Chapter 1 (1)
Chapter 1 (1)
The sky is like blood, and the Golden Luan Palace is surrounded by three layers inside and outside by the forbidden army.There was no sound, and the two confronted each other, and the overflowing murderous aura seemed to freeze time into ice.

Cai Wen was dressed in a dragon robe, bright golden and dazzling, with a three-foot long sword in his hand, which was resting on the neck of a pregnant woman in front of him.The guards surrounded him, their swords facing each other.Facing the sudden flood of imperial troops, they all seemed a little panicked.And the courtiers who were bragging about flattering and shouting long live just now have turned their backs one after another and retreated outside the encirclement.

The woman held hostage by Cai Wen was dressed in plain white, with a simple bun messily turned to one side, her pale and beautiful face was stained with tears, and her body was trembling slightly.

No one doesn't know her, Liu Zhi, who flew up a branch and became a virtuous concubine, and within a few months was divorced because of having an affair with her subordinates, and became an ordinary country girl who the people of the capital talked about after dinner.Now that Cai Wen actually used her as the last shield to threaten King Xian, is he really desperate?But looking at Liu Zhi's swollen belly, it's really hard to know what to do.

Cai Wen looked down on everyone, his usually cunning and fierce eyes were full of unwillingness and resentment at this moment.

"Zhao Bing, you are cruel! You pretended to be dead to escape my eyes and ears, so what if you won in the end! The woman you love is now in my hands. If you dare to take a step forward, you will die twice! !"

Today, Zhao Bing, the virtuous king of the left, and Cai Wen, the minister of the right, have made outstanding contributions, have power in the government and the public, are hostile to each other, and check and balance each other.Song Zhenzong was always afraid that the emperor's uncle, who won the hearts of the people, would compete with him for the throne. Under the instigation and frame-up of his favorite minister Cai Wen, he seized military power and repeatedly suppressed him.

Cai Wen gradually took over the power and ruled out dissidents everywhere.He sent people to assassinate Zhao Bing several times, thinking that he was dead, so he felt relieved to attack and seize the throne.Unexpectedly, within two days of his enthronement, Zhao Bing suddenly appeared, trapping him in a situation surrounded by enemies.If he hadn't prepared first and grabbed the willow branch, he might have already died on the spot.They fought all their lives, and he had always been cautious, but he didn't expect to be dazzled by the illusion that he was dead in the end, and the chess missed.

At this moment, Zhao Bing was standing in the forefront, squinting habitually at him, smiling with his arms folded, his expression contemptuous and haughty, and there was an indescribable danger and bloodiness in his elegant laziness.

"Cai Wen, do you think you can leave safely by relying on a woman who was divorced by this king as a shield?"

The cold and disdainful voice caused everyone present to shiver.

Not long after Song Zhenzong was rescued, he hid behind Zhao Bing in shock.He was already guilty and uneasy, but now seeing Princess Xian being taken as a hostage, he couldn't help persuading him in a low voice: "Uncle Emperor, the throne is back, let him go, don't hurt Liu Zhi and her unborn baby."

Cai Wen laughed: "The Dog Emperor is right, one life for two lives, why not?"

Zhao Bing shook his head: "Your Majesty, Cai Wen is in control of the army. His power has been entrenched for many years and it is difficult to eradicate. There are many strange people under him, and there are many courtiers and generals. .”

Liu Zhi looked at Zhao Bing who never even looked at her, and tears fell like rain: "My lord, I never begged you, and I never thought of dragging you down, but even if it is for the child in my belly..."

When Jiang Liu heard her words, his heart ached and he clenched his fists.At this moment, he was mingling among the forbidden army, slowly approaching behind Cai Wen at an imperceptible speed, trying to sneak attack and save Liu Zhi in one fell swoop.

Zhao Bing seemed indifferent to Liu Zhi's cries, and said coldly, "Cai Wen, you will not escape even if you have wings today!"

With a wave of his hand, Bai Yu aimed his bows and arrows at him neatly, and only then did a trace of panic flash in Cai Wen's eyes.

"Zhao Bing! That's all for women, don't you even want your own flesh and blood?"

"It's ridiculous, this bitch has an affair with Jiang Liu, how do I know if the child in my belly belongs to my king?"

Cai Wen's heart sank, when he sent someone to assassinate him, Zhao Bing was shot by arrows several times in order to save Liu Zhi.He believed that this woman was very important to Zhao Bing, so he used it as a threat.But after all, no man can bear to wear a cuckold. At the time when they were fighting at a stalemate, Zhao retired from illness, not to mention Liu Zhi, and even withdrew Jiang Liu two ranks, and transferred him to guard the border.But Zhao Bing has always been cunning, and Cai Wen couldn't be sure for a moment whether he deliberately put on a show for him because he was afraid that the willow branches would be in danger.

Liu Zhi desperately shook her head: "My lord, Jiang Liu and I are childhood sweethearts, we love brothers and sisters, how could we have an affair, you believe me... No matter what, the child is innocent!"

