Chapter 57

Chapter 55

Jiang Xiaosi and Jiang Liu followed Lin Qiang and the others to the scene of the crime. Su Bi and Fu Yunkai lived in a mansion in the high-end villa area in the west of the city.As soon as he got off the car, Jiang Xiaosi could smell the bone-bone fragrance, which was strong and elusive. Surrounded by this fragrance, you would find that the fragrance, like the chill, would permeate the bones.

Jiang Xiaosi shuddered involuntarily, Jiang Liu looked at her, gently put his arms around her shoulders and walked inside.

The house is a two-story European-style building with a swimming pool, and the environment is quite good.It's just that the guards are being pulled everywhere now, and many staff members are walking back and forth.Jiang Xiaosi saw Shen Mo at a glance, dressed in black and squatting by the swimming pool with white work gloves on.

"Mentor." She ran to his side, Shen Mo just turned his head to look at her, then continued to stare at Shui Ning with his brows lost in thought.

Jiang Xiaosi had long been used to his cold reception, but this time he seemed to be a little disappointed, wondering if it was because of Yu Shuixin's matter that he became more sensitive than usual.She didn't understand why Shen Mo always looked cold and impatient every time he saw her?Do you really hate yourself so much?

Shen Mo had kissed her and kept her, she had always believed in her heart that Shen Mo liked her, but now she was gradually losing confidence for some reason.

Xiao Tang began to introduce the case in a crackling manner.

"Su Bi was drowned in the swimming pool. Since there was no sign of struggle, it may be a homicide, and suicide is not ruled out. The smell of the corpse is too strange. The whole water in the swimming pool smells like this, and it can be bottled. When the perfume was sold. So please come over and assist in the investigation, because it is also possible that Su Bi was killed by drugs, or caused mental confusion, and accidentally fell into the water."

Jiang Liu nodded: "This fragrance is indeed the smell of boneless incense in our store, and Su Bi is indeed a customer in the store. She bought the boneless incense on the [-]th of last month. We can provide receipts and records for this. As for Tuoguxiang, it is just a kind of enchanting potion in adult products. It is a legal drug that has passed the test. It can make people emit fragrance from the inside out, attract the opposite sex, and make married life more interesting. Ms. Su Bi is because I got married last month, so I specially bought this medicine in our store, and it has absolutely no side effects on people. Now many of our customers are still taking it. If the police station suspects this, we can send it for inspection again and accept investigation.”

What Jiang Liu said is indeed true. To ordinary human beings, Tuoguxiang is just an ordinary drug that has an aphrodisiac function and can emit body fragrance.It is often blended with other spices and sold as a sex toy.He didn't intend to deceive Xiaotang and the others, he believed that they would understand when he said it, after all, they had experienced this kind of thing many times before.It's just that there are too many people now, and it's inconvenient to talk about many things, and he has to come up with a set of words on the stage, Lin Qiang and the others are easy to deal with.

Xiao Tang naturally believed him, but he couldn't help but wondered: "It's just that the fragrance is a little too strong?"

"It may be that after the person died, the medicine diffused out of the skin and dissolved in the water. Or Miss Su Bi was carrying the medicine on her body at the time and fell into the water. The bone-removing incense melted when it met the water. Besides If the fragrance is not strong enough, long-lasting, or magical, it cannot become the treasure of Tuoguxiang."

"That's true." Xiao Tang nodded, but although the scent smells good, it always implies a smell of death. Otherwise, he would buy some and put it in the car or at home as an air freshener, otherwise Team Lin always smoked and smoked. He is dead.

Lin Qiang looked at Jiang Liu: "I've smelled this scent before, when a disappearance case was solved a year ago, the smell was everywhere in the corridor. At that time, I thought that someone knocked over the perfume, and also sent it to this I checked online, but I couldn’t find out what brand it is, and I only found out today that it’s Tuoguxiang.”

Jiang Xiaosi shuddered, probably another zombie who had taken medicine failed to recover, disappeared and became invisible, but died somewhere in the building and no one found it.

Jiang Liu said lightly: "That's unknown. After all, we can't remember all the customers, and we can't guarantee that there are no bad guys among them."

Shen Mo was still pondering at the side, he naturally knew what the function of this boneless incense was, before he had caught a monster that was neither human nor ghost. This smell, I later found out that it was a zombie who failed to restore normal people by eating the boneless fragrance.

He didn't expect that Su Bi had also eaten Bone Fragrance. Speaking of which, Bone Fragrance was just a medicine, and it was a good medicine for being bitten by zombies and vampires, not something evil.It's just that the medicine is three-point poisonous. Since those who are unwilling to die decide to take it, they have to bear the consequences of failure.

The reason why he asked Jiang Liu and the others to assist in the investigation was because he wanted to know why Su Bi ate boneless incense before, whether it was because he was bitten, or he was already dead.If it is dead, how did it die before?With her current appearance, she should be the lucky one who has returned to normal, so how did she die this time.The case wasn't difficult, but he needed to tie the threads.

Apparently, Xiao Tang had completely believed that the scent was just an ordinary scent, and continued to tell them about the case.

"Su Bi and Fu Yunkai have been in love for many years, and they just got married last month. This house was moved here after marriage. Although it is big, only part-time workers are hired to clean it every day. At [-]:[-] this morning, Su Bi's Sister Su Hong came to her sister for shopping, but found that Fu Yunkai was soaking in the swimming pool holding Su Bi's body, and his mind was a little out of order. According to the forensic examination, Su Bi was drowned, and the time of death was around three o'clock in the morning last night. There are no other witnesses. We have put Su Bi's husband Fu Yunkai as the number one suspect, but he seems to be too stimulated, and now he is in a mental state, and he can only say one sentence over and over, "Don't leave me", After asking for a long time, nothing came out."

