
Chapter 18 Fire

Chapter 18 Fire
Except for weekends, I take classes in the ministry every day, learning some entries and sentence patterns with Chinese characteristics, and most of the time I do consecutive and simultaneous interpretation exercises, just like what I did in Montpellier .Sometimes I will be a trainee with a big interpreter in meetings with foreign guests where the atmosphere is a little more relaxed.I eat three meals a day at work, so I still have a salary of more than 2000 yuan. Of course, this is not worth mentioning in a big city, but I am already very satisfied.

I sometimes see Jiayang.When we were in class, he would come over occasionally to say hello to teachers and classmates.I pretended to ask Mr. Wu: "Why does that Senior Brother Cheng always come?"

"He is in charge of arranging training for new translators."

"In addition to being an interpreter, he still cares about us?"

"Those who can do more work." The teacher said.

Our class has another fan of Jiayang.As soon as he came, there was a little commotion among the female students.I was very angry in my heart, graduated, you know?Why do you still think of yourself as a little girl?This dissatisfaction was inadvertently revealed during lunch one day.A girl from the Shanghai Foreign Academy pointed out sharply: "Qiaofei, if you don't say anything, who knows what's going on in your heart."

There are also people who beat back like this?I was so angry that I couldn't hold back and laughed.

Suddenly their attention was not on me.

Someone waved: "Senior brother, senior brother, come and sit here."

I looked back, Cheng Jiayang came over with a plate, and the drink he took was a box of iced green tea.

He was sitting at our table, and everyone talked to him in a hurry, the content of the chat was very superficial, just talking for the sake of talking, and Jiayang always socialized with a good temper.

After I finished eating, I inserted a straw to drink milk, chatted, cheered, and laughed.

Zhao Pengyuan and a few boys also came over to chat after dinner, we are quite familiar at this time.

Xiao Zhao asked Jiayang: "Brother, when can we decide where to distribute?"

Jiayang said: "After the [-]th. This is the time in previous years." He looked up at me at this time: "After the [-]th."

After finishing his meal, he was about to leave with green tea, and said to us: "You guys stay a little longer, I'm going back to the office."

He walked by me, and I opened my mouth and said, "Brother, drinking tea after eating is very bad for the stomach."

Jiayang stopped, looked at me, and looked at the tea in his hand: "Really? Ah, thank you. I just want to refresh myself." He said and left.

I remembered that he once said that once he had a severe stomachache.

This afternoon, Mr. Wu took a lot of literature and materials for us to translate.Everyone complained, weekend, so much homework, this is not allowed to live.

The teacher said, isn't this good for you?What is translation? Translation is to be better prepared than anyone else. It is better to ask you to do more things now than to be speechless when you encounter problems in the future.

We really couldn’t do it before get off work, so we divided it into pieces, and each person took part of the material, took it back to do it, and then collected it on Monday and handed it to the teacher.

I flip through fairly quickly, and I plan to stay in the office and finish before leaving.First, the dictionaries and materials here are relatively complete; second, I basically understand the habits of Xiao Deng who lives with me. Her boyfriend will come over on weekends, so I try to give them more space.

I ate in the cafeteria, bought some snacks and went back to work.The cafeteria made eggplant for dinner. I made a mistake and ate too much. When I turned to the end, I fell asleep in a daze.

When he woke up again, he was woken up by someone pushing his arm.

I thought it was a dream, because Jiayang was in front of me.

I just looked at him and my head hurt.

Jiayang took out a handkerchief from his pocket, and wiped my mouth for me: "Did you get your face pinched too much when you were young, why are you so big, and you still drool while sleeping?"

It turns out that it is not a dream, so there are many interesting things that cannot be done.

I sighed and packed my things.

There's a little left to flip through, I'll have to take it home and make it again.

"Are you working so hard?" he said.

"No way, too much homework. What time is it?"

"Ten o'clock."

"What about you, it's so late?"

"I just wrote a material, and I saw that the lights are on here, so I came over to have a look."

He turned off the lights in our office and we went downstairs together.

At this time, some departments of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs are still brightly lit, colleagues are still busy coming in and out, and chefs from the cafeteria are still coming up to deliver supper.

When we went outside, Jiayang asked me, "How do I go back?"


He looked at me: "I'll see you off."


"What are you talking about?"

I followed him to the parking lot and got into his car.

He lowered his head, said nothing, and helped me fasten my seat belt.

"My home is on Yuquan Road."


