
Chapter 4 Fei's Family

Chapter 4 Fei's Family
Cheng Jiayang

I went back to school, asked Fei's dormitory, and asked the aunt downstairs in the dormitory to look for it through the internal phone, but there was still no one.I was a little anxious at this time, and asked my aunt: "Is it a holiday now?"

"The leave is not given, but after the exam, students can leave school. Who are you looking for?"

"Joffe. French."

"Joffe is home," said someone behind him.

When I turned around, the two girls, with wet hair, looked like they had just returned from a shower.They saw me and nodded: "Brother."

"How did she come home? When did she leave?" I asked.

"Monday morning. It was just yesterday." Their eyes were already full of curiosity.

"Oh, what should I do?" I came up with an idea, and asked her address logically, "I still have the salary she paid for the translation last time. Do you have her home address? I want to send it to her."

"I have it, I have it here." The aunt said in the mailroom, "She has it on the registration form."

I copied down the address. Fei lived in a medium-sized heavy industrial city in the northeast. After looking at the address carefully, I felt that there was something missing: "Is there no phone?"

"Well. She didn't leave a home number."

It was eleven o'clock on Tuesday morning, a day and a half since Fee left the hotel, and two days before my visit to Canada.And I boarded the plane to Shenyang two hours later.

When I arrived in Shenyang, I had to reverse the train again, but the train did not leave immediately, so I had to take a long-distance bus.After sitting for three hours in a crowded and smelly bus with small traders who came to Shenyang to buy goods, I finally arrived in the city of Philippines when it was dark.

This is a famous steel city, because of transportation needs, the station was built near the steel factory.I got out of the car, and when I turned around, I saw a row of large red-black steel furnaces standing upright in the twilight.

The long-distance travel made me feel a little tired at this time, and I wanted to find a restaurant to eat something, but thinking that I didn't know where Fei was, I put this idea aside for now.

Fortunately, the address she left was fairly detailed.I took a taxi to the neighborhood where she lived.This is still a matchbox-style residential building built in the mid-80s. The vermilion exterior has become a bit mottled due to age.I found No. [-], [-]th Floor, Unit [-], Building [-]. Before I knocked on the door, I took out a handkerchief and wiped my face, then tidied up my clothes. I was still wearing the sweatshirt I had played with my father in the morning.When I was sure I didn't look too embarrassed, I started knocking on the door.

But I knocked on this door for half an hour.

When the door of the neighbor's house opened, a middle-aged woman looked me up and down first, and then said, "What are you knocking on? There is no one in her house."

I froze for a moment: "Is this family surnamed Joe?"

The woman didn't answer my question, but what she said next encouraged me, "Feifei won't be back until an hour later."

"Is it the kid who speaks foreign languages?"

"Which one do we have?"

I wanted to ask where she was, but the woman had closed the door.

Well, I found it right.I feel really hungry at this time, I have to go eat something, eat a bowl of fried noodles.Wait for her to come back.

But I couldn't go too far, so I ate a bowl of noodles at a small restaurant near her home.When I came out, I saw a middle-aged woman looking at a small cigarette stand. I needed one because I was tired.There was nothing good to smoke at the stall, so I said, "The Great Hall of the People."

The woman pointed to the "seven wolves".

I looked at her and took out a box of "Great Hall of the People" from her cigarette box.

Before I could ask, the woman smiled and gestured to me with her hand: Twelve.

I lit one, walked back downstairs where Fei lived, and sat down on the stone slab.Now that it's dark, I watch my cigarette butt flicker and think of being in a strange corner of a strange city just for this girl with whom I had such a good time not long ago .

I saw someone approaching, vaguely like the figure of Fee, with something in her hand, and she was not alone.

I stand up and walk over.

Beside her was the cigarette woman, and Fee held the case for her.She was wearing a small blue dress, her long black hair was tied into a ponytail, and her face was small without makeup, like a junior high school girl.

I could see her clearly, and she walked past me.She saw me, but because it was dark, she didn't recognize me.

I whispered, "Phi."

She stopped suddenly and turned her head: "My God. It looks like you from a distance. I wonder how it is possible."

"Yes, this is my home, a house given by street care. This is my mum, yes, she's deaf. And my dad, he's also deaf. So we don't have phone calls. He's hospitalized , just had a heart bypass operation in Shenyang, and was transferred back from the hospital. I was taking care of him just now.

