Chapter 61

Chapter 59

Jiang Xiaosi didn't go to class for three days, and obediently stayed at home to watch the shop, or took the kid to Baili Street to play.She has never been a person who would die or live for love. Over the past thousand years, although her mind and body have been retarded, but she has seen too many emotional matters, and she knows that she can't force it.Shen Mo gave her hope, and she tried her best to catch up with him, but when Shen Mo refused, she withdrew and left.

He had already told her so plainly that he didn't like her, and everything was just her illusion or self-righteousness.If in this situation, she still stalks and persists in resentment, why bother.Forcing someone to love yourself, even if you succeed in the end, what's the point.

Although she is not big, she is not stupid.In this world, no one can live without anyone. She will not hang herself from a tree. Zombies also have the dignity of zombies.Doesn't it mean that everyone's first love is bitter? She feels that she has matured a lot. Her university is over. Shen Mo taught her a lot and brought her many happy memories. She doesn't blame him at all.

A week later, Hu Hui called her and asked her if she was sick and why she hadn't gone to class for so long.Since Jiang Xiaosi's classes have always been freely chosen, there is no such thing as a situation where he can easily miss the class after graduation.Besides, she has always selected all of Shen Mo's classes as long as she has not listened to them repeatedly, but now she skipped all of them.

But she has obtained her graduation certificate, so she is not afraid of being pawned.Although she can look at the matter of being rejected by Shen Mo sternly, it doesn't mean she still has the courage to face him and take his class.But hiding all the time is not an option, she has a lot of books that need to be returned to him and the school library.And it's not like there's any quarrel, you can't just say no, you won't see each other again, I've been a teacher and a student for a few years, thank you, I still want to tell him, and get back my graduation certificate.

So on Monday Jiang Xiaosi packed all the books and got ready to go to school, and Jiang Liu made breakfast for her. He was a little surprised at the astonishing calmness she showed in this breakup, and couldn't help sighing that Xiao Si had really grown up.

Jiang Xiaosi rode an electric motorcycle to school, first went to the library to return the books, and then went to Shen Mo's house, but it was Yu Shuixin who opened the door.

"Hello Sister Shuixin, I'm looking for a mentor."

Yu Shuixin covered her mouth and yawned to invite her in. Jiang Xiaosi looked at her slender white fingers and the bright red Koudan on her nails, and couldn't help but feel emotional, thinking of Shen Mo holding her little hands, and holding such a beautiful pair of hands. Delicate hands, the feeling must be very different.In all fairness, she is Shen Mo, and she would not ignore Yu Shuixin and choose herself.

"Shen Mo isn't here for class this morning, otherwise, would you like something to drink when he comes back?"

"No thanks, I'll just return the books I borrowed and the keys to the house." Of course, she only came here because she knew he was in class, but she still didn't have the courage to see him, she was afraid that she couldn't bear to let him go.

Yu Shuixin couldn't help raising her eyebrows looking at the big and small bags she brought in, it wasn't just books, was it?How come there are carving knives, brushes, pajamas and even potted plants?The keys are still here, it seems that this girl has given up her mind?
"You forgot to get your graduation certificate last time." Yu Shuixin went to the study and returned her graduation certificate to her.

But when Jiang Xiaosi stretched out his hand, he grabbed her wrist.

"Sister Shuixin?" Jiang Xiaosi was taken aback, and instinctively wanted to resist but couldn't get rid of it.

"Who the hell are you?" Yu Shuixin still narrowed her eyes with a smile on her face.

Jiang Xiaosi's heart tightened, and he looked at her suspiciously.

Yu Shuixin could feel that the body under her hand was a living person, there was no difference, but she just felt something was wrong.What's more, Yingying has been searching for so long and can't find out her background. What kind of identity needs to be covered up so much?
"I don't care who you are, stay away from Shen Mo, he and I are getting married soon."

Feeling his subordinate Jiang Xiaosi's body visibly shaken, Yu Shuixin raised his eyebrows and sneered.

"I see." Jiang Xiaosi lowered his head, "Please say thank you to the instructor for me."

Yu Shuixin let go and looked at her back as she walked out silently, and suddenly felt that she seemed a bit like a witch in a fairy tale, specially bullying the little princess.However, this princess is not simple, and she can't detect anything with mana in her body.

It was already evening when Shen Mo came back, just like the previous few days, he was in a bad mood, and his whole body felt chilly.And when he saw the pile of books and keys on the table, he couldn't help clenching his fists.