I was sitting in this car I was so familiar with, and beside me was a man I was so familiar with.We go through the city.

At this time, the big city does not have the heat and hustle and bustle during the day, but at night, it looks a little quiet and gentle, which is still bearable.

I opened the window, leaned on the back of the chair, looked out at the night scene intently, and felt the moist evening wind blowing on my face.

I drove until I lived downstairs in the old-fashioned residential building, and I said, "How do you know I live here?"

"I saw the form you filled out."


"Which floor do you live on?"

"The third floor."

In the dark night, the light on Jiayang's car emits a dark yellow halo. His face and eyes are especially vivid and beautiful when viewed at this time.

"It's getting late," I said.

"Yeah," he said.

"Go back."

"it is good."

I opened the door and got out of the car, walked to the door and said to him, "Thank you."

He shook his head in the car.

I went home and opened the door by myself. Xiao Deng was watching TV in his room, but her boyfriend didn't come.I ran to the balcony and saw Jiayang's car leaving.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Deng followed me to the balcony, and she asked, "What? Who sent you back?"

"Why do you care so much?"

"A very expensive car."

I walked back and felt hungry again, so I boiled instant noodles and ate them.

I said, "Why didn't your boyfriend come today?"

She didn't answer me, I looked at her after eating, but I saw that she was in a strange shape.

Xiao Deng sat cross-legged on the sofa, put his hands on his knees apart, pressed his thumbs against his middle fingers, closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

"Why have you practiced Qigong?"

"Ignorant child, don't speak nonsense, my sister is practicing yoga." She said slowly.

"If you want to lose weight, why don't I teach you the twisting yangko at our house." I said while eating tomatoes.

I watched Xiao Deng slowly adjust her breathing, and then she stood up suddenly, rushed to me, and said, "I won't fix you today, you little bastard, I'm sorry for myself."

I was so scared that the tomatoes all dropped.

When we were brushing our teeth together at night, Xiao Deng told me: "My one, I broke up with him."

"Why? What's the reason? You were all well last week, haven't you all been well for six years?"

"Including high school, it's been nine years." She spat out the toothpaste foam, "What can I do, I think it's really hard to be with him. I don't earn as much as I do, and we often travel out of town. How can we have the money to get married? What about the house? How will the children be raised?"

"If you break up with him, you will have it?" I asked, speaking rudely.

"At least I feel less stressed, and I don't have to think about others anymore, just be happy." She washed and wiped her face, and looked at me in the mirror.

"If I look again, I will definitely find a rich man. At least in this city, someone with a car and a house."

Xiao Deng was right. Real life makes everything so easy to change, not to mention the inherently impermanent human heart.

Cheng Jiayang

In September, a national conference was held, publicity, reception of foreign guests, press release, and translation of foreign comments. We have been busy for a whole month.After Qiao Fei and the others studied and improved, their performance rankings gradually became clear.During the meeting, Qiao Fei also participated in the translation work, and her level has really improved, which is impressive.After the [-]th, we will distribute according to their results, and Qiao Fei will stay in the high turnaround, which is basically a certainty. Of course, this is by no means my own idea.

An interesting incident happened during the meeting, and Jofi even caught the attention of our director.

The mother of the senior representative of the French Communist Party who served as an observer came to China with her.The old lady turned out to be a deaf-mute person. We had no preparations in advance, and the reception process was very troublesome. Qiao Fei was originally working at the meeting site. After learning about the situation, she rushed to the hotel to rescue the scene and accompanied the representative in the next few days. and her mother's visit.The foreign guests were deeply impressed by her, and before leaving, they expressed their deep gratitude to the Ministry and Qiao Fei personally.

I heard about this incident later, and the director asked me, is this girl newly recruited?How can sign language?

I said: "You forgot, I told you about her, the one from the National Foreign Academy, the one we sent out last year in a cooperation project with the Ministry of Education."

"Really?" The director was very happy, "This little girl is good, I think she is also good at French, Jiayang, let's stay, one person can be used as two translators."

"You know how to do business too, how much salary do you pay?" I said with a smile.

I sometimes think that the potential and vitality of this young newcomer are really enviable. There are always infinite possibilities in front of her, and she will shine at the slightest chance.She said thank you, but I knew very well, with me or without me, in the talented foreign ministry or anywhere else, that she was too remarkable a woman to be ignored.