"Yes, because of this matter, we need money very much.

"No, no, I'm fine. Nothing at all.

"I missed my parents and came back.

"Really? You've been looking for me?"


"What's up?"


"I don't know. I've never been a tour guide."

"How much money can you make?"

"Oh. Maybe I can give it a try. Yes, there's tuition due for next semester."

"You give me the number of the travel agency? OK, I'll get in touch with them."


"How did you find this place? Are you tired?"

Cheng Jiayang

Fee's mother brought me a cold drink, and while talking to me, Fee took out the packets of cigarettes from her mother's cigarette case to dry.I have always wondered what kind of family Fei would come from.She has a high talent for language, she has a lively and hearty personality, and she has a shining beauty.

What I saw was a small living room of about [-] square meters. Excluding the kitchen, bathroom and corridor, there were only two rooms, one large and one small, and the largest one was no more than ten square meters.The furniture in the room is clean and tidy, but very old and simple without any decoration.

Fei skillfully told her mother in sign language that I was her classmate.

I saw a photo of Faye with her parents on the wall. It was when she was very young, holding a big red plastic apple and smiling brightly.She's a lot like her dad.

After knowing the amount of remuneration for the work of a travel agency, she seemed interested.I gave her Xiaochao's phone number, and she put it in her notepad.

I yawned, and she asked me if I was tired.I nod.

She said, "I'll boil water for you, take a bath, and rest here."

I nodded again, calm and happy.

In the bathroom of her home, Fei used a wooden board to cover the urinal, put a kettle filled with hot water and a light blue plastic basin inside, and said to me: "This is the basin I use to wash my face, take the hot water Mix the water with cold water, don't burn it."

I washed my hair and rinsed my body briefly, feeling relieved.When I came out, Fee had washed my T-shirt and pants and hung them on the balcony.

She came over and put a dry towel on my head, I thought she would wipe it off for me.

She said: "You sleep in my room today, and I sleep with my mother."

I said, "Don't bother?"

"It's okay. Why didn't you go to work and ran out?"

"I told you just now, I'm afraid something will happen to you."

She smiled: "The person who caused me an accident has not yet been born."

"I will leave tomorrow and visit Canada the day after tomorrow."

She looked at me: "Then you go to sleep, I will see you off tomorrow."

Fee spread me freshly laundered sheets, and I lay on them, smelling faintly of soap.

When I woke up the next day, Fee and her mother had already prepared breakfast.Soy milk, deep-fried dough sticks, bean sprouts, tea eggs.Fei's mother gave us two peeled tea eggs to eat. The eggs were salty, delicious and very delicious.Then the three of us left Fay's house together.Her mother went to set up a stall, and Fei sent me to Shenyang by train.

When I was sitting on the train in a daze, looking at the scenery flashing by outside the window, sorting out the things that happened these days, and thinking about things, I was secretly shocked.

It's not that I'm different.

That afternoon, a big hole was opened in my heart by Mingfang's wedding. By chance, it was Qiao Fei who came to fill it, a young woman whose life trajectory was very different from mine.She was so different from me and everyone I knew, and she had a huge impact on me, so that this hole in my heart was completely penetrated by her until she occupied the entire atrium of my heart.

I only had her in my mind, and when I left, I couldn't rest assured, and finally said to her: "You won't go to 'Qingcheng' again, will you?"


She waved to me, her black hair was blown up like a flag waving in the summer wind.

It took me a long time to explain to my mother where I got so much money.I said in sign language: Teachers and classmates helped me collect some. I also saved some from part-time jobs. Mom, don’t you believe it?I study very well, and I earn a lot of money as a tour guide and translator in big cities.Did you see the brother who left?He was very kind, lent me a lot of money, and helped me find a job, and now, Mom, I have to go back to work.

When I left, my mother brought me a small bag of tea eggs. I took the train to Shenyang and then took the train back to school. It took me a whole day and a half.

It's been a complete holiday, but there are still many students in the school who don't go home during the holidays.There is also Bobo in the dormitory. She stays here to accompany her boyfriend who is preparing for the postgraduate entrance examination at school.

After a day off, I called the phone number Cheng Jiayang left for me.The man who answered the phone spoke with an exaggerated retroflex, a typical local accent.

"Do you need a French tour guide here? Cheng Jiayang gave me your phone number."

