Chapter 77 (1)
Chapter 74 (1)
"Hey, don't move." Yan Lan suddenly leaned over to get close to him, the faint fragrance of flowers rushed towards him, and because of bending over, the seductive cleavage was faintly visible.Shen Mo turned his face away, allowing her to pull out a hair from his head.

"I found a white hair!"

"Really?" Shen Mo looked at the silver thread in her hand and the corners of her mouth rose slightly, as if smiling wryly, "People who are almost forty are old, and they should have white hair."

"Nonsense, you're only 38, you haven't reached [-] yet, and a man at [-] is a prime age." Yan Lan thought to herself, she is almost [-], and a woman is only in a hurry when she is [-]. She chased him for two full years, and he If she doesn't respond, she really can't afford to wait.But fortunately, from the rejection two years ago, to slowly coming out to drink tea a year ago, and now occasionally going shopping with her to watch movies, the progress has been very great.

But I have already caught up to this point, this man is too slow, is it true that all archaeologists are old antiques?
"Although it is said that white hair can't be pulled out, one hair grows ten long, but it still looks good after pulling it out, which is very dazzling. People will get old, but you have to be young at heart. Don't be bored at home all the time. Come out and walk around more. We will go on weekends. play golf?"

"I do not know."

"Playing tennis?"

"I do not know either."

"You know how to climb mountains, right? Don't refuse me again!"

"Okay." Shen Mo nodded, "See you that weekend, I have to go back beforehand."

"Are you always busy with so many things? Why do I have so much free time when I also teach? Could it be that I am not serious and responsible?" Yan Lan thought while propping her chin.

Seeing that Shen Mo didn't speak again, he could only stand up: "Okay, okay, every time we meet you are in a hurry to leave."

Yan Lan stepped up to follow Shen Mo, tentatively and lightly took his hand.Seeing that Shen Mo frowned slightly, but did not refuse, he happily lowered his head and secretly laughed.

Yan Lan is a person who talks a lot and has many hobbies. She is knowledgeable and talented, and has her own unique views on everything.

When Shen Mo is with her, he will neither stand cold, nor feel noisy, and the conversation will never be boring.Yan Lan is sometimes very quiet, sometimes very lively, but most importantly, she has a kind and optimistic nature.She looks a little like Yu Shuixin when she is domineering, and like Jiang Xiaosi when she is coquettish. She is always irresistible.

Shen Mo walked side by side with her on the busy street, because he was too close, he turned heads [-]% of the time.

"Shen Mo, what are you looking at?"

Seeing Shen Mo, Yan Lan suddenly stopped.

Shen Mo didn't speak, and went to a shop selling sugar-fried chestnuts on the side of the road and bought a pack to take away.Jiang Xiaosi likes to eat from this restaurant very much, and asks for it every time he passes by, but now that he wants to eat, it is probably not convenient to show up to buy it.

"Do you like chestnuts?"

Shen Mo slowly turned around and looked behind him, he didn't know how depressed Jiang Xiaosi was following behind him.

She has been with him for seven years since she drank the bone-bone incense, and he has never seen her again.

It's time to make a decisive decision...

"Shen Mo?" Yan Lan wanted to hold his hand, but he gently dodged it.

Yan Lan didn't care at all, after all, their relationship had taken a big step today, and she believed that victory was not far away.

"Shen Mo, you are not married, why do you keep wearing this ring?" Yan Lan asked curiously, pointing at his left ring finger.Although she didn't say it, she still cared a lot.Guess it should be him and his ex-girlfriend. What kind of woman is it that can make people like Shen Mo never forget?

"I'm going back by subway, shall I take you to a taxi first?"

Shen Mo sent her to the car, but walked back to T University step by step.When he arrived at school, he sat on a bench under the street lamp by the lake to rest.Yan Lan was not there, so Jiang Xiaosi probably took off the invisibility talisman.

The chestnuts were already cold, so Shen Mo opened the paper bag and put it in the center of the chair, took one and peeled one and put it in the outer plastic bag.The rate at which the chestnuts dwindled was surprisingly fast, and the ones he peeled always disappeared quickly.

"Throw the shells in the trash can, don't throw them on the ground." Shen Mo said indifferently, but more and more were thrown on the ground.

Shen Mo put away the paper bag: "If you are not obedient, you are not allowed to eat it."

Then I watched the shells on the ground being picked up little by little and thrown into the trash can next to me.

Shen Mo looked up at the sky, there were no stars, only a lonely moon.

"Jiang Xiaosi..."

All around was quiet and there was no response, Shen Mo slowly closed his eyes.

"You are 23 years old, and I am almost forty, and I will be old soon. Are you going to follow me like this for the rest of your life? What will you do if I die?"

Turning his head to look at the position next to him, his voice was slightly tired.

"Forget about me, as long as you don't like me anymore, you don't have to be bound by Tuoguxiang, and you can follow me. I can't see it, it doesn't mean anything to your life. As long as you leave me, you will Wouldn’t it be nice to be able to be an ordinary person completely back, fall in love normally, and grow up? Isn’t this what you have always hoped for?”

As if coaxing a child to eat, Shen Mo tried to make his voice softer.

"If you really can't forget, shall we drink refreshing water?"

On the ground next to it, drops of water suddenly appeared, like light rain falling in winter, with the chill that made Shen Mo's bones ache.

Shen Mo looked at the silver ring in his hand, took it off lightly, and put it in his pocket.

"This, I won't wear it anymore. It's up to you to choose whether to drink refreshing water or not. I won't force you and I can't force you. But you must know that you are still young, and you have finally become a human being. You can't do anything. Don’t do it, just be a lifetime shadow by my side.”

After a long time, the text message rang.