The weather was slightly cooler. Xiaohua caught a cold at this time. It was only a mild symptom. She worked while sick, which made her symptoms worse and she got acute pneumonia.

Fortunately, after finishing the conference, I had a little respite and had time to take care of her. After staying in the hospital not long ago, I took her home.

In the evening, I made porridge for her to drink, and blew on it before bringing it to her mouth. Xiaohua opened her mouth, didn't eat, and shed tears in a daze.

"What is this for? As for it?" I put the porridge down, "Isn't it a few days of work delay? It's like eleventh in advance. You're busy all year long and you don't have to rest. Isn't that good?"

She shook her head: "No, Jiayang, it's not for this matter." She cried more, looked at me under the light, held my hand, and stuck it to her face: "Thank you. Without you , I don’t even know what to do.”

Xiaohua's words, I can understand.

People like us are well-clothed and famous, but our hearts are fragile. We want warmth and comfort when we are hurt.

I helped her up, wiped her tears, and fed her porridge in a soft voice.

Like, what another guy once did for me.

Before November, Xiaohua's body had almost recovered, and she discussed with me that she wanted to go to Dalian for vacation.

I was drinking water when I heard her say this, a sip of water stuck in my throat, I swallowed it, and held back my cough.

"There is so much time, why go to Dalian, it's too close?" I said.

"I remember that time when you were on my show, I asked you, where is your favorite place to travel, and you said Dalian. Don't you remember?"

I didn't say anything, and it seemed that there was something like what she said.

It has been two years since the last time I went to Dalian.It was with Qiao Fei that time, time was so fast, two years.

"Aren't you willing to go?" Xiaohua said.

"No, whatever you want, we will go if you want. Dalian, the scenery is really nice."

She was very happy: "That's it, Jiayang."

In the cafeteria, I ran into that new class of classmates again. While eating, I saw Fei talking, and everyone listened carefully, and then laughed.She's telling jokes again.

They asked me to come and eat with them.

Xiao Zhao said: "Qiao Fei, tell the joke again for the senior brother."

Qiao Fei said to him: "You repeat it, I see if you remember it."

I said, "Let me tell you one."

They are in high spirits.

"A said: Recently, I am working part-time.

"B asked: Where is it?
"A said: mental hospital.

"B said: What are you doing?
"A said: be studied."

Everyone laughed, and Qiao Fei said with a dull face: "Then what happened next, brother?"

The laughter grew louder, and I laughed too, looking at her.

During the meal, everyone discussed the arrangements for November. According to the usual practice, the Ministry arranged for them to go to the reservoir in the suburbs to play.

A female classmate asked, "Brother, are you going?"

"Me? I won't go." I said, "This is a benefit for those who have just joined the ministry."

"Hey, senior brother, how did you spend your eleventh day?"

"I'm going to Dalian."

Qiao Fei ate with a dull head, and the food was delicious.

"It's not alone, is it?" someone said.

I smiled, shook my head, and didn't answer.

"Ah, I graduated from Dalian Foreign Academy." A girl said, "Brother, do you need a tour guide?"

"Thank you, thank you," I said, "I'll see you if I need you."

Qiao Fei said, "Hey, Zhao Pengyuan, don't you drink your yogurt? Give it to me."

However, Xiaohua and I did not go to Dalian for vacation. She changed her plan and went to an island.

"Why don't you go to Dalian again?" I said.

"After the [-]th, there must be a lot of people going to Dalian. How nice it is for us to go to the island. It's quiet and the air is good."

"It's up to you anyway."

"I know you are willing to go to Dalian with me," she said, trying on a custom-made hat at a designer store. "It's very important to me," she said with a smile.

"Hey, Jiayang, look, there seems to be something wrong with this hat."

I looked at her: "It's pretty good, what's the matter?"

"Look, this side is a little slanted."



After she put down her hat, she called the store and negotiated a few words. The other party explained that it was the peak season and the master was too busy to come out and asked us to send it for revision.

Xiaohua was very angry: "I didn't do well, so we have to send it away."

I said, "Come on, don't go, you're in good health. I'll go."

Xiaohua said: "That's fine too. But, Jiayang, you don't have to wait, let them bring it to me."

On the way there, I drove very slowly. The sunshine in September was so good that I was lazy.

I found that famous store in an alley deep in the old commercial street, and when I was about to park, I saw Qiao Fei.She was carrying a handbag, wearing a green skirt, looking left and right, wandering on the street.

I looked at her from afar and smiled slightly.

