University."

"Very well, this is exactly what we have learned." The doctor smiled at me, "Your physical fitness is very good."

I lay in bed, aching, but feeling well.I probably have bandages all over my body, and I thought it would be interesting to take a picture of what I look like now, so I can take a look at it later.

"What happened, doctor?"

The one who has been talking to me is a kind-hearted middle-aged man. He pondered for a while: "There was an explosion at Gare de Lyon, and you were injured because of it."

My heart sank little by little: "I want to ask you, there was a military policeman who was by my side at that time, where is he now?"

"Mr. Zuzu Ferrandi?"


"At the time of the explosion, Mr. Ferrandi threw himself at the gangsters to protect you and the passengers on the scene. We did our best, but it's a pity."

I nodded.

My heart is quiet at this time.Some of the confusion I had since I was a child can be explained clearly.

It turns out that people really have souls after they pass away. I just dreamed about Zuzu, and he came to say goodbye to me.

He was still so shy and not talkative, so I called him and left without saying a word.

He was still a child, he got angry with me, and only gave me a back view.

Zuzu, I have offended you, you are so innocent and straightforward, my waywardness and ruthlessness have offended you.

I haven't had time to apologize.

Yes, Zuzu, you are angry with me, otherwise you will definitely take me there.

The doctor said: "Miss, please rest well."

"Sir," I slowly stopped the strange doctor, "do you know? Gendarmerie Mr. Ferrandi, only, he applied to go to Côte d'Ivoire for peacekeeping."

"He is here, madam, as well as he is for Paris," said the doctor.

I don't know if it's the pain in my body or my heart. I have been sleeping, and sometimes when I wake up, I also want to count sheep and continue to sleep.I always thought, Zuzu, he has such a good heart, he won't give me a chance, he will come to see me again.

When I woke up, I found that the gauze on my body was getting less and less. The doctor came to see me and said that I recovered very quickly.Some people came to see me, Chinese faces, and told me that they were teachers from the Education Section of the embassy who knew about my situation and came to express their condolences, telling me that international students also affect the hearts of the motherland and the government.They asked me about my treatment and living conditions, and if I had any other requests. I said, "Please don't let my parents know about this matter."

After a while, I was able to walk on the ground, but my hands were still bandaged. The doctor said that the injuries there were very serious and I needed to rest well, otherwise my activities would be hindered.I often take a walk in the garden myself. Time flies. It is early summer, and Paris now has sunshine comparable to that of the south.Sometimes I sit on a bench in the garden for an entire afternoon, thinking of Zuzu in my heart all the time.

Someone came to see me, it was Ode.

It's already a holiday at the university, and my thesis has been postponed for submission.When Ode came to Paris, she has already helped me complete the school graduation procedures, and the house has been rented out. She also packed my luggage for me and stored it in the office of the Chinese Federation of Students.

She is so thoughtful, I don't know how to thank her, and I don't know how to pay back what I owe to their siblings.

Ode gave me a cigarette, lit another himself, and we sat in the garden.

"When Zuzu just left, I told myself that I would never see you again." She blew a smoke ring, "I am such a good brother. But, later I thought, if he was here, Zuzu would do this for you of."


"Zuzu was buried wearing the French flag. His comrades-in-arms helped the spirit. He was buried in the National Cemetery of Heroes in Paris. Would you like to visit him?" Ode said, and continued to smoke.

"Can I, Ode?" I asked.

She looked at me for a long time, then reached out and hugged me: "You have to know, Fei, it's not your fault. God took him away, and there must be other errands for him to do."

I went to visit Zuzu myself and found him in a corner of the Heroes Cemetery.The tombstone is unpretentious, and the epitaph comes from his troops, with a few words, and it is very simple: Zuzu Ferrandi, young gendarme, associate corporal of the blue helmets, stay here for Paris.

There are some flowers beside the tomb. I don’t know who has visited him. I put the white lilies I gave him together with those flowers. My face is very close to his tombstone. His name was on it, and I said, "Zuzu, are you cold?"