It doesn't matter if he doubts her, neglects her, or misunderstands her, but how can he say that the child is not his?He made love with other women in front of her, insulted her, and divorced her, but she didn't make an excuse or complain.She knew that in his eyes only the family and the country were the people. In order to eradicate Cai Wen, he spent ten years keeping a low profile and deliberating.She didn't mean to be his drag and his entanglement, if she could, she would rather kill herself immediately by Cai Wenjian than see him in the slightest embarrassment.But the child, the child of the two of them had a one-night stand, even if he had no choice but to marry her out of responsibility, even if he didn't have the slightest affection for her, he should at least take the child into consideration.

"General Jiang has already told me honestly about your matter, so you don't have to argue anymore!"

Liu Zhi panicked, how could it be possible, Jiang Liu...

"Aren't you willing to believe me anyway?"

"It's such a shame and humiliation, my king is worthy of the kindness of husband and wife in the past few months if I spare your life!"

Liu Zhi smiled bitterly: "Zhao Bing, have you never loved me for so long?"

Seeing the despair in her eyes, Zhao Bing was startled. Seeing that Jiang Liu was not far behind Cai Wen, he knew that a fatal blow could be delivered at any time, but he had to make no mistakes, otherwise the lives of Liu Zhi and the child would be in jeopardy.Although he absolutely believed in Jiang Liu's skills, his palms were still in a cold sweat.

"How could I love you? I, Zhao Bing, can't get anyone I want. I would fall in love with you, a country girl. If it weren't for the fact that you are pregnant with my king's child, I would never have thought that you would even have a child..."

A gleam of hatred between his eyebrows made Cai Wen's heart cold again, and his fear and doubts became heavier.

Liu Zhi lowered her eyebrows and smiled, stroking her stomach with her hand.

Son, daddy doesn't believe in mother, and never loved mother, so he doesn't want us both now.Obviously we have won, but we must win thoroughly regardless of our lives.Rather than being killed in front of his eyes, it is better to give him a fulfillment.


"Willow branch!" Zhao Bing exclaimed.

When Cai Wen lowered his head, he saw that the person in front of him had wiped his neck with his sword, and blood spattered everywhere.He secretly yelled that it was not good, and took two steps back, but he heard a gust of wind behind him.

Immediately turning back with his sword, the long sword pierced Jiang Liu who was flying towards him, and at the same time, Jiang Liu's dagger pierced hard into his heart.Everything happened so fast that the surrounding guards were all frightened, knowing that the situation was over, they threw their swords on the ground one after another.

Cai Wen's eyes widened in horror, he couldn't believe that Jiang Liu would kill him even if he died together, knowing that there was no way to recover, he collapsed to the ground in despair, the corners of his mouth twitched, and finally died.

At this moment, Jiang Liu's usually quiet and unpretentious face was filled with grief and anger, and his eyes, as bright as black jade, dimmed little by little until they lost all brilliance.

Walking a little staggeringly, he walked up to the two of them and saw Zhao Bing holding a willow branch, no longer the usual noble and lazy gesture of pointing the country.Those deep eyes gradually blurred, but they still clenched their teeth tightly and did not shed tears.

"Silly woman, I said before, no matter when, don't doubt my decision, don't doubt my love for you, how could I abandon you..."

Jiang Liu shook his head, Zhao Bing didn't understand, Liu Zhi was just a simple and ordinary woman, she didn't understand these battles between the government and the opposition, let alone his forbearance and righteousness first.It is precisely because of his wholehearted trust and entrustment that he really thinks what he says is right. How can he understand the good intentions behind those cruel actions and words.

He wanted to step up to look at her one more time and say the last word to her, but the two hugged so tightly that he couldn't get in. He could only watch from a distance as before, and quietly guard her as usual. , guarding them.It's not that he couldn't get away with killing Cai Wen, but seeing Liu Zhi dead, he suddenly didn't want to live anymore.

The first time I met was when he was eight years old, he was living on the street stealing steamed buns to eat, and was beaten to death on the side of the road. At the age of six, she rescued him and bought him as a domestic servant with a copper coin.

"Little brother, from now on, you are mine, no one can bully you except me..."

So for so many years, he has been guarding her silently, and moved with her family. After the family was ruined, he wandered around with her. She fell in love with the virtuous king and became the princess, so he joined the army as a general.Private schools in the fields and temples in the countryside, he always followed in her footsteps.Now that he is leaving, he will naturally not abandon her...

There was a commotion all around, Jiang Liu held the copper coin tightly in his hand, Zhao Bing's face of grief and remorse gradually became blurred in front of him, he vaguely heard someone yell, Cai Wen's body was gone, his legs limp and fell heavily on the ground , blood flowed everywhere.

Sighing softly, thinking back to his cold life, drifting half his life, death might be a kind of relief.It was gradually pitch black in front of my eyes, fading away the drums and horns for so many years, the gold and iron horses...

Half a month later, Concubine Xian was buried in a grand funeral, and the whole country mourned together.King Zuo Xian, who has always been frugal, made a big effort to build a huge mausoleum for Princess Xian.