"Oh, you've called. I thought you were missing. Come to me and I'll explain to you."

I found the travel agency and met Cheng Jiayang's friend Wu Xiaochao. When he saw me, he was suspicious: "How old are you, girl? Have you graduated from high school?"

"21." I said one year older, "Junior three." By the next semester.

"I asked Cheng Jiayang to find me a skilled translator, how could he get me a girl movie."

"You didn't hear me speak French, how do you know that I'm not proficient? You give me a commentary, and I'll interpret for you on the spot." I was sure that this person didn't know any French, and said bluffing.

The man laughed: "Come on, little girl, I have to trust you, Cheng Jiayang. He has called several times in Canada to ask if you have come here to report. I'll ask someone to get you the information." , anyway, you can take tourists to the airport or to restaurants, etc., you are fine, and it is not difficult to have local companions when you go to various places."

The French delegation stayed in China for [-] days. The route was Beijing-Xi'an-Chengdu-Kunming-Guilin-Shanghai, and finally returned to China from Shanghai.

I bought enough food and water, and gnawed on communicative practical French and commentary in the dormitory.This is the first serious part-time job, and Cheng Jiayang said that the income is quite good, so he should not be neglected.

Before the tour group arrived, I took to the streets with Bobo, bought myself a pair of soft-soled sandals, practiced my smile in front of the mirror, and showed many white teeth, "Soyez les bienvenues en Chine!" (Welcome to China !)
On the second day, I picked up this tour group with more than 30 French men and women. The first stop was to eat the famous roast duck. An uncle at the same table with me ate twenty burritos, and pointed to the sweet bean sauce and asked me: " What is this chocolate-colored sauce made of?"

I asked the waiter, and he replied, "Flour, special ingredients."

I did some digging and found out that the word "specialty ingredients" is really good and suitable for answering all the questions about food and beverage.

Arrive at the hotel, take a short rest, and then visit the Forbidden City.It's the tourist season, and the tour groups are next to each other. On the one hand, I have to explain the scenic spots, and on the other hand, I have to gather tourists together to ensure unity. No one is missing.Fortunately, the homework was done well, and I memorized the explanatory notes hard. When visiting palaces and museums, although sometimes I did not speak fluently, but basically completed the information transmission accurately. Before civilization, I am amazed.

In the next two days, I led a group to visit the Ming Tombs, went to the Temple of Heaven and Badaling, and met another French group at the Ming Tombs. The leader was a man who followed us, step by step, and I let the foreign guests move freely When taking pictures, he came up to me and said: "Little girl, have you just become a tour guide?"

I have been studying in this city for two years, but I have never been able to develop a good impression of this kind of person with a local retroflex and greasy hair.I took a sip of mineral water: "Yes."

"I saw it a long time ago. I watched you in the Forbidden City yesterday."

I look at him.

Most men in this city think they know it all.

"Do you know why?"

I take another sip of water.

"Look at you, no matter how vigorously you talk, you won't feel tired."

I really can't tell if it's good or bad.

"What are you doing? You don't explain? Are you still leading the team like this?"

"What's the rush? Isn't your explanation in English in the travel brochures and next to the exhibits? Let the foreigner read it by himself, and my brother will teach you some ways to save effort."

It really made me feel disgusted: "You follow my group to let your tourists listen to my explanation, so save yourself effort."

The man smiled.

"Oh my god, it's so annoying." I said something in Northeast dialect. I always think that my hometown dialect is very exciting and suitable for swearing.I pull the brigade to go quickly and get rid of that guy.

This is an international metropolis, foreign language elites are lurking in corners where you meet unexpectedly.

The night before leaving for Xi'an, I took the team to Wangfujing for snacks.There are two kebab shops at the corner of Snack Street. Foreigners stop when they see cicadas on skewers.

The young man was very clever. Seeing that he was a white man, he said first, "Hello."

The Frenchman smiled.

The boy immediately said "silly donkey", which is "hello" in French.

The French were overjoyed, and they said to him together: "Silly donkey. Stupid donkey."

The French pointed to the cicada and said: "Melon?" (What?)

Boy: "Xigale." (Cicada.)
French: "High and vast sun?" (How to eat?)

Boy: "Folile." (Fried.)
Thumbs up again: "Beng." (It's fragrant.)
The French became curious and counted the number of people who wanted to eat: "ten thousand." They ordered twenty skewers, and ordered other skewers, and the young man happily collected the money and fried the skewers.