"Zuzu, this time, I'll hug you, okay?"

As I said that, I put my body on his tomb, it's so cold, Zuzu, let me warm you up this time.

Someone walked by beside me, I raised my head, and it turned out to be the old woman I met on the train the day I came to Paris.I look at her and she looks at me.

"What's wrong with you?" she asked.

"My friend died."

"What's the matter?"


"Look at so many people here, they are happier over there, believe it or not?"

"I don't believe it. It's cold over there. My friend is from the south and he won't feel well."

"How do you know? Have you been? It's nice over there. Not like you think."

"How do you know? Have you been there?"


"Then you take me there."

She looked at me contemptuously: "Huh. I tell you, they just went to another place, just like my François.

"Do you understand? For them, everything is not over, everything is just beginning."

The old woman is still so beautiful and weird, crazy.

But I listened to her last words in my ears, everything is not over, everything has just begun.

I would like to believe it.

To be on the safe side, the doctor took off the bandages on my hands on the day I was discharged from the hospital.I looked at my palm, which I hadn't seen for a long time, and there was a healed red scar on it, embedded in my already messy hand lines.

Suddenly, the palm of the hand grew entangled curves.

I laughed, the kind-hearted Zuzu didn't leave me, he stayed in my life forever like this.

As I was walking out of the hospital, another thing happened.

The ambulance arrived, and the patients brought in on the stretcher were bloody and bloody. When the doctor handed over the patient, he said it was a car accident.

I stopped and heard the patient moaning, saying in Chinese: "Save my life quickly."

I followed the injured Chinese all the way to the emergency room. He was awake and said in Chinese: "Help me."

The French doctor asked me: "Are you a family member of the patient?"

I said, "No, I'm also Chinese, come and see if I can help you."

"Thank you, miss, well, please keep talking to him," ordered the doctor.

"Hello." I said to the patient.

"not good."

"who are you?"

"Huang Weide, technical consultant of Michelin China, my passport is in my coat pocket." When he said this, he was so angry that his mouth was bleeding.

I heard the doctors here say: "The injury is not serious, but there is a small amount of internal bleeding. Not good, the amount of bleeding has increased." They looked at Huang Weide, who was still conscious, and said to me, "Miss, may I ask the patient if he has received medical treatment before? Intra-abdominal surgery."

I translated the words and asked this person.

He pointed his index finger to the pocket of his jacket, and then passed out.

The nurse opened his pocket, and found his passport and a plastic-sealed health information card in it. His age, weight, blood type, and medical history were clearly written on it, and a sentence was written in bold type below: I underwent liver segment resection in September last year. The attending physician is Dr. Cheng Jiaming, Chief Physician of Hepatobiliary Surgery of Union Medical College Hospital, telephone ××××××××.

I froze for a moment, I knew the name.

I told the nurse about the situation, and she asked the doctor who was treating Huang Weide for instructions.While ordering to push Huang to the operating room, the doctor told me that the patient's condition is complicated, please contact his attending doctor in China, we need his assistance.

"Miss, would you like to help?"

"I'll do my best," I said.It is important to save lives. Although I am a little apprehensive in the face of things I have never experienced before and unfamiliar scenes, I know that I am definitely not the same person I was back then: "Where should I call, doctor?"

"Operating room."

The following shot is like the American TV series "The Story of the Emergency Room".

In the electronic control room of the operating room, I was calling Dr. Cheng Jiaming to China through the Internet, and at the same time I was searching for the words I had learned before in my head.

The phone was connected, but after three rings, someone answered: "Hello?"

Before my eyes, the French doctor had already opened Huang Weide's abdomen, and saw a lot of blood.But next to my ears, there was a voice that resembled Cheng Jiayang.

"Is it Dr. Cheng Jiaming?"

"it's me."

I gestured OK to the French doctor, and the translator said, "This is the Sacred Heart International Hospital in Paris, France. We have just admitted your patient Huang Weide. He is bleeding internally. The doctor just opened his abdominal cavity and the operation is in progress."