What a Jiang Xiaosi, it's nothing more than missing class for a week, yet he still has the guts to come to his house to return the key!Did she really think that after she graduated, he couldn't control her anymore!

Yu Shuixin's eyes were deep, looking at his uncertain face inquiringly.

"Xiao Si came here just now, and he returned the key. It's just for me to use, and it's easier to get in and out." He tentatively stretched out his hand to get the key, but Shen Mo grabbed it first, and she could only withdraw her hand angrily.

"Did she say anything?"

"I didn't say anything, just let me thank you for her. Oh, and, I think you rejected her last time, so you should be very afraid that she will pester you. I can be a good person this time, and I helped you completely , tell her we're getting married."

Shen Mo turned to stare at her in surprise, Yu Shuixin pretended not to see, and continued to claim credit: "Next time invite me to dinner, I want to eat Thai food."

Shen Mo stopped talking, turned around and went upstairs, holding the key tightly with his right hand, as if a piece of his heart was missing.Seeing that she didn't come to class for so many days, he knew that she was really hurt by him, but now, she actually returned all the keys, she has completely given up on herself...

Shen Mo didn't know why he was suddenly so sad, he just thought that the figure that had been haunting him for so long and dangling in front of his eyes would never appear again. To eternal night.Only then did he discover that in the past few years, Jiang Xiaosi had become his sun unknowingly, making him who had been living in darkness and loneliness since the tragedy feel warm, but he had nothing to do. Hide away.He did reject her, but he was not ready to lose the sunshine again.When did she become so important to him?
After Jiang Xiaosi finished his university studies, it was impossible for him to go back to high school with Li Yueyi.I also lost interest in playing games online, and couldn't sit still in the store, so I thought about finding something to do for myself.Anyway, she is a person with a diploma, but she must not stay in the museum, otherwise she will have to meet Shen Mo all the time.If you submit your resume to find a job, no one will believe you if you say you are full.

Otherwise, I would open a store myself, of course it should be more ordinary.Let my dad take care of it, and take care of it by myself, and forget everything when I get busy.Well, that's a good idea.What kind of shop do you open?Boutiques?Toy store?clothing store?By the way, open a cold drink shop, sell ice cream, coffee, milk tea, etc., and also sell some desserts and light meals. In this way, you can often invite friends to play, call Sister Koudan, Xiao Tang and the others, and you can even play killing games at night .

Thinking of such a good idea, Jiang Xiaosi was very excited, and immediately rushed to discuss with Jiang Liu.Jiang Liu naturally knew that she was just on a whim and wanted to divert her attention.

"Don't be so troublesome. I have a friend who has been talking about going to travel the world, but he can't get away with opening a shop. I can tell him to take care of him for a while, and if you really like it by then, we can do it again. How about coming down?"

Jiang Xiaosi smiled happily, hugged Jiang Liu and kissed him vigorously.

Three days later, Jiang Liu took Jiang Xiaosi to see the small shop, which was located near a teacher's college in Taoyuan City, very close to the city center, the store was small, but the business was very good.The decoration is warm and unique, mainly in white and light green.The boss is naturally an "inhuman". When he heard that Jiang Liu was going to help take care of the store, he immediately booked a ticket for the next day to go on a trip.There were originally four waiters in the store, most of whom were work-study students of Normal University.I heard that the boss is leaving, and I don't know when he will come back. A girl was replaced to lead, and only one left immediately.

Jiang Xiaosi didn't take it seriously, she would just recruit people when the time came, she wasn't doing it for making money, but just for fun.Seeing that the person left behind was not only a graduate student, but also a handsome guy, and he was also a handsome guy from RH, he immediately doubled his salary.

Jiang Liu watched Jiang Xiaosi excitedly busy in the store, and secretly sized up the man named Mo Yang.Although I heard that he has been working in the store on and off for several years, and it seems that there is nothing abnormal, but he just feels that something is wrong.Especially with regard to his blood type, it seems that there are always too many coincidences recently?
He rubbed his temples, blaming himself for worrying again.Wasn't it because she was afraid that Jiang Xiaosi would be hurt by Shen Mo at the beginning, the facts proved that Xiaosi was not as fragile as he imagined, this relationship actually made her mature faster.Thank goodness, I hope they will never have anything to do with Shen Mo again.