I said in my heart, what a hero, don't ask the source.

After two days, my voice was red and hoarse due to working too hard, and I began to think of what the man said, maybe there is always some way to be lazy.

When we arrived in Xi'an, the local escort waiting for us was a gentleman in his 40s, so I can take a rest for the time being.His French is very authentic, and I later found out that he is a lecturer at the local foreign language college, teaching professional students.However, the salary of teachers in colleges and universities is not very high, and Xi'an is a city with tourism as its leading industry. When he comes out to work, he has many opportunities and can supplement his family.

Following this teacher, I learned another trick.

The hotel we stayed in was very hospitable and arranged a "dumpling banquet" to entertain international friends.Before the banquet, the executive chef personally taught the foreign guests how to make dumplings.But seeing him explaining while doing it, of course, it is completely in Chinese.

"Look, everyone, we gathered the kneaded dough into small balls, rolled them into a round dough with the rolling pin in my hand, and then put the dumpling stuffing, not too much, not too little. Then put the dough together, fingers Dip a small amount of water and pinch the dumpling skin firmly. It can be wave-shaped or petal-shaped, depending on personal preference."

"Dumplings are a traditional food in China. As the saying goes: 'Standing is worse than standing upside down, dumplings are worse than dumplings'..."

I'm almost a little worried about the teacher.But I saw him take a sip of mineral water, and then he said to the Frenchman in fours and twos: "Dumplings are the most delicious traditional food in China. Have you seen the demonstration by the master just now? If you do like him, you can make delicious dumplings." , pay attention to wash your hands first." He looked at me and blinked, "They won't understand if you talk too much."

I pour.

Listening to the translators of the English, Japanese, Korean, and Russian groups over there will not speak more than him.I was really happy at the time, thinking that I had learned a lot and learned the skills of opportunism and dealing with errands.

Leaving Xi'an, going to Chengdu and Kunming, there was nothing to say all the way.The local companions in these two places are like the one in Xi'an, they play Tai Chi very well, they don't have to work hard, and they can easily earn tips.

When we arrived in Guilin, an accident finally occurred.We got off the plane and our escort came up with a big smile on his face and said, "Gutten Tucker."

I said, "What are you talking about? We have to say Bungy (Hello in French)."

He was stunned: "Isn't it the German regiment?"


We looked at each other speechlessly.The foreigners were busy picking up their luggage over there.

"Can you find a French companion as soon as possible?"

"It can't be done, it's peak season now, so we're all sent out."

I didn't know what to do, and I didn't read the commentary of some places of interest in Guilin.

"Can you give me some information? I need to prepare something."

"Okay, I'll go back and get it, and I'll take you to the hotel tonight." Then he quickly withdrew, not knowing where to find a part-time job.

When you are away from home, don't trust anyone but yourself.If I didn't know this, I wouldn't be able to live in a big city to this day.The German brother didn't show up again until we left Guilin.

Fortunately, we only stayed in Guilin for one day. When I arrived at the hotel, I immediately asked for the travel materials of the Lijiang River and Yangshuo, read them all, and made simple preparations.

I have accumulated a little experience during this trip. Before the start of the trip, I asked the tour guide of the scenic spot to speak English slowly.They occasionally ask me something they don't understand. I have made preparations the night before, and then I will ask the tour guide to troubleshoot.

Just when I thought I was about to turn the corner, something happened again during my trip to Guilin.

On the eve of going to Shanghai, in order to prevent any special circumstances, I took the materials and lay down on the bed to preview.Suddenly someone knocked on my door hastily, and when I opened it, it was an uncle who ate twenty roast duck burritos in one sitting.Standing outside, the left side of his face was already swollen, and he asked me tremblingly, "Excuse me? My toothache is unbearable. I want to go to the hospital."

I put on my clothes and went out with him, found the nearest hospital, and registered at the dentist.

Seeing that it was a foreign guest, the doctor was very enthusiastic and began to introduce the condition after a careful examination.

It's midnight, when heaven and earth are at rest, and I'm exhausted here doing consecutive interpreting for the dentist.

Doctor: "Caries."

Me: "There are holes in the teeth."

Doctor: "There's a nerve leak."

Me: "You already feel the pain, the tooth is leaking."

Doctor: "It has to kill the nerves, and then reduce the inflammation."

