Chapter 48

Chapter 47

Jiang Liu transferred the Tuo Gu Xiang to Miao Yan, and started to pack his luggage these days.He has moved too many times, and he has long been used to parting. He doesn't feel much, and he doesn't have any expectations for the new life.As long as Xiao Si is by my side, it's fine.

For many years, he had actually been thinking, if he had been with Liu Zhi back then, would he not have Zhao disease, Liu Zhi would not have suffered so many injuries, and he would not have died in the end.

Zhao Bing can give her love, but not an ordinary and happy life.And he could obviously give it to him, but in the end he let her go to someone else.Either because he doesn't love her, or because he loves her too much, so he can only fulfill her.No matter how much pain and reluctance, it became worthwhile when he saw her smiling so happily in Zhao Bing's arms.He is not a saint, if Liu Zhi loves her, he will not let go anyway.The fault is that he shouldn't see too thoroughly.

But in the end, what he got in return for his success was Liu Zhi's death. He knew it wasn't Zhao Bing's fault, but he still couldn't help hating that man who put the overall situation first.If it was him, he would be willing to sacrifice his own life and give up the whole country for the sake of Liu Zhi, not to mention Cai Wen's life.

The first time he saw Shen Mo, he felt that he was very similar to Zhao Bing.Although one of them is proud and the other is cold, they are both people who will sacrifice love for principles without hesitation.

In the beginning, the reason why he allowed the situation to develop was because he felt that Xiao Si fell in love with Shen Mo, and a large part of it was because of RH's blood.Even if she really fell in love with her, it is impossible for Shen Mo to have any thoughts about her child.As time goes by, Xiao Si's feelings will naturally fade.It's like Xiao Si fell in love with Zhang Qi inexplicably, and then broke up quickly.Just like his father and mother, who obviously loved so deeply at the beginning, left everything behind to elope, and only got together through hardships.In the end, the relationship is not just gone, each has a new love, and then throws another passionate love.For thousands of years, has he seen such things rarely?

There is no emotion, it can last forever.

Those who say that they love so much that the sky and the earth meet must have never experienced vicissitudes.They don't understand that no matter how crazy or profound their feelings are, they can't survive the time.And those who still love, it's just because it hasn't been around long enough.

If it takes longer, he will almost forget the willow branches.I don't know when it started, her appearance gradually blurred in his heart, and he almost forgot the feeling of loving her at the beginning, and the heart-piercing pain when she died.

He has always kept it solemnly in his heart, and what he has never forgotten is actually his promise.Sometimes commitment outlasts love.

The most important thing to him now is Xiao Si.

But Shen Mo fell in love with Xiao Si, just like Zhao Bing fell in love with Liu Zhi back then.What reason do you have to stop two people who love each other?In their view, in the name of love, everything is right, and all obstacles are inevitable tribulations.

Therefore, many lovers in the world are like friends who can share adversity but cannot share wealth.You can persist in a difficult love, but you can't wait for an ordinary love.

The more he stopped, the more he pushed the two closer.He took Xiao Si away, but left her heart here forever.This is the last thing Jiang Liu wants to see, so these days, he has been hesitating.Perhaps it is best for Xiao Si to make his own decision.In the face of feelings, he has never been powerless.

Shen Koudan pretended to be Xiao Tang, swaggering in and out every day, he couldn't believe that he couldn't attract Lu Xiaowan.

Jiang Liu was going to move, and she learned about it from Yu Chen.She really doesn't have many friends, Jiang Xiaosi is a little younger, Yu Chen can talk to her, she is a zombie, she is not afraid of ghosts, and she is willing to drink with her, and after a while she becomes a best friend.At first, Yuchen was afraid of her, but after getting to know Shen Koudan, she found out that Shen Kodan has a bold personality and has no prejudice against non-human beings, so she also became intimate.He often pulls her to talk about rivers and rivers, and Shen Kodan's ears are getting callused.

Jiang Liu is going to move, so Yu Chen will naturally move too. She has secretly followed Jiang Liu and the others to move house many times over the years, so no matter where Jiang Liu goes, he can always "run into" her.But she is also thin-skinned, knowing that Jiang Liu only likes Xiao Si's mother, she dare not confess to her death.

Shen Koudan felt sad, and vaguely realized that he had a crush on Jiang Liu, but Jiang Liu was a zombie, they couldn't be together, and Yu Chen might be more suitable for him, so he tried his best to stop thinking about it.But I get his help again and again, and I always have to send a parting gift to repay the favor. I definitely don't like ordinary things, and there are so many antique calligraphy and paintings.

While thinking about it, she was wandering with Yu Chen on Baili Street, when she accidentally saw the antique signboard of "Yintian Pavilion", her eyes lit up, and she walked in.