The other side of the phone pondered for a while, and within half a minute, Cheng Jiaming said: "Yes, I have opened the patient Huang Weide's information, and I am ready to answer all your questions at any time."

Doctors from China and France conducted dialogues through the Internet and performed joint treatment, and I did consecutive interpretation.

French doctor: "The internal organs are bleeding, but there are no wounds so far."

Cheng Jiaming: "When the segment was resected, the suture was on the left side of the central vein, please check."

French doctor: "Here the wound is completely healed and there is no rupture."


The words of the two doctors are like military passwords. No matter in French or Chinese, there is not a single redundant word, and I will do my best to deal with it.

I heard the assistant reporting Huang Weide's blood pressure and heartbeat to the doctor in the operating room.At this time, my heart is beating like a drum.

French doctor: "Internal bleeding continues."

The assistant puts on a new blood bag for the patient and continues the blood transfusion.

Cheng Jiaming didn't respond.

"Doctor Cheng?" I said.

"Yes, I'm remembering." His voice was very calm, and for a moment, "Please check the left lobule. Three weeks ago, the patient came to my office for a physical examination. There were signs of cysts, but the diagnosis has not yet been made."

I translated to a French doctor.

After a while, he said: "There is a mass in the left leaflet, the posterior part is ruptured, and a bleeding point is found, and it is ready to be sutured. Thank you, Dr. Cheng."

I translated the French words to Cheng Jiaming. I felt that the two doctors seemed to have solved the major problem. I also breathed a sigh of relief. It didn't take long and I didn't talk much, but I seemed to have exhausted my energy and my body was covered with sweat. .

"I am honored to be able to help." Cheng Jiaming said, "Give my regards to Mr. Huang Weide. In addition, Mr. Huang suffers from diabetes. Please use normal saline for fluid rehydration after surgery."

I translated to the French doctor, his assistant recorded.

"Thank you, Dr. Cheng, the situation is under control," I said.

"Your translation is excellent. Are you a Chinese doctor?"

"Thank you, I am a professional translator."

"I seem to have heard your voice before." Cheng Jiaming said.

I froze for a moment.

"It's possible, but there are too many similar voices in this world."


Cheng Jiayang

I crossed another name, closed the file, and handed it to the colleague from the HR department who came with me.

He looked at me: "Why can't this work?"

"Business is not enough."

"If you choose this way again, there will be no one to send you to Europe."

"Ning Que Wu Lan." I stood up and walked to the window.

This is the School of Foreign Languages, and it is the beginning of the summer of another year. I, who is in charge of training new translators, came here to select outstanding undergraduate graduates for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Students who pass the exam will be assigned to corresponding departments and overseas embassies and consulates, and the best ones will be retained as high-level translation bureaus. After further training and training, they will become the top elites in the domestic translation industry.

"Come here." I said, "You go back first, I'll go see the teacher."

"Not good. Don't you have one French? This year, you don't want anyone in the high game?"

"Who said no? No one is allowed to take my spot." I looked at him, "You forgot, the one we sent out."

I went to see Professor Wang, the head of the department. He welcomed me in and asked me, "Jiayang, how are you doing? How many people have you chosen?"

I shook my head: "Have you heard from Qiao Fei?"

"I don't know as much as you do." The director said, "She has been discharged from the hospital and has not contacted us again. I don't know when she will return to school. They will graduate soon. This child is too capricious."

"Yes, too capricious." I said.

I totally agree.

After I returned from Belgium, I learned that there was an explosion at the Lyon train station. The embassy had confirmed news that Joffi was injured in the explosion.This day was April [-]th. On that day, I was in Paris, and she kept telling me on the phone that Joffi, who was taking the exam in Montpellier, was also in Paris.

I bought a plane ticket in a daze, and I'm going back to Paris right away.

On the way to the airport by car, I suddenly felt neither anxious nor distressed.

