Chapter 54

Chapter 52

This day, Jiang Xiaosi was alone in the store, and it was rare for him to take a break to relax his mind, so he sat behind the counter and made porcelain figurines.In the past two years, she had nothing to do to make a whole set. The tables, chairs, tea sets and screens were all miniature versions, and then she put Dad, Shen Mo, Shen Koudan, and Xiao Tang in the set. very cute.Li Yueyi likes it very much, pestering her every day, even arguing for her to help make a pair of ceramic babies after the baby is born.

Suddenly the wind chimes rang, and a guest came, Jiang Xiaosi wiped his hands, and saw that the visitor was a long-haired woman in purple, about 30 years old.She's not a regular customer, but judging by the way she looked around, it should be her first time here.She's not pretty but she feels very comfortable, but her face is too pale.

It's impossible for such a person to buy adult products, and he is obviously a zombie.

"May I help you with anything?" Jiang Xiaosi asked with a professional smile.

"I heard that boneless incense is sold here, I want to buy boneless incense."

Jiang Xiaosi's smile froze on his face, and he squinted his eyes to look up and down the woman in front of him again.

"What? Is it sold out?" Seeing that she didn't speak, the woman thought it was out of stock.

"What's your name, sister?"

"My name is Su, Su Bi."

"Who introduced you here?"

"No one introduced it. I just occasionally heard people say that you can buy Tuoguxiang here. It doesn't matter. If it is really out of stock, I can wait."

"Then you are clear about the purpose of bone-bone incense, right?"

Su Bi nodded: "It can turn zombies back into normal people."

Jiang Xiaosi shook his head and said: "Many people have such misunderstandings, but in fact, Tuoguxiang is a kind of medicine specially used to treat people accidentally bitten by zombies or vampires. After being poisoned, the body is alienated, but they don't want to look immortal, neither human nor ghost. They just want to be ordinary human beings, and they can change back through bone-removing incense. But if they are already dead and turned into zombies, Tuoguxiang is useless. There may be longevity pills in this world, but there is no medicine for death. Even if it succeeds, it will definitely pay a huge price."

"You mean that I can't change back to a normal person even if I take Tuoguxiang?" Su Bi's face became even paler, and he tightly grasped the edge of the counter.

Jiang Xiaosi had also faced this situation many times, and he could only look into the other person's eyes and say word by word: "Su Bi, you are already dead."

Su Bi's thin shoulders trembled slightly, as if trying not to cry, and after a moment of silence, she suddenly grabbed Jiang Xiaosi's hand.

"But there are also successes, right?"

"Yes, but the chances are too small."

"Then I'll try it too! Anyway, I'm already dead, at most I'll just die again."

"It's not about death, it's about being lost!"

"What's the point of me being like this now? I want to go back to him. I'd rather have nothing left than live like a monster!"

Jiang Xiaosi was stunned, and swallowed hard: "Isn't it good for you to be with him like this? If he really loves you, he will only be happy when he sees that you are still alive, and won't care so much."

Su Bi shook her head: "You are just a child, you don't understand. Although he loves me, he will only be afraid that I will hate me if he sees me like this. I want to marry him and grow old together. My greatest wish is to have a child who only belongs to me." Our two children."

Su Bi looked at Jiang Xiaosi beggingly: "So, please sell me the boneless incense. I can bear any consequences."

Jiang Xiaosi was very restless, for some reason, he kept thinking of Shen Mo.

"It's not that I don't want to sell it to you. Of course I'm willing to do business. You've heard the fairy tale of "The Daughter of the Sea", right? The little mermaid bought her legs from a witch with a beautiful voice. If you can't get what you love, It can only turn into a pile of bubbles. And if you want to turn back into a human after taking Tuoguxiang, you may have to pay a higher price than her, have you really thought about it clearly?"

Su Bi nodded firmly: "We are getting married soon, and the company temporarily sent me on a business trip. I met a robber who was killed and abandoned, maybe thrown in the flying sand, and somehow the corpse came back to life .I went back to Taoyuan City only to see him frantically posting notices and adverts looking for me. We originally agreed to take wedding photos together next week..."

She covered her face and began to cry: "I don't want to abandon him. He was abandoned by his parents and grew up in an orphanage. He was abandoned by his ex-girlfriend when he grew up. The other party ran away with the rich. Neither of us is rich. We have been together for so many years and finally started to improve. He worked hard from morning to night just to give me a better life. He bought a house and proposed to me so excitedly that he could finally have a family. How could I leave him at this time? ..."

Jiang Xiaosi's throat was sour: "It's not impossible for you to go back and marry him like this. He probably doesn't know what happened to you yet."

Su Bi stretched out her hand, her nails instantly grew long, and cut a cut on her arm, but the wound healed quickly.

"Go back like this? I can't control myself. I want to drink blood. When I smell blood, my teeth will grow. One day he will find out. I don't want to keep lying."

Jiang Xiaosi looked at her stubborn eyes, and finally nodded: "I'll get you medicine, I hope you won't regret it."

Open the secret door and pass through the long corridor. Behind each door, there are all kinds of rare and strange things. Behind each door, there is a story.And the boneless incense is placed in the innermost one.The reason why it has become the treasure of our store is that it is not just an ordinary and precious medicine for treating people bitten by zombies.But the real medicine, as its name suggests, can regenerate non-human beings, even zombies like Jiang Liu and Jiang Xiaosi.