——Shen Mo, are you afraid that when you get old, one day your face will be full of wrinkles, and I will laugh at you when I see it?Do not worry!I respect the old and love the young!If you want to fall in love with Yan Lan, just do it, I won't stop you, you have your life and the right to choose.At worst, I won't talk, just follow from a distance, okay?If you want to get married or do whatever you want, just act like a voyeuristic ghost haunting you every day?
Shen Mo clenched his phone sadly, he would rather see her cry and listen to her troubles than her humiliation and forced smile.

Unable to say any more cruel words, Shen Mo stood up.

"Let's go back."

Looking at his back, Jiang Xiaosi suddenly wanted to put his hands in his pockets, and wanted to be clamped under his arm like a briefcase in a menacing manner.But Shen Mo, no longer the cold and serious Shen Mo, his back looks so tired, it seems that he has aged more than ten years in the past seven years.Although there is not much change in appearance, the mental state is completely different.He worries about himself every day, exhausting himself physically and mentally.She was like a vine attached to her, so tightly entangled that he couldn't breathe freely... Is it?

Early in the morning, Shen Mo sat at the table eating breakfast, as usual, watching the food on the other party's plate disappear little by little.Although it was breakfast for two, it was equivalent to one. The oppressive silence often gave him the illusion of being in the bottom of the sea.

But even such quiet, even imperceptible companionship still made him feel happy.It was because of reluctance that he was selfish and would rather treat her as his own shadow than let her leave.

But she grows up day by day, and she gets old day by day.He didn't want to, but one day she suddenly realized that she had wasted all her youth on an old man who couldn't even talk to her and regretted it.

A lifetime of a couple, lovesickness looks at each other but not blind date.

It is precisely because she became a human being for him, from the original immortality to only a short life, that he has to take responsibility and not let her be wasted like this.Jiang Xiaosi actually doesn't have a life of his own now, but has been following his steps.What is the meaning of such a life?Is it just for love?

He had considered asking Jiang Liu to turn Jiang Xiaosi into a zombie again, but Jiang Liu said that the risk was too great, and he dared not say whether it was successful or not, and there might be even more terrible side effects.After experiencing the fragrance of bone loss once, Shen Mo no longer dared to let Jiang Xiaosi take another risk.But if she is willing to drink the refreshing water and forget about him, it might be the best choice to go back to Jiang Liu and start life again.

After Shen Mo packed up his things, Yan Lan called and said that she was waiting for him at the school gate in her car.

Jiang Xiaosi followed him out silently, and sat in while Shen Mo opened the rear car door.

"Why sit in the back, sit in the front and let's chat." Yan Lan shouted, Shen Mo nodded, he was actually just opening the door for Jiang Xiaosi as a cover.

"Shen Mo, you have never invited me to your house? Could you come up next time?"

"It's not very convenient." Shen Mo replied indifferently.

"Why is it inconvenient? Could it be that you are hiding in the golden house?"


"It's really rare that you can still joke. Let me tell you, I don't know if I am over-hearted. Every time I am with you, I always feel that there are other people watching me? My heart is creepy."

Shen Mo nodded: "Maybe it's a ghost?"

"What!" Yan Lan exclaimed.

"Didn't your cousin tell you that besides teaching, I am also a Taoist priest?"

"I thought he was kidding me! Wow! That's so cool! Let me see it someday?"

"Aren't you afraid? Didn't you feel nervous at the beginning?"

"Don't be afraid, with you here, you are a Taoist priest." Yan Shang knew that Shen Mo was motion sick, and the car drove very steadily. Jiang Xiaosi asked himself that he didn't have her skills, let alone in the wild.

On the way up the mountain, Yan Shang was panting and wiping his sweat while looking at Shen Mo in front of him, not to mention the sweat, even his breathing was not disturbed at all.

"So you are so powerful, I underestimated you." Yan Shang stretched out his hand towards him, Shen Mo had no choice but to pull her up, who knew she would not let go.

Those hands were different from Jiang Xiaosi's small hands, smooth and slender.Shen Mo looked up, the road was getting steeper and steeper, he couldn't help but regret climbing the mountain with her.It would be bad if Jiang Xiaosi stumbled and fell, he didn't even know.

"Don't climb anymore, it's too high and dangerous."

"Don't worry, it's fine, we'll be there soon." Yan Lan continued to climb up enthusiastically.

"I can't see that you teach Chinese painting at all."

"In the past, my dad often took me to the mountains or down to the villages to sketch. I can endure hardships. Why don't you go? Are you tired? Do you want to take a rest?"

Shen Mo nodded, looking around in a daze.In front of the meeting, he wrote "Yes, don't worry" with a small stone, and then he breathed a sigh of relief and erased the words with his feet.

Yan Lan drank her saliva and asked, "Shen Mo, are you a celibate?"

Shen Mo shook his head: "No."

"Then why is it so hard to try and accept me?"

Shen Mo didn't speak.

"You don't know how happy I am to see you not wearing that ring again today. We are not young, would you like to try dating with me?"

Shen Mo frowned: "You don't know me, you don't know what kind of person I am." How selfish and cold-blooded he was.

"How do you know if you don't try? I really like you. I have been a very independent person since I was a child. I can't understand the love of others. So even if we can't be together in the end, I won't cling to you. We can still be friends."

Shen Mo turned his head, looked into her eyes, hesitated for a moment, and finally nodded.

Yan Lan leaned over in surprise and pecked lightly on his lips.

"You promise, don't go back on your word!" She wanted to do this two years ago, and she finally kissed her, haha.

Shen Mo's face was livid: "Let's go down the mountain."

Because she had just achieved her goal, Yan Lan no longer cared whether she reached the top of the mountain or not, and happily walked down the mountain holding his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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