Chapter 15

Chapter 14

Jiang Xiaosi felt the pain in her body, lowered her head, and found that many green vines were wrapped around the sofa at some time, strangling her legs, otherwise she would not have woken up suddenly.Looking at those vines again, they broke through the planks and grew out of the ground.She broke away and walked to Long Wanqiu's room, only to find that the door was half-opened and no one was there.He hurriedly went back to call Shen Mo and the others, but unexpectedly they all seemed to be in a deep sleep, and it took a long time to wake them up.

After waking up, Shen Mo went into the kitchen to check the rest of the food: "It's the pollen of the white flower, which has the effect of sleeping. Excessive amount will cause coma. We were careless."

"Xiao Si, why are you alright?" Xiao Tang looked at her curiously, he remembered that she ate the most dinner.

"Uh..." She couldn't say that she was only a half-person, and everything that works on people had to be discounted in half.

"How do I know? I was awakened by the vine. If it was wrapped around my neck, I might suffocate to death. If Long Wanqiu wants to kill us, he can just poison us or stab us while we are asleep. Ah, why use this method?"

Xiao Tang looked at Lin Qiang: "Team Lin, what should we do now? Long Wanqiu and Yang Yan should have fled in fear of crime, but now it's dark and the mountain road is difficult to walk. They may not be able to run far. Do you want to chase?"

Lin Qiang was pondering, Jiang Xiaosi hurriedly said: "Will they deliberately make us think that they have escaped, but are actually hiding nearby? When I just woke up, I heard a sound from the ground." Naturally, Jiang Xiaosi would not say It was breathing.


So the four started a carpet search again, and finally opened the wooden box and found the entrance at the bottom.

Lin Qiang and Xiao Tang each took a flashlight and went down to the ground one after the other, with Jiang Xiaosi and Shen Mo walking in the middle.Although Jiang Xiaosi was young, he was very agile, and those who followed them across the mountains did not complain of suffering or fatigue.Lin Qiang was afraid of being dragged down by her, but he didn't expect Xiao Tang to be the one with the worst physique.

Xiao Tang was very innocent, he followed closely behind Jiang Xiaosi, and his heart was still fuzzy as he walked through the dark and narrow tunnel.

Shen Mo did not expect that the underground tunnel would be so deep and so long, and there would be continuous forks.As they walked, they did not forget to mark them.

But after walking for more than ten minutes, I was still spinning in the tunnel. No matter how I went around, I couldn't find the exit, and I couldn't even go back to the entrance.

Lin Qiang stopped in his tracks: "It seems that we have been tricked."

Jiang Xiaosi said, "Could this entrance be fake?"

Shen Mo shook his head: "Probably not. There are traces of people coming and going in and out of the place where we just came down. We should have stumbled on the road. The area is not big, but it is built like a maze. It is difficult to get out without knowing the way down."

Xiao Tang turned on the phone: "There is no signal, it seems that we are going to be trapped here."

"No way! There must be an exit if there is air flow." Jiang Xiaosi raised his eyebrows. She has passed through countless ancient tombs. Could it be that she will be trapped in a small tunnel?
Shen Mo checked the surroundings carefully, and found that there were some vines on the wall that were the same as those on the sofa just now.

Walk slowly along the direction the vines came from. After a certain distance, the vines sank into the dirt on the wall.Shen Mo took out a Luoyang shovel from his sandalwood box and shoveled it down.


Several people dug and planed a big hole in the wall, and an empty room appeared in front of them.

"The soil here is really fertile. No wonder the plants grow well. I've never seen such fertile soil." Jiang Xiaosi burrowed into the hole, shaking the mud on his body: "Is this like a tomb?"

Shen Mo looked around by the light, and there were some firewood, rice grains, fertilizers, and many sundries piled up in the corner, which seemed to be used as a storage room. After making sure that there was no danger, he continued to the next room.

"Longpan Mountain is a land of geomantic omen. It's not uncommon to have tombs. This tomb is not big, but it's just one of them. There should be no valuable funeral objects in the tomb, so there are not many traps, so we only set up a maze-like tunnel on the outer layer. If you guessed correctly, the original trigger mechanism should be able to inject water, but now it is destroyed. Long Wanqiu’s grandfather should have discovered it long ago, so he built the house on top of this tomb. Hard to find."

The room below is filled with flower pots of various sizes, and various rare flowers and plants are planted in the pots, some of which glow in the dark, very beautiful.There are also some hanging in the air, full of flowers, mixed with various fragrances, which makes people dazzled.

Jiang Xiaosi pursed his lips and kept exclaiming: "Are they all artificially planted? Long Wanqiu is amazing!"

Suddenly the tomb room became very bright, and they turned around to see Xiao Tang standing by the wall innocently shrugging: "I, I just touched the light switch, there is electricity in it."

At that moment, Lin Qiang saw a white figure flash past the door on the other side.

"Long Wanqiu! Stop! Don't run!" Lin Qiang took out his gun and chased after him, and everyone quickly followed.

"Run away again and I'll shoot!" Lin Qiang yelled, seeing Long Wanqiu stretching out his hand as if trying to reach some kind of switch, he shot at her feet.Long Wanqiu raised his hand, not daring to move again.

The gunshots echoed in the tomb for a long time, Jiang Xiaosi covered her ears, Shen Mo stood in front of her, she had to poke her head out to see what happened.

Long Wanqiu remained calm, turned around slowly, and looked at the four of them.

"Where's Yang Yan?" Lin Qiang approached her slowly with a gun in hand, handcuffed her, and signaled Xiao Tang to search in other rooms.

"I won't let you take him away." Long Wanqiu's eyes were watery, "It took him a lot of effort to return to my side."

"But he killed Ye Miao, he paid for his life!" Jiang Xiaosi thought of the young and energetic face in the photo, even if he turned into a ghost, he was still looking for Yang Yan without giving up.

"She deserves it. Yang Yan and I were on good terms, we could love each other forever."

Jiang Xiaosi shook his head: "Don't deceive yourself, a man like Yang Yan is not worthy of you. If he really loves you, he won't be with anyone else."

"But he has come back now, and he will never leave me again..." Long Wanqiu lowered his head, his usual gentle smile appeared on his face, but it made people feel strange and inexplicable.

At this time, Xiao Tang's terrified cry came from another tomb: "Team Lin! Come and take a look!"

Lin Qiang hurriedly escorted Long Wanqiu to the main room of the tomb. Although he had made some mental preparations, everyone was stunned by the sight before him.

Yang Yan was there, staring at them blankly in the center of the tomb.

(End of this chapter)

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