In this way, it is equivalent to having the effect of bringing the dead back to life against the sky. Although the chance is quite small, as long as there is a chance, someone will try it.

But for thousands of years, how many people have truly returned to normal?Jiang Liu and Jiang Xiaosi, who have been selling it all the time, have never thought of wanting to be ordinary people, but no one knows the risks they have to take better than them.

Pushing open the door, there are tall wooden cabinets on both sides with numbers pasted on them.Jiang Xiaosi went to the innermost one and opened the drawer, and removed the layer of yellow oily paper covering it, and the aroma immediately hit his face.The smell is indescribable and incomparable, as if it is tangible, it drills into the nostrils and every pore of the body, every time Jiang Xiaosi smells it, he will still be in a trance.

Take out a brocade box from the drawer, open it, there is another brocade box inside, open it again and there is another one.After opening seven in a row, I finally saw the small silver ball wrapped in tin foil inside, as if no amount of layers could seal its overflowing fragrance.

Jiang Xiaosi only took out the smallest brocade box inside, and then tore off half of the kind of oily paper that seals drawers to wrap it up.Immediately the aroma disappeared.

Standing up, Wei Wei felt a little dizzy. Facing this fragrance, she couldn't hide her desire to become a human being.Shaking and taking a step, he accidentally bumped into the wooden shelf next to him, and accidentally knocked a bottle on it off.

All of a sudden, a blue light flashed in front of him, and Jiang Xiaosi screamed inwardly. Before he could react, the blue light had already flown out of the storage room.Jiang Xiaosi squatted down and saw that the bottle was empty.

Outside, Su Bi was waiting anxiously.

Jiang Xiaosi handed her the brocade box in his hand, Su Bi opened the paper slightly, and could already smell the aroma of the pavement.

"Is it okay to just swallow it?"


Su Bi saw that she had a worried look on her face: "I'll let you sell it to me. When your adult comes back, will he embarrass you?"

Jiang Xiaosi smiled with relief: "No. My dad is a businessman. If you really decide to buy it, he will definitely sell it to you directly, so you won't be so verbose like me. I'm worried about you. Like you There are many people who refuse to face their own death and want to return to their relatives and lovers through Tuoguxiang, but as far as I know, few of them have good results. You really think clearly Is it?"

"I've figured it out, what usually happens?"

"Everyone is different. There is nothing wrong with a very small number of people who should not die. Some people may be a little disabled. But there are also people who fail to alienate and become even more terrifying monsters, or directly turn into ashes and disappear without a trace. But what happens most often is that although it returns to normal, it becomes an invisible person."

"invisible Man?"

"It's just that no one else can see him."

"Can't see or hear, can't you feel the existence of this person at all? That's not the same as a ghost."

"Some can hear, some can feel, it depends on the individual situation. But unlike ghosts, you can fly and do many things that ordinary people can't do. But you are invisible, but others can't see you, and you still need to eat You will still get sick when you sleep. I have seen some people who have taken Tuoguxiang and become invisible. It may feel very fresh for a while at first, and they can do things that they dare not do normally. But after a long time, they will feel lonely and fearful. No one will see you until you die, no one will save you if you are hit by a car, and passers-by will only smell the fragrance when they pass by your body."


"People who take the bone-removing incense will have a strange fragrance in their bodies, which will not dissipate for life. The more injured or sick, and the closer to death, the stronger the fragrance. If you become like that, you can't be seen, I think They may not even be able to help you.”

"Thank you, I understand. Don't worry, I'll be fine. This ring, I'll give it to you as a reward for buying bone-bone incense. I don't know if it's enough. If it's not enough, I'll find a way to give it to you."

Jiang Xiaosi looked down and saw that it was a ring inlaid with pink diamonds. It should have been given to her by her boyfriend when he proposed.

"Who is your boyfriend?"

"His name is Fu Yunkai."

Jiang Xiaosi nodded suddenly, Fu Yunkai, the newly rising young real estate tycoon in Taoyuan City.For some reason, I had a faint bad premonition in my heart.

"It was not snatched by the gangsters."

Su Bi lowered her head and smiled embarrassedly: "I can't let someone rob the ring if I get robbed, so I swallowed it secretly first."

Jiang Xiaosi nodded, and handed the ring back to her.

"No need, I hope you can wear it to get married. If you succeed, come back and thank me later. Good luck!"

Su Bi nodded resolutely, and went out with Tuoguxiang.

Jiang Xiaosi was in a daze for a while, then remembered to call Jiang Liu.

"Dad, what's in the bottle on the last shelf in your stash?"

"On the shelf? Let me think about it. Oh, it's the soul of the ghost baby that Shen Kodan caught, do you remember?"

Jiang Xiaosi naturally remembered, but it was too late at that time, the baby's body was already brain-dead, and the soul was still mischievous and refused to enter reincarnation.Jiang Liu felt that he was also responsible, so he froze his body to see if there was any way to save it in the future with the development of science and technology, so his soul was kept closed.Now that she accidentally let it out, it will cause a lot of trouble again.Jiang Xiaosi sighed.

"what happened?"

"Dad, I accidentally let him go."

"Don't worry, I'll get him back again."

"I'm afraid he will go out and cause trouble."

"Being imprisoned for two years, I should restrain my temper."

"hope so."

(End of this chapter)

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