The name of the small shop is "A House", which is a very strange name. It was chosen by the previous boss. Because of some work handovers, it was closed for two days.On the night of the re-opening, Jiang Xiaosi called Li Yueyi, Xiao Tang, Di Fan, Yu Chen and a group of cronies to play.

Mo Yang is very capable, and one person can do the work of several people. Jiang Xiaosi changed the menu, and the store simply provides a few drinks and ready-made ice cream, which is completely adequate, so he doesn't plan to recruit any more people.

Jiang Xiaosi has thought about having a good relationship in the future, and there are only two requirements, one is RH blood type, and the other is that he really likes himself, not like Zhang Qi and Shen Mo, but he didn't expect the target to appear so soon.

Mo Yang has been doing part-time jobs in this store since his freshman year, and he has not seen strange friends from the boss for so many years.After staying for a long time, the salary offered by the boss is high, and there is no pressure like a normal job. I am about to graduate from graduate school, and I am not in a hurry to find a job, so I have been working in the store.

He is a very talkative person, he seems to know a little bit about everything, and he can tell a lot of cold jokes, Jiang Xiaosi is always amused by him, pounding the table and laughing.The two often close the store and watch movies in front of the computer while eating ice cream.The little ghost naturally refused to stay obediently in Tuoguxiang, so he also joined them.Mo Yang couldn't see him, but he could probably guess that the kid would occasionally fly him a rag or something, and he would say thank you to the air, and he wasn't afraid or asked any more questions.

A month has passed in the blink of an eye, and Jiang Xiaosi has never taken a big step into T, and has never seen Shen Mo again. She often feels that maybe her fate with Shen Mo in this life is here, and maybe it won't be long before Shen Mo Kou Dan or Hu Hui would call her and tell her that Shen Mo was getting married, and would ask her if she wanted to attend the wedding.

Mo Yang threw two small apples up and down alternately and sat beside her, and asked her what she was thinking, she just shook her head with a wry smile.She thought that after a long time, she would forget about Shen Mo, but she had never experienced it before. The longing was so burning that Shen Mo's shadow always floated in front of her eyes.But he didn't know that Shen Mo was actually standing on the opposite road at this moment, looking at her through the glass wall.

In the past month, he only "accidentally" passed by here once a week on average. He didn't know why, and he couldn't confirm that he fell in love with Jiang Xiaosi.Maybe he just needs sunshine, every time he sees her smiling face, he seems to come alive all of a sudden.

Another reason was Mo Yang. Subconsciously, he felt that there was something wrong with this person, but both himself and Xiao Tang's investigations showed that there was nothing wrong with him.He wondered if he regarded him as an imaginary rival in love?

The corner of his mouth sneered coldly. He had been impulsively wanting to rush in business-like to scold Jiang Xiaosi angrily and ordered her to go back to class, but intellectually he knew that this could not be done again.Just like Jiang Xiaosi asked him, why bother to be ambiguous and why give her hope.Although I want to see her and hate her, maybe it's just a psychological habit.After all, it was impossible for him to let go of those and accept hers.

Watching Mo Yang peeling apples for Jiang Xiaosi, the two were chatting and laughing, but Jiang Xiaosi smiled and slapped Mo Yang on the shoulder, Mo Yang shook his hand and scratched his finger.Jiang Xiaosi stared blankly for a while, then suddenly gently grabbed his finger, put it in his mouth, and began to suck gently.

The sun was shining brightly, and Shen Mo suddenly felt that he was standing in the rain.Clenching his fists tightly, he restrained his urge to cross the road and rush into the store, but still couldn't help but took out his mobile phone and dialed Jiang Xiaosi's number for the first time.

Jiang Xiaosi took out her mobile phone from her pocket, and Shen Mo could see her frowning from afar.Then unexpectedly, she hung up the phone without the slightest hesitation.

There is no mistake!The anger that Shen Mo had suppressed for so long finally erupted in an instant, and when he called again, Jiang Xiaosi turned off the phone directly.

good!very good!She didn't even dare to answer her own phone!Shen Mo was about to cross the road in a rage, when he saw Mo Yang raised his head and smiled at him, the smile was full of sarcasm and provocation, making Shen Mo go cold from head to toe in an instant, he was very familiar with this kind of smile...

A truck passed by, and when he looked again, Mo Yang was watching Jiang Xiaosi put his head on the band-aid, with a gentle smile and no secret of love.The smile just now seemed to be just a phantom imagined by him.

(End of this chapter)

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