Me: "We'll get the meat out and give you pain relief."

Doctor: "To completely remove dental plaque, you have to grind it and then plug the teeth. You choose a material yourself. The dark material is stronger, and the white material is more beautiful."

I couldn't bear it anymore, and said to the doctor: "You can just do what you see, why are you talking so much? I saw the dentist, and the doctor took a drill, poked it and it was over. When did you talk so much?"

The doctor also lost his temper. He looked at me and said, "You are still learning foreign languages. Can your teeth be the same as those of foreign guests? Do you know that diplomacy is not trivial?"

I'm so angry, but now not only I can't speak French, but I can't speak Chinese either, and I can't speak because of the dentist's choking.

The uncle suffering from toothache struggled to sit up, and said to me: "You can do whatever you want, tell the doctor to hurry up, I'm going to be hurt to death."

During the two-hour operation, the uncle fell asleep after being injected with anesthesia, and I stayed by his side the whole time.At the end of the sleep, I was in a daze, as if dreaming of Cheng Jiayang, he asked me how my trip was going, I clenched my right hand and said bitterly: "I can't let the doctor look down on me again in this life."

Everything went well in Shanghai. The local companion was a graduate student, with excellent qualities and a serious attitude. Apart from ignoring me, there was no problem.

Finally, I sent the foreigner off at Pudong Airport. I ordered the small red envelopes they gave me. There were everything in Euros, Renminbi, and U.S. dollars.Back in the big city, I received another salary from Wu Xiaochao, the owner of the travel agency, which is quite a lot.I put it in a small card with peace of mind, at least the tuition fee for the next semester will be safe.

Wu Xiaochao was quite satisfied with my work, held my hand and said, "That's right, girl, I really underestimated you. If I have work in the future, I'll still look for you."

I remembered that although the journey was tiring, it was finally completed smoothly. I practiced knowledge, accumulated experience, and made money. I didn’t hate this Beijing movie too much in my heart: "Thank you, I am always on call."

"There is someone else you have to thank." Wu Xiaochao said, with an expression of "I know what's going on with you" on his face, returning to his annoying nature, "Cheng Jiayang called me several times to ask if you are back. "

"Ah, yes, I owe him money." I suddenly realized, "You see, my life is not easy, and the creditor is so tight."

I went back to school, took a hard shower, slept hard all day, slept until my face was swollen, and was woken up by the phone.

It's Cheng Jiayang.The number is unfamiliar, but I know it's him.

"You're back?"

"Ah. You came back from Canada too?"

"I have been back for more than a week. How is it, can you bear it?"

"It's okay, I can handle it. It's quite knowledgeable. I haven't been to those places before. I've made a lot of money. I'll have no problem with my tuition for next semester. Wu Xiaochao said that there will be a French group coming in the future, and he will ask me to go. By the way, thank you."

He smiled on the other end of the phone: "Is that how you thank me?"

I didn't speak, the signal on the phone was not very good, and there were several "stinging" noises on the phone, and I took the opportunity to say, "Ah? I didn't hear clearly. What did you say?"


"No, you have a good rest."

"OK, bye."


I picked up the line and looked at the call time displayed on the screen: 56 seconds.continue to sleep.

The dream is very strange.Take the exam, do the papers one by one, and the bell is about to ring, and there are still a lot of things that can't be finished.I was startled in a cold sweat, and sat up, only to find that it was nighttime, and there was a green face shaking by the window sill.

I grabbed some potato chips and put them in my mouth, then said to her, "Bobo, please, can you turn on the light when you are surfing the Internet? Your face is reflected on the screen like a ghost."

"Aren't I afraid of affecting your rest?"

"Help me look it up, what's the dream about the exam?"

Bobo is the best at this. He opened the dream interpretation website, entered information, and read to me in a ghostly voice: "Unsure, unconfident, apprehensive and doubtful."

From then until the beginning of school, I lived a stable and leisurely life, reading, studying, and memorizing homework.I called the neighbor's house, and the aunt said that my father had been discharged from the hospital, and my mother asked my uncle from the country to live in my house to help take care of him.

When school was about to start, I received a call from Wu Xiaochao.He said that another French tour group came to the city for sightseeing and asked me to accompany them for two days.When I went to his place that afternoon, I met Cheng Jiayang.