When she came out, a woman with a ponytail and a pink dress stood in front of her, pointed at Yu Chen next to her with an angry face and asked, "Okay, who is this woman!"

Shen Koudan was stunned for a moment, and took a closer look, whoever it was if it wasn't Lu Xiaowan.Hastily and calmly said: "Of course it's my girlfriend."

Yu Chen almost couldn't help laughing when she heard this, but was secretly pinched by Shen Koudan.

Lu Xiaowan was furious, she had been following him for several days, and she never dared to show her face, she never expected to see Xingzhi and a woman shopping arm in arm today, she couldn't bear it anymore, and jumped out regardless of the danger.

"But we're married!"

"You forced me, it doesn't count." Shen Koudan said coldly.

"How can it not be counted, we have all worshiped heaven and earth!"

"Of course it doesn't count if you don't get a marriage certificate."

Lu Xiaowan was speechless for a moment, and tears filled her eyes: "How did you get out of the village? Are you going to abandon me again? Then I'll kill this girl first!"

Lu Xiaowan's fingernails grew long, and she stabbed Yu Chen piercingly.Shen Koudan pulled Yu Chenhu into her arms, revealing her back was empty, Lu Xiaowan really stopped, but she didn't expect Tang Xingzhi in her eyes, suddenly turned around, and made a seal with one hand towards her eyebrows.

"All right, you..."

Lu Xiaowan seemed to be frozen, unable to move at once.When did he learn such a powerful move?Did the stinky Taoist priest or the stinky monk teach him?
Shen Koudan was overjoyed, and finally caught it, but saw a trace of ghost floating out of that body, and disappeared in mid-air in an instant, and couldn't help frowning: "Let her escape again."

Yu Chen was surprised: "She can go with the wind?"

"Lu Lin has a windshield, which is made of branches. It has collected wind for hundreds of years and gave it to her. That's why she escapes so fast every time. The spell doesn't seem to work. I have to find a way to trap her. .”

"She doesn't seem to realize that you, Xiao Tang, are fake?"

"People who are trapped by love usually can't tell right from wrong, let alone Xiao Tang in this life, apart from the same appearance, what else does she know."

"Stupid stupid, stupider than me, what if she goes back to Xiaoli Village?"

"Master Yixiu has set up an formation by the lake, she dare not go back, otherwise she will be caught in a urn."

"Hey, it's really boring to hide and run around like this for a day. It would be nice to return the soul as soon as possible. As long as you don't do anything harmful to the world, everyone will not embarrass her."

"She doesn't want Xiao Tang to leave."

"But now they can't and can't be together."

Shen Koudan shook her head, women's minds are always inexplicable, and she doesn't understand.

"Then what about this body? You can't throw it on the street, right?" Yu Chen poked her pink face with her finger, it was so flexible, she wanted such a body, she didn't want to be a zombie.

"Take it back, Lu Xiaowan will definitely come back to look for it, set up a trap and wait for her."

Jiang Xiaosi still went to class as usual, but he couldn't find Shen Mo many times.Chen Anyuan said he was on a business trip.Can't help but feel sad, is he not even willing to see her for the last time?

On the way back, I always vaguely feel that someone is following me, that feeling of being spied on, as long as I am alone, I can often feel it.But this time it seems to be a little different.

It was very late and Dad hadn't come back yet, Jiang Xiaosi looked at the boxes of packed luggage, even the computer had been packed.I could only randomly pick up this textbook and flip through it. There was also a Q version of Shen Mo, the villain she drew in class.Frowning, holding his chest, with a cold and cool look.My heart became more and more irritable, so I went to take a shower, and when I came out, I was devastated, and I left the beads on the sink and forgot to hang them up.

The wind outside seemed to be very strong, and the wind chime kept ringing. Just as Jiang Xiaosi closed the window, he heard the door ringing. He thought it was Jiang Liu's return, but no one came in.Opening the door, just half a foot away, a black shadow rushed up, and she didn't know anything.

Lu Xiaowan was triumphant, she followed Jiang Xiaosi all the way, but she couldn't get on her, and she didn't know what was protecting her.Seeing that the golden light on her body was gone again, and there was corpse aura on her body, naturally she would not let go of the opportunity, and succeeded with one move easily.

It's a pity that this body is too small, and it's very aggrieved to stay in it. After a long time, Jiang Xiaosi turned out to be a half zombie, but he didn't even have the slightest magic power.This kid is so worthless!
Seeing that the relationship between Xiao Tang and Jiang Xiaosi is quite good, at worst, let's use Jiang Xiaosi to get close to him instead of the previous body.If he likes Jiang Xiaosi like this, then abduct him and marry him again. This time, he must get a marriage certificate so that he can't refuse, and it must be in a church.

Lu Xiaowan thought happily, and strutted out into the street in her bathrobe.

(End of this chapter)

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