Chapter 109


In the corridor at the other end, Long Tai, who was walking towards this side, only saw the splash of water, he didn't care to see who was in the water, so he plunged into the lake.

"Don't be afraid, wife, I'll save you!"

It took Long Tai only 20 seconds to swim from the other side of the lake, and searched in the water for a long time, but he couldn't find Yun Guoguo.

But Chu Tian was struggling alone not far away.

"Help! Help! I can't swim!"

At this time, Long Taiyi brushed away the wet hair on his forehead and looked towards the stone table, only to see Yun Guoguo lying on the ground looking at him anxiously.

"Long Taiyi, are you okay, why are you here?"

To say that it was really dangerous just now, in order to prevent herself from being pushed into the lake by Chu Tian, ​​Yun Guoguo stretched out her foot like the women's self-defense technique taught by the physical education teacher to trip Chu Tian, ​​and then pushed sideways with the help of skill, Chu Tian Sweet slipped off her body and fell into the lake.

It's just that Long Taiyi appeared out of nowhere, and jumped into it like crazy.

"Help! Long Taiyi begs you to save me!"

Chu Tian obviously knows how to swim, but when she saw Long Taiyi also jumped down, she pretended not to be able to, but the boy floating next to her gave her a big look, and swam towards the shore by herself.

And the three people on the shore didn't feel any sympathy for Chu Tian, ​​they simply ignored her and focused their attention on Long Taiyi.

"Yun Guoguo, have I approved you to fight by the lake?"

As soon as Long Taiyi came ashore, he yelled at Yun Guoguo: "Do you know how nervous I was when I saw you fall into the lake?"

Seeing the boy dripping with water in front of him, Yun Guoguo not only didn't worry but laughed.

Long Taiyi's angry look is also very good-looking, and he must not know that there is a waterweed sticking to his smooth forehead right now?

"Laugh, are you still laughing?"

A certain boy was so angry that even the roots of his hair that had been wet by water stood up, but because the top of the hair was too heavy, the hair could only be bent over and stabbed on the top of his head.

The scene was so funny, the corners of Yun Guoguo's mouth couldn't help but raise, but Long Taiyi felt that she was challenging her limit!
soy Mujer!
Suddenly, Long Taiyi yanked the girl in front of him and locked her tightly in his arms.

"Shall I make you laugh again?"

After yelling, a rough kiss blocked Yun Guoguo's lips.

"Hmm!" Yun Guoguo froze for an instant, the cool water passed through Long Taiyi's arms to her body, and the boy rubbed it hard again, Yun Guoguo's clothes were also wet.

Immediately her little fist landed on the back of the big bad guy who was holding her.

"Long Taiyi, you are dead!"

Yun Guoguo was about to fight back, but when she turned her head, she found that Chu Tian hadn't landed.

She was so frightened that she lost her mind for an instant, and pushed Long Taiyi away abruptly.

"Where's Chu Tian?"

Yun Guoguo nervously asked the two spectators next to him, only to see her shaking her head in confusion: "I didn't pay attention, maybe..."

"Chu Tian!" Yun Guoguo hurried to the lake, and found that Chu Tian was really still inside, but she seemed to have lost consciousness, and her body was floating face down on the water.

"Ah!!" He Sisi cried out in fright when she saw it, "She must have drowned, right?"

"Why are you still standing there? Long Taiyi, hurry up and rescue her!" Yun Guoguo could only ask Long Taiyi for help.

Long Taiyi remained motionless with a stern face, that ugly monster couldn't hold her breath for more than a minute, unless she really wanted to die~
"I don't, anyway, my family has plenty of money. If I die, I will pay for it!"

 -Thanks to the baby whose user name is Weiyu Huajian for donating to Miaomiao, there are two more chapters to come, and one chapter is about rewarding and adding updates, okay=3=
(End of this chapter)

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