I think of a story in "The Arabian Nights". The devil was sealed in a jar and thrown to the bottom of the sea. He hoped to be rescued when he was in trouble, and he made a wish to thank the person who rescued him.Time passed, the rewards increased, and the first few treasures became eternal life, and became the treasures of the whole world, but still no one came to rescue him.Hundreds of years later, the fisherman finally salvaged him, and the devil's reward at this time was to kill him.

I remembered that when we were together, I gave my pleasure and pain to this woman, who said nothing to me, and often disappeared, making up reasons; after we parted, I tried countless times to see her again, and I came At school, I chased her to her house, and I went to Paris, but I couldn't meet each other.

What made her so determined to me?

But she is still there, it is a minor injury, God help me.

I turned a corner in the car and went back to the ministry to continue working.

I am very sure.Qiao Fei, she has to come back, she has to see me, I can't lose in a mess.

Uncle Huang woke up, looked at me, recognized me, and said, "Thank you, girl! I don't know what it would be like without you."

He has a northern accent, and when he wakes up after the operation, he speaks in a rough voice, which shows that his bones are quite strong.

I asked, "Uncle, why did you come to Paris by yourself without speaking French?"

"Oh." He sighed first, "Get me a cigarette."

"Don't be ridiculous, this is a hospital, and I won't be allowed to smoke. Do you still want to smoke?"

"Fuck, to say that foreign devils are immoral."

I said in my heart, it was the foreign devils who saved your life, so I just said that.chuff.

"What's your business? Should I go to the embassy or your company? Is there anyone to take care of you?"

"No. It's useless to find anyone. I can't trust these people, hey, aren't you here?"

"I'm an international student, and I'm going back to my country. I used to live in this hospital. I came to help you when you were pushed in on the day you were discharged from the hospital. My air ticket is all booked, so I have to go." I said, "The delay is so long. For a long time, I have to go back to school to get my graduation certificate."

"Why are you so unsympathetic?"

"How do you want me to sympathize with you?"

Lao Huang laughed: "Just kidding, I'm afraid I don't have time to thank you."

"No need." I thought about it, "I'll go to the China area to find you a special nurse. There are many middle-aged women there who can work and can speak French."

"Then I have to trouble you again. You can find me a clean, sharp, and better-looking one. I don't care about the money." He was quite picky.

"I'll try my best."

I took the subway to the China District next to Plaza Italia, where there are many Chinese migrants working as refugees, and the tips for finding a job are posted on the boards of Chinese shops.I found Lao Huang an aunt who used to be a nurse in China.Considering Lao Huang's nature revealed in a few words, the man I'm looking for is in his 40s, who is about the same age as him.

Lao Huang stared at me with a tube stuck in his nose: "Didn't you tell me to find a better looking one for me?"

"You got it. Where do you think this is? It would be nice to find someone who can work and who can speak French. That's all. I'm leaving. I'll go back to China the day after tomorrow. Goodbye."

"Hey girl, I still have something to ask you."


"You are returning home..."

"I graduated and returned to China to find a job." I said.

"What job are you looking for?"

"I learned translation, professional counterparts."

"Let me help you. I will go back after recovering from my illness. I will give you my personal business card. You go to Shanghai to find me, and I will arrange a job for you."

I thought about it, and before I answered, Lao Huang said, "You can't believe it? You don't know what I do, do you?"

This person is so rough, why is he still working as a technical consultant for Michelin?I don't know what you do?I know you only have half a liver, and you have diabetes, and your blood type is AB.

"What do you think? How much do you pay for your salary? You saved my life. But how many graduates do you know who want to go to big companies in Shanghai?"

It should sound good, anyway, it is a way, I said: "Okay, please give me my contact information, and I will also give you my domestic phone number and contact information."

Lao Huang gave me his business card, and there was a stack of banknotes underneath. I took it, wow, the amount is quite a lot.

He looked at me: "You keep the money. I can't touch you, I can't get in touch with Dr. Cheng, maybe the elder brother will tell me here." This man is very good at pretending to be small, he is over 50 years old, and he still calls himself "big brother" to me.