Jiang Xiaosi said angrily: "Do you need to think about it! I already knew that this kind of man is unreliable! As soon as he has money, he abandons his poor wife. Su Bi must have been killed by him!"

Jiang Xiaosi felt very sad when he thought about it, it was so difficult for Su Bi, and taking such a big risk, he had to change back to be by his side.It is estimated that Su Bi was also killed by Fu Yunkai's people for the first time, but she was so stupid that she fell into the jaws of a tiger again.

Shen Mo shook his head and said: "Not necessarily, Fu Yunkai is indeed the biggest suspect, but with his power today, there is absolutely no need to let his wife die in his arms without witnesses. To create a It was too easy for him to die by accident."

Jiang Xiaosi felt that it made sense to say so.Jiang Liu suddenly asked, "Where's Su Bi's body?"

Xiao Tang pointed to the car: "The scent is so strong that it makes people dizzy and dizzy. It's already packed in a bag and ready to be transported back."

Jiang Liu went over to look at the corpse, and found that it was already swollen and whitish from soaking in the water, but there was still only a scent, not the slightest smell of decay.

Jiang Xiaosi bite the bullet and took a look. It's not that she has never seen a dead person, she has seen even more bloody and terrifying scenes, but Su Bi's corpse somehow made her feel flustered and frightened.

It was indeed Su Bi, with a sad expression on her fair face, her lips were tightly pressed and the corners of her mouth were bent down, as if she was expressing her unwillingness.

Yes, I was really unwilling, and finally succeeded, thinking that I could stay with the one I love forever, but I didn't expect it to be nothing.

"Where is Fu Yunkai?" Jiang Xiaosi asked.

"Inside, interrogation is underway."

Several people walked into the living room. The decoration is mainly white. The flowers on the table, the carpet under the feet, and the comfortable sofa all give people a very warm feeling. Every corner has obviously been carefully arranged by the hostess.

Fu Yunkai was sitting there with his head buried, his face covered with his hands, and his body trembling slightly.A young woman who looked a bit like Su Bi sat beside him, patted his back with one hand to comfort him, and wiped the tears from her eyes with the other.Jiang Xiaosi estimated that it should be Su Bi's younger sister Su Hong.

The policeman next to him questioned Fu Yunkai, but he just shook his head and called Su Bi, looking in pain.Jiang Xiaosi was not sure whether he was really sad or just acting.

"My sister couldn't have been killed by my brother-in-law! They love each other so much! Comrade police, please catch the murderer!" Su Hong cried and looked at Lin Qiang.

Xiao Tang couldn't bear to see a woman shed tears, and immediately comforted him with pity: "For the time being, there are no traces of thieves or outsiders breaking in. What matters now is your brother-in-law. If we can't get rid of the suspicion, how can we catch the criminal!"

Jiang Liu stepped forward to look at Fu Yunkai, and said to Lin Qiang in a low voice: "It's true that he was too excited, and he didn't pretend to be. You can't get anything out of this question, let him go to rest first."

The five of them went back by car, Lin Qiang was driving, Xiao Tang was in the co-driver, and Jiang Xiaosi was sitting between Jiang Liu and Shen Mo, feeling very strange.

Only then did Jiang Liu tell Lin Qiang and Xiao Tang that Tuoguxiang was actually a medicine for being bitten by ghosts.Jiang Xiaosi also recounted to them the story of Su Bi being robbed and killed on a business trip to see if there was anything he could do to help solve the case.

Xiao Tang was quite surprised: "You mean that Su Bi has already died once?"

Jiang Xiaosi nodded: "Nine times out of ten, it was Fu Yun who did it, Chen Shimei, a heartless man!"

"But when Su Bi came back, didn't they hold the wedding normally?" Xiao Tang felt a little sympathetic when he saw a man in such a state of despair, "There is no other breakthrough now, it seems that we can only wait for Fu Yunkai to regain his senses, and see if he can do it." I can’t ask anything out of his mouth, of course it’s best if he is willing to plead guilty.”

Shen Mo suddenly said: "Send someone to look at the place where Su Bi was killed and abandoned."

"Go there and have a look? Why, do you suspect that the person who killed Su Bi and the person who killed her now are the same group? Well, it is indeed possible. If it was Fu Yunkai's business rival or enemy who bought the murderer, it would be impossible. Give up easily."

Shen Mo shook his head: "It's not necessarily the same group, but if someone you killed and buried suddenly came back to life, what would you do?"

Xiao Tang suddenly realized: "Fu Yunkai's wedding was grand and luxurious, and it was published in newspapers. Seeing that the person I killed got married again, I must have thought it was a crime. If it was a paid murder, the employer would definitely not pay for it. I am not reconciled, I will definitely go back to the site of the abandoned corpse to check."

Shen Mo nodded: "If you take money to kill people, you must confirm that the target is dead before completing the task, but the murderer actually knows that the target has been resurrected, and he definitely doesn't believe it. When he goes back to dig the body and sees the body missing, he will inevitably panic. Leaving traces, it would be better if there were witnesses. This way, we can confirm whether Su Bi died accidentally or was killed by a murderer last time. Ordinary robbers, especially in other cities, would not notice the murderer Who is it, whether it was killed, whether it will be resurrected, naturally I will not go back to check. If you can confirm that you bought the murder, you can check the undercover and eyeliner of the police. Have you heard of anyone Recently, I said that I was bewitched by evil spirits, and complained that I didn’t get the money for nothing. This kind of thing usually happens, and there is no way to ask for it, so I can only admit it, but I must still be puzzled and full of resentment , it is impossible to keep your mouth shut."

Xiao Tang nodded again and again, and called to arrange an investigation.If the first murderer can be found out, the truth this time will go one step further.

(End of this chapter)

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