This is the person in my heart.

I honked my horn and got out of the car, and she saw me.

"Let's sit somewhere. Do you have time?" I asked.

"Okay." She said, looking at me with bright eyes, "but where are you going?"

"Are you hungry? Let's go eat hot pot."

"Go to eat Maodu hot pot, I know a small restaurant, I treat guests."

"Okay, you lead the way."

It was a pleasure to see her, I opened the car door for her and she pointed inside to look at me.

On the co-pilot's seat, there is a box containing Xiao Hua's expensive lady's hat.

I awkwardly took it out and put it on the back seat.

The place Fei took me to was not far away. It was a small but very chic and clean shop.Maodu hot pot tastes really good, we ordered a lot of food, and a little white wine.

I was hungry, and she was also hungry. We didn't say anything, and we solved the stomach problem first.

Fee drank a lot, and I remember she was quite a drinker.

I poured a little for myself, but she pressed my hand: "Hey, don't drink, just eat and drink Sprite, and you have to drive later."

I didn't know how to hold her hand on mine, and I didn't speak, my heart was beating very fast.

Fortunately, she didn't withdraw her hand.

I looked at her, she looked at me, and there was a steaming red oil hot pot between us.

Fei's small face was red, and her eyes were misty.

"Phi, I have something to ask you." I said slowly.

She looks at me.

"That day, the day we made an appointment, you went to Paris, didn't you?"

She nodded.

"Why did you lie to me that you didn't go? Why didn't you go to see me? How did you get involved in the bombing?"

Today, I must ask clearly.

She didn't answer me right away.Slowly turn over the hand I was holding.

I saw a light red scar on her white palm, which was shocking.

"I went to Paris, but I was with another guy, Jiayang, a boy. We used to get along very well in France," she said to me clearly, little by little. It hurt my heart, "We were at the Gare de Lyon, there was an explosion, and he died trying to save me. I can't forget him."


"Zuzu Ferrandi, cadet gendarme, buried under the flag, you must have read that name in the papers.

"I think of him, and feel that he hasn't left yet. Look at the scars on my hands—he was with me. Jiayang, this is how I am now."

I let go of her hand, and after I felt my internal organs were frozen, I let Jofi break them one by one with a small hard hammer.

Qiao Fei drank the white wine in the small cup and smiled brightly: "Take me home, Jiayang."

When I got home, Xiaohua seemed to ask me about the hat. I didn't know what I said, so I fell asleep on the bed.

Xiaohua didn't ask me about the hat again. We went to an island not far from the big city on the National Day of 'Eleventh'.The island is sparsely populated and the environment is very good. There are only resorts for senior cadres.

Our room was on the third floor facing the sea and the black reef.

Xiaohua and I watched the sea view on the balcony, leaned into my arms and said, "Jiayang, I hope we will always be like this, together, just the two of us."

I held her hand: "Okay, Xiaohua, okay."

But this night, I dreamed that I was not here.

In Dalian, on the beach at night, it was raining, and Qiao Fei and I were lingering together; but suddenly, this place became the Gare de Lyon again, the woman I love, surrounded by other men whose faces cannot be seen clearly, I know that here There's going to be an explosion, but I can't let him be by her side, I want to run over and die, and it has to be me, I die to save her.However, I can't run away from time, I can't run away from explosives, there is a loud bang, and the heat wave hits.I yelled Jofi!
I woke up thinking I was still in a dream.

The room was scorching hot and filled with smoke and fire.

It was a holiday on October [-], and I slept comfortably at home for two days. I didn't wash my face until I ran out of ammunition and food and went downstairs to the supermarket to buy something.

In front of the yogurt counter, a brand is having a promotion.

Things that are on sale probably don't sell well.I went over to have a look, and the waiter brought me a cup of mint-flavored yogurt.

I said, "Hey, like toothpaste, who would like this taste?"

The waiter looked at me and said with a mysterious smile: "After eating, the breath is fresh, which adds to the fun. Think about it, who wouldn't want to kiss someone who just brushed their teeth?"

It makes sense.

I remembered that I used to be with Jiayang, one day, he ate mint ice cream and wanted to be intimate with me, there was a delicious taste in his mouth.

The waiter misunderstood the way I was intoxicated with memories, and gave me a dozen: "How about it? Buy three and get one free."

"Thank you. I'm single." I rejected her with a smile, and pushed the car away.

I'm going to buy miso and dip it in cucumbers when I get home.