A year later, King Xian personally led the army to carry Liao, but the command made a mistake in judgment, and he was defeated in Wudi.

Jiang Liu woke up because he heard a baby's laughter, creaking and echoing in the air, which was a bit weird.

He opened his eyes, but he still saw only darkness. He found that he was standing, so he tried to move his body, but his feet and hands seemed to be fixed by something.He tried to shake it again, but he still couldn't break free, as if he was locked in some kind of container.

Knowing that he is dead, but where is this place, the underworld, where is the willow branch?

He opened his mouth and wanted to speak, but it seemed that he had been speechless for too long, and something was stuffed in his mouth again, only a broken and incomplete whine sounded, buzzing and echoing in the container.

Is this a coffin?He suddenly realized.

The creaking laughter was approaching, as if it was right under his feet, and then suddenly something hit him, he felt his body shake, and then there was another impact, his head felt dizzy for a moment, and he slammed hard Fall to the ground.

With a clear and loud sound of "bang dang", the container wrapped around him fell into pieces. As soon as it touched the air, his blood began to flow rapidly at a speed that could be felt, his pores opened wide to breathe desperately, and his eyes gradually became brighter.

Spit out what has been in the mouth, it is a transparent bead.He felt itchy all over his body, something was growing slowly, he looked down, and it turned out to be a layer of white hair, like moldy.

Before he could recover from his panic, another object rubbed against his feet.He was startled and almost kicked away reflexively.When I saw it clearly, I found that it was actually a baby crawling on the ground, squeaking and laughing, and babbling as if talking to him.

Jiang Liu was a little dizzy for a while, but he began to look around calmly.The thick pillars surrounded by several people, the walls are inlaid with gems and night pearls of various colors, the ceiling is full of lifelike murals, and the huge crystal coffin in the center told him that this is not the Hall of Hades, but a mausoleum.

Looking at the pile of pottery clay fragments on the ground, he was surprised to find that he had been made into a pottery figurine and was stationed next to the coffin.The scale of this underground palace is obviously quite huge, and it looks like daytime under the illumination of the night pearl.The layout of the main room is very simple, only the terracotta figurine of himself and the crystal coffin in the center, and the ground is full of strange symbols.

I vaguely guessed something in my heart, but I wasn't quite sure.Jiang Liu stood up slowly, and walked towards the coffin, while the naked little baby carved out of jade was crawling behind him excitedly.

Most of the coffin bottle and coffin lid have been lifted, and the person lying inside is the willow branch.His appearance has not changed, his expression is serene, his whole body is pure white, and he sleeps there spotlessly, as if he is just taking a nap.

Jiang Liu suddenly wanted to cry, but his outstretched hand stopped in mid-air after all.The baby climbed up his legs with considerable strength, and quickly climbed into the coffin, leaning against the willow branch affectionately.

Jiang Liu lowered his head and saw that Liu Zhi's big belly had become flat now.Looking at his white-haired face reflected in the crystal coffin lid, he reached out to touch what seemed to be protruding from his mouth. With two sharp fangs, he staggered.

Holding the coffin bottle, he wanted to cry and laugh, but his muscles seemed to be stiff and he couldn't express himself.After carrying the little baby out of the coffin, he saw strange purple tattoos all over her body. After the purple light flickered, everything disappeared again, making him wonder if he was dazzled for a while.

"Willow branch..." He called softly, as if he wanted to wake her up from her long sleep, but also seemed afraid of disturbing her.

He checked her breath and pulse, and found that she was no different from a dead person except that her body remained intact.But why is it that he is dead, and the child is also dead, but he can still move freely?Is this the legendary zombie?He suddenly held a trace of expectation in his heart, maybe Liu Zhi would wake up one day.Then the three of them, even if they can only live in the grave forever...

Suddenly recalling King Xian, I don't know how many years have passed since their death, the murals on the zenith still look a bit old.King Xian didn't know if he was still alive. If he was gone, why didn't he bury his body with willow branches, but made his own body into a pottery figurine to guard her all the time?
The baby in his arms started to cry suddenly, Jiang Liu didn't know if she was cold or hungry, seeing that there was nothing else around, he took off the gauze covering the willow branch and wrapped her up.

It's a girl, I don't know how long she was born.She should be stillborn, but for some reason, her whole body is warm and limp, and her pulse and breathing are normal, just like ordinary people.Was she dead or not, or did King Xian think of a way to save her?

Everywhere in this tomb was strange, Jiang Liu stood there blankly, dazed for a while.The child in his arms was still crying, and he broke free from his arms and climbed into the coffin again, suddenly sucking blood from the sword wound on the willow branch's neck.Jiang Liu was shocked, and hurried to hug her up, but she was surprisingly strong, holding on to the willow branch tightly and refusing to let go.

Jiang Liu knew that she was hungry, the willow branches were dead but not rotten, and her body was still fresh and tender like a normal person. During the period of her birth, she had no milk to feed her, so she must have lived by sucking the blood of willow branches.

(End of this chapter)

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