When I arrived, I saw him sitting in Wu Xiaochao's office. His hair was short and his hairstyle changed, but I could still see his back at a glance.

Wu Xiaochao, who was facing me, waved to me, and Jiayang turned around.I saw that his complexion was very good, he looked at me and smiled slightly.

I greeted the two of them, and Jiayang said to Wu Xiaochao: "Okay, I have something else to do, Xiaochao, please call me." Then he said to me, "I still think you disappeared."

"Studying at school every day."

"Oh, bye."

"Goodbye." I said.

Wu Xiaochao sent him out.

I suddenly felt empty in my heart.I found that what Cheng Jiayang and I have been repeating is: Goodbye.goodbye.

Wu Xiaochao came back and gave me the information of the tour group and the tickets for booking hotels and restaurants.I took it out, took the elevator, went downstairs, and left the office building.I walked very slowly, and I was not in a hurry anyway. The midsummer sun shone on my body, making my skin itchy.


Cheng Jiayang's car was parked next to me, and he was this kind of person: he would tell me once he got out of the car, he wouldn't be like those wealthy young masters, sitting in the driver's seat and chatting up girls.

"Are you afraid of the sun? Shall I take you back to school?"

I said, "Aren't you okay?"

He shook his head: "I'm waiting for you."

I get in his car.There was very soft music in the car, Patricia Cass's song "If You Leave", hovering softly in the car.The sun shone on us through the sunroof of the car, and on Cheng Jiayang's slender fingers.

The music was blurred and the sunshine was leisurely. When I saw his hand at this moment, I thought of something I shouldn't have thought of.Remember, his fingers, his body, buried in my body.

I like his fingers a lot.

I look out the window.

The car passed a movie theater at a red light.I saw the poster, there is a hot American action movie coming out recently.

I pointed to the poster and asked Cheng Jiayang: "Have you watched this movie?"

"No. I heard it's fun."

"Are you busy today? May I invite you to watch this movie?" I said, "I haven't thanked you yet for finding such a good part-time job for me."

"There must be dinner." Cheng Jiayang said, looking very serious.

"Okay." In fact, my heart was beating very hard.But my specialty is pretending to be calm.

"However, you must buy tea and snacks when watching movies."

Cheng Jiayang turned the car and entered the parking lot of the cinema.

The movie is about to be released, so there are not many people.When we went in with milk tea, potato chips, and popcorn, we chose the middle seat, where we could straighten our legs and have good air flow.This kind of movie has beautiful pictures, shocking effects, and a no-brainer plot. It is a veritable entertainment product.There is a scene in which is quite impressive. The heroine is calling the boy she likes, but the mobile phone is knocked off by the gangster. She is furious, smashes the boy's jaw with a punch, and says angrily: "You know what to do now? How hard is it to be a good man?"

Cheng Jiayang and I both burst out laughing.

After watching the movie, we ate at a Hunan-style restaurant nearby.Both of them had good appetites. They ate up half a duck in sauce, a plate of stir-fried asparagus, a plate of chopped pepper fish head, and a plate of Shaoshan red braised pork. I found that Cheng Jiayang looked very thin, but he was good at eating fatty meat.

Hunan cuisine is very spicy. After drinking the milk, I still came out with my tongue sticking out. Sitting in the car, I desperately drank the mineral water that Cheng Jiayang handed over.

It was already dark at this time, Cheng Jiayang looked at me and said: "You are too mean, I still think you Northeast people are fine if you eat spicy food."

"Don't make fun of it," I said.

"Your mouth is swollen... that's the only way to go." He looked at me.

"Any good ideas?"

"I have to kiss you. Really, for you, I have to kiss you too. I'd rather have pepper on my own mouth than watch you feel so uncomfortable."

Then I can't remember.I felt as if I took the initiative to hug Cheng Jiayang, and our mouths were pressed together. We are professionals in the French industry, so we should do French wet kisses, our lips and tongues intertwined.Cheng Jiayang pressed against me, rubbing my face with the tip of his nose, and I leaned against the car window behind me.But I was wrong, Cheng Jiayang's mouth is hotter than mine, but the hotter and hotter, the more we will be entangled, until we are almost out of breath, he gently leaves my mouth, kissing small, one by one My face, it's a pyromaniac, and I hear him say, "Fee, I miss you."

I heard myself gasp, "Me too. I dream about you in my dreams."

(End of this chapter)

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