Someone called me from an unknown number.

I picked it up: "Hello?"

"Comrade Xiao Qiao."

"Hello, chief engineer Huang Weide."

"Yo, did you hear it all at once?"

"You don't see what I do."

Lao Huang laughed on the phone: "If you have time, come out and invite you to dinner."

"You are here now?"

"Otherwise what would I do with you?"


No matter who it is, it is a lonely disperser who appears at this time, not to mention, it is my old friend in France, and Lao Huang is really happy and interesting.I accepted the invitation with pleasure, and we settled for dinner at a Spanish club.

I tidied up at home and took a taxi to go there.When I arrived, Lao Huang was already there. Opposite him, with his back to me, sat another person, whose back made me feel so familiar and kind.

When Lao Huang came over, he hugged me and said, "Qiao Fei, you look very good."

"It's vacation, sleep well."

I was talking to him, and I saw the other man turn his head and stand up.

"He, you have to know him, my doctor and good friend——Dr. Cheng Jiaming, you were on the phone." Lao Huang introduced, and then said to another person, "Jiaming, this is my sister, my real sister, Qiao Fee."

Yes, I can recognize this face and this name.

There was once a meeting, on the beach outside the city, Jiayang got drunk that day, and his brother picked him up.

Once on the phone, I did consecutive interpretation for him and the French doctor. Cheng Jiaming said, your voice is a little familiar.

Now I am face to face with Cheng Jiaming, I shake hands with him, I look at this face that is exactly like Jiayang.

Ah, I don't know how to deal with such a complicated matter.

I just pray that this person doesn't have as good a memory as I do.

"You said you are an overseas student, do you work?" Cheng Jiaming asked me as we sat down to drink.

"Graduated, I am now working in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs." I answered honestly.

"No wonder you don't go to my place anymore." Lao Huang poured tea for me, "Are you working as a full-time translator there? What I know is that you may still go to parties abroad, right?"

"Before the [-]th, I have been studying. Whether I will stay in the high school or go abroad, I will know after the [-]th." I said.

I saw Lao Huang put a big spoonful of sugar in his black tea.

"Hey, Lao Huang, don't you have diabetes?"

"You are so loud, do you want to tell everyone here?" Cheng Jiaming said.

I looked at him: "You are his doctor, don't you care?"

Lao Huang laughed heartily and drank tea by himself, depending on how Cheng Jiaming dealt with me.

"What the hell?" he said.

"Control your diet to ensure your health."



"You think it's okay?"

"That's not true. At least live longer and live more comfortably."

"How is it comfortable?"

It's over, I can't keep up.

"How do you feel comfortable?"

"Being able to eat, drink, play and sleep is just comfortable." Cheng Jiaming said, "When he is sick, I just prescribe medicine and treat him. He can eat whatever he wants, as long as he is comfortable."

Yo ho, okay, sometimes, I really can't look down on the doctor.

He looked at me proudly, smiled slightly, and said to Lao Huang, "Did you see it? I'm still a child, so I can't see through it."

"You didn't work in the liver and gallbladder department, did you change careers later? Were you a lawyer before?"

"You mean my eloquence is good, girl?" Cheng Jiaming pointed at himself and said, even more proud.

"It means that you are good at sophistry, and you insist on turning black into white."

Lao Huang laughed loudly, beckoning the waiter to order.

Cholesterol and fat, Lao Huang is not afraid of raw food and cold food, high-calorie Spanish food is just right for him, the fatty grilled eel is served for two, with white wine, and a bottle for himself.I'm dumbfounded that he metabolizes this stuff with half a liver and creamy blood.

There are female singers singing Spanish songs, a man and a woman on the dance floor, dancing very hot and beautiful.

Cheng Jiaming was attracted by the female singer and listened to her singing.

I also thought the music was really nice, so I asked, "What is it singing?"

""The Happy Life"."

"Why do you know Spanish?"

Cheng Jiaming looked at me: "Why didn't you see the projection next to the stage?"

Really, I was absent-minded, and I didn't see the subtitles and Chinese translation of the song projected next to the stage.

Cheng Jiaming didn't eat much, so he took a pen and wrote something on the business card he brought with him, handed it to the waiter, gave the money, and said to him: "Give this to the singer, and send me a bouquet of flowers she likes. "

Lao Huang saw it: "Jiaming, you really don't change your nature."

The man smiled faintly: "Haven't you heard this song? Happy life, happy life."