I held the euro he gave me in my hand, and I did my best, so I picked it up with peace of mind.

"Yo, from the National Foreign Court? No wonder."

I said goodbye to Lao Huang and finally left the hospital.In two days, I will go back to China. This is the end of my one-year study abroad life in France. When I think about it, I am really grateful to Lao Huang.I think I still got a chance to do a good thing before I left, otherwise, this once so happy life would really end with Zuzu's departure.

I went to the long-awaited Versailles and Fontainebleau. Before leaving, I bought a large bouquet of flowers to see Zuzu. I said, I will still skateboard in the future, and I will come back to see you in the future. Yes, forget about you.

Returning to China is flying all the way east, walking against time, stepping on the land of China, counting the jet lag, and unknowingly, a whole day has been lost in my life.

Exit and entry, change the world.

There are many passengers at the Capital Airport, and the faces of compatriots are seen again, speaking the most familiar language. Some people say goodbye, some reunite, laughter, tears, and calm faces. This is something that has been repeated over the years. The airport is a small world. .

I first called the neighbors at home, asked my aunt and my parents to report that they were safe, and then went back to school to report.

It was Sunday, and there was no one in the teaching building. I carried my luggage and walked to the dormitory. Passing by the playground, I saw that it was very lively. Some students were playing basketball, and the cheerleaders cheered loudly.

I was also quite tired, so I put down my things and wanted to take a rest and watch the game by the way.Before I squatted down, someone behind me said to me: "Do not defecate."

I was so angry, I turned around and grabbed the man's neck with my arms: "Who are you talking about, who are you talking about, Bobo? I haven't fixed you for a year, are you skin tight?"

She threw me away, alas, this girl is good at not seeing her skills for a year, she said: "I'm ashamed to say, when you came back, don't say anything, the whole world thinks you are missing."

The two of us yelled and scuffled together, Xiaodan suddenly appeared, and said in the voice of Crayon Shinchan: "Si Sui (who) put all the animals out? In Zhe (here) Mess around?"

I hugged her to join the battle, and finally got tired, the three of us stopped and laughed.

Xiao Dan said, "Our three flowers are together again."

I said: "Three flowers, soil or soil? They are the Three Musketeers."

Bobo said: "You are so stupid—clearly there are three big mountains."

I'm about to graduate, and the work is basically settled.Xiaodan works in the head office of the Youth Travel Agency; Bobo was admitted to Air France as an in-flight interpreter, and his salary is enviable; the other students in our class have also found good jobs.They asked about me who was always late and early, and I had no clue.Everyone said that Qiao Fei studied very well and came back from studying abroad at public expense, so she must have no problem finding a job.But now, there are too many graduates and returning international students, and there are too many people to deal with, so we have to hurry up. After July, when the relationship with the school is terminated, the files will be returned to the original place, and it will be difficult to transfer to a big city.

We talked about these things at the dinner table where I was greeted, and I was very anxious when I heard it.Find a job at a time, and graduate in such a precarious manner, the problem of livelihood in the future is clearly in front of you.

"What kind of job are you looking for?" a boy in our class asked, "We'll keep an eye out for you, too."

"I'm not too sure about it myself. I might go to Shanghai to have a look. Maybe there are job opportunities there. However, I still want to be a professional translator."

"Hey, being a professional translator is pretty good, but," said a classmate, "most of the jobs we look for now are related to specific businesses, and French is just a supplement or a backup knowledge at all."

"And there are people who don't use it at all," said another.The job she found was to act as an agent for a pharmaceutical brand in Guangzhou, and she said goodbye to French completely. It must be some kind of line of business to make a lot of money."

"Yes, drink and drink."

Everyone agrees and raises their glasses.

I drank a lot, happy and sad at the same time, the students in our class got along well, now that I am back, we are going to break up again soon.

In college days, the sky was blue and time was slow.

But you can't look back.

That night, I was dreaming, and I forgot all the plot, and kept saying goodbye, goodbye, goodbye until I woke up the next morning.

(End of this chapter)

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