Huadu counterattacks the goddess system

Chapter 202 Chapter Report [3 more]

Chapter 202 Reward

Qin Feng appeared in a small room like a ghost.

The owner of this house does not know who it is, because the window was open, so Qin Feng rushed in, but Qin Feng guessed that it should be a woman, because there are many women's clothes hanging on the balcony outside.

The master is not at home, Qin Feng wants to hide here first.

The search is going on outside, hotels and other places, he must not go, because he has been completely exposed, once he goes out, he will definitely be found, and then a large group of people will chase and kill him. Headache.

Qin Feng wiped his sweat and heaved a sigh of relief.

It was just too thrilling.

"I don't know how Yu Linglong and the others are doing, whether they have escaped from the waters of the island country." Qin Feng said worriedly.

"Don't care about them, can you think about me first?" Shi Jing's voice reached Qin Feng's ears.

Speaking of which, I would like to thank Shi Jing just now, without Shi Jing's help, he still couldn't escape the pursuit of Yamaguchi Asuka.

"what happened to you?"

Qin Feng heard that Shi Jing's voice was very weak.

Shi Jing said: "What's the matter, you think the black mist I spit out is easy, it's my essence, otherwise you can escape, I need to replenish energy now, otherwise people will die."

When Qin Feng heard it, he couldn't help sneering: "What do you want?"

"Your Battle Spirit Flood Pill!"

"I knew that you had no good intentions. It is impossible for me to give you the War Spirit Flood Pill, so don't even think about it."

Shi Jing said angrily: "I saved your life, shouldn't you pay a little, even if it's repaying me."

"It's okay to repay you, but the Battle Spirit Flood Pill was cultivated with great difficulty by me. If I give it to you, what can I use against the enemy?" Qin Feng rolled his eyes and said, "Don't think that I don't know what you're thinking, Afraid that Master Feng is dead, and then you will be locked in a small black room, and you will not be able to get out forever, otherwise you will save me?"

Shi Jing was silent for a while and said: "Indeed! I saved you because I had such a small mind, but it was not entirely because of this. The most important thing is that I value your talent and luck. Maybe you will have a higher Achievement, so I want to make a deal with you."

"You still want the Battle Spirit Flood Pill?"

"No, I was joking with you just now, I know you won't give this to me."

"Then what's the deal you're talking about?"

"You help me find spiritual things, and I will help you become a strong person."

"Hehe, Master Feng doesn't seem to need your help if he wants to become a strong man."

To be honest, Qin Feng has a system, and Shi Jing's help sounds a bit tasteless.

"I helped you once just now, you just forgot." Shi Jing said with a cold snort.

When Qin Feng heard this, he frowned and fell silent.

Shi Jing was right, he did him a big favor just now.

"Since you're talking about a deal, don't you have to give me some benefits first?"

"what do you want?"

"I want the formula for the other half of the Stealth Technique."

"Okay, I'll give it to you!"

Text appeared on the stone mirror.

"System prompt: Found half of the Stealth Technique experience book, do you want to learn it?"

Really gave it.

Qin Feng was surprised.

He didn't know what evil intentions were hidden in Shi Jing's heart, but Qin Feng directly clicked to learn with the mentality of not learning for nothing.

"System prompt: Congratulations to the host for successfully studying and obtaining the complete martial arts skill "Concealment". The current level of the battle spirit is 15. (Note: half of the battle spirit is 30 levels, and the full level is reduced by 15.)"

"Damn, the battle spirit level has dropped by half."

Qin Feng was speechless.

However, he can feel that the completed concealment technique is completely different. He can completely restrain the murderous aura and combat aura on his body. Ordinary people with force value.

This is definitely a magical skill of pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger, very good!Ha ha!
"As a deal, should you do me a favor too?" Shi Jing said.

"I know what you want to say!" Qin Feng said very clearly: "You want me to help you find spiritual things?"

"That's right! I just saved you and spit out a mouthful of essence energy. If I don't replenish the energy, I will fall into a deep sleep." Shi Jing said weakly, obviously he was not lying.

"You controlled the white-haired man before to find something spiritual for you?" Qin Feng guessed.

"Yes! You need to eat, don't I need it!"

"Then tell me, what is spiritual?"

"It's the same as the inner alchemy in your body. Of course, it's okay if it's a herbal medicine, but it must be a thousand-year-old herbal medicine. Of course, it's also fine if it's a hundred years old." Shi Jing said.

"Damn! You have a big appetite. It will take a hundred years and a thousand years to come up. What age is it now? Where do you want me to find it for you?" Qin Feng rolled his eyes and said, herbal medicines that are hundreds of years old are all valuable. There is no market for treasures, even if there are, there is no place to buy them.

"I need these things very urgently now, and it must be within half a month, otherwise I will fall into a deep sleep, and when I wake up next time, I don't know when it will be. If you find more spiritual objects, I can give them to you." Your extra treasure is definitely more precious than the Stealth Technique." Shi Jing's voice trembled slightly, obviously he was afraid of falling asleep.

"I see, I'll find it for you." Qin Feng sighed and said, Qin Feng doesn't care if it's precious or not, but in half a month, he will try his best to help Shi Jing find these things, just as Shi Jing just said. Mirror helped him return.

Of course, if you really can't find it, then Qin Feng can't help it, because what Shi Jing wants is too precious.

Moreover, it is impossible for Qin Feng to completely trust Shi Jing. This evil thing is now forced to be in his hands and cannot escape, so he wants to live in peace with him. Once he is out of Qin Feng's control, look at him Are you controlling a person like a white-haired man to kill Qin Feng?

Qin Feng absolutely believes that Shi Jing must have this thought in his heart.

But to be a man, you must repay your kindness. Since Shi Jing helped him once, he will also help Shi Jing once, and this trip to the island country is not over yet. The Yamaguchi group, the ghost faces of unknown origin, and the island country military, This is dangerous, and he might still need Shi Jing's help, so why not do it.

"Speaking of which, what kind of thing are you? I don't mean to scold you, I just want to know your origin." Qin Feng asked.

This matter is what Qin Feng is most confused about, because have you ever seen Shi Jing who can speak?
"It's not easy for me to tell you, and you'd better not know, because you haven't touched that level yet, so even if I tell you, it won't do you any good." Shi Jing said.

"Cut, pull it down if you don't want to say it."

(End of this chapter)

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