With slender fingers, he gently turned the goblet containing red wine in his palm, looking sideways at the beautiful singer.She received his flowers and note, smiled at him, nodded, and he raised his glass to the woman.

In the next dance, the singer became Cheng Jiaming's partner, the two of them danced gracefully, and he danced really well.

I can't control myself no matter how restrained I am, I watch him carefully.

This person's face is so similar to Jia Yang's.

High forehead, straight nose bridge, thin lips, translucent white complexion.

It's just that the other person won't be like this, talking so recklessly, laughing profligately, dancing gracefully, seeing no one else but his own happy life.

Lao Huang was almost drunk, and chattered to me: "Qiao Fei, big brother is going back to Shanghai tomorrow, and I will come to see you later, and you are too. If you go, please remember to find me.

"You little sister is really nice, you are refreshing enough."

"Do you think I look like a boy?"

"Well, yes, yes, you are like a little buddy."

Most people feel that way, I sigh.

At the end of the song, Cheng Jiaming kissed the singer's hand, walked over, looked at me, at Lao Huang.

"I'll take you back."

"Go back?" Lao Huang said, standing up, everyone was swaying, "Let's go play somewhere else."

"You are energetic, the girl still needs to rest." Cheng Jiaming patted him on the shoulder, "Let's go, let's go, Lao Huang. Let's go back."

Cheng Jiaming and I sent Huang Weide back to his hotel, and before he came out of his room, he took medicine for Lao Huang.

Let's take the elevator together and go downstairs.

In the elevator room of a high-end hotel, the walls are all bright brass, like a mirror, but with a soft and luxurious light.

I looked at myself, and Cheng Jiaming looked at himself.

Then we look at each other.

"Joffe, how old are you?"

"Hey!" I looked at him, "Did anyone ask about this?"

"I was 29 the year before last."

"Then I won't tell you either."

"It's a little weird."


"Why do you always feel like you are the secretary of the Youth League branch when I was in junior high school?" He seemed to be talking to me, but also seemed to be talking to himself.

I said in my heart, uncle, when you were in junior high school, I hadn’t graduated from kindergarten yet.

"You are so old, why do you still remember your classmates in junior high school?" I said every word, biting the word "old" very hard.

He hasn't been said like this yet, looking at my expression, it looks like he ate a fly.

"Really, you brought back my memories of her..."

"Why... why...? Didn't... please... teach..." I waited for him to see what this person could say.

"Take care of everything, classic things, mother."

When I heard it, I wanted to refute it, but I thought it was really ridiculous, so I couldn't help but laugh, "It's the first time I heard that 'classic thing mother', hahahaha... small words, very sharp ah."

The elevator is here, let's get out.

We walked out of the hotel, Cheng Jiaming said: "Get in my car, where is your home?"

I stopped: "No, thank you. There is also the subway, I will take the subway back."

"You're still young, so you're so angry. As for what? Come, let me see you off."

"No need. Thank you, Dr. Cheng. I won't ride in a stranger's car when Lao Huang is not here." I said.

Cheng Jiaming stood beside his car with an intriguing smile on his face.

"I don't know each other well, but are we strangers, Jofi?"

I don't understand what he means.

There is something in this.

I look at him.

At this time, his phone rang.

He said sorry to me and turned on the phone: "What?
"……What now?

"...Okay, I'll be right there."

He said to me: "I'm really sorry for you, something happened, I have to leave right away."

I nodded, feeling like something serious happened: "Okay, go."

He got in the car and said to me again: "I'm really sorry, I can't see you off, because I have something to do at home."

I was sitting on the subway, thinking about what Cheng Jiaming said to me. He said in a strong tone that he had something to do at home.

My stomach hurt a little, I pressed it with my hands, really, I didn't eat anything just now, but the pain gradually intensified, and I finally curled up in a small ball on the seat.

I went home clutching my stomach, vomited in a mess, and lay on the toilet, unable to straighten up until I spit out bile.Little Deng was terrified, and stroked my back: "Feifei, what's wrong with you? I'll take you to the hospital."

I waved my hands, touched the wall and stood up, seeing my face in the mirror, it was bloodless, only the circles around my eyes were black.No, I never had such a problem.

I suddenly remembered that when I had an abortion and abandoned my child with Jiayang, Jiayang told me that in another place, he almost had stomach bleeding from the pain.

A great sense of fear enveloped me in an instant.

(End of this chapter)

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