Misleading the Demon

Chapter 223 The wallet is gone

Chapter 223 The wallet is gone

Although Long Taiyi felt that it was not simple that Yun Guoguo's mother called suddenly, but in order not to make her worry too much, Long Taiyi chose to remain silent.

He didn't tell Yun Guoguo his guess, he planned to solve this problem alone.

The next day, the two went to school as usual.

It seemed that because of what Aunt Lan said, Yun Guoguo suddenly came to his senses.

During class, she became much more serious than usual, and she didn't want to play during class every day, but worked hard on her homework.

Even *** and He Sisi became unaccustomed to her who studied hard, but because of her influence, the two of them could only follow her to study hard.

But such days did not last long.

It was probably because Yun Guoguo had been studying hard, so she didn't notice that the attitudes of her classmates towards her were quietly changing.

Although the children in the second class were not very obvious, when she and He Sisi walked on the campus together, fewer children would greet them proactively.

At first, Yun Guoguo didn't pay much attention to it, until Thursday afternoon, when she accompanied He Sisi to participate in club activities, she realized the difference.

Because Yun Guoguo followed He Sisi to participate in a tennis club activity before, the children in the tennis club are quite familiar with Yun Guoguo.

On weekdays, they will say hello or something when they meet, and once or twice they will ask the two of them to have lunch together.

But on this day, when those girls saw Yun Guoguo and He Sisi coming to club activities together, they were obviously a little unhappy.

At first, Yun Guoguo thought that the girls were not as friendly as usual because they encountered unhappy things, so she simply greeted them, sat down at a random place by the tennis court and began to recite English words.

However, at this time, a girl who was practicing her swing on the sidelines saw Yun Guoguo sitting next to her backpack, and immediately walked towards her.

Yun Guoguo greeted her with a smile, but the girl glanced at her awkwardly, then quickly picked up the schoolbag beside Yun Guoguo and walked away.

Yun Guoguo didn't think much about it and was about to put her mind back on the vocabulary book, but several people came over. Like the girl just now, they didn't say anything to Yun Guoguo, but took their schoolbags away.

It's weird...

Yun Guoguo looked in the direction they left, and it seemed that the girls would rather put their bags next to the gate of the tennis court than next to themselves.

But at this moment, a certain girl who had just walked away suddenly shouted loudly while flipping through her schoolbag——

"Strange, my wallet is missing!"

After being called out by her, all the students contacted in the tennis court looked in their direction, and even He Sisi walked over to ask.

"Xiaoxi, what's wrong with you?"

When the girl named Xiaoxi heard He Sisi's question, she hesitated for a moment, with an embarrassing and flustered expression on her baby fat face.

On the side, the girl who took the lead in transferring the backpack just now said loudly: "Xiaoxi said her wallet is missing!"

"Huh? How could this be?"

Immediately, the students gathered around, and someone wondered, "No way? Xiaoxi, look for it carefully. Isn't your backpack always on the chair? Did you accidentally drop your wallet under the chair?"

"I'll go take a look." The girl named Xiaoxi ran towards the chair where Yun Guoguo was. When she was approaching her, their eyes suddenly met.

Xiaoxi's footsteps stopped suddenly, and she hurriedly looked away, not daring to look at Yun Guoguo.

(End of this chapter)

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