Unlimited death will become stronger

Chapter 1 Unlimited Death System

Chapter 1 Unlimited Death System
"Ding! The host dies, and the infinite death system is activated!"

Name: Bai Xiaotian
Strength: none
Physique: Body of nothingness (ignoring any barriers and seals)
Dead Reborn: Infinite

Death Teleport: On

Main task: break through to the Ninth Level of Warriors within two months, if the task is successful, a gift package will be rewarded, if the task fails, the host will be obliterated.

Bai Xiaotian suddenly sat up from the ground, looking at the light screen in front of him that displayed his personal situation similar to that in the game, he was suddenly a little dazed!

"Fuck you, uncle, what kind of bullshit system goldfinger, do you know how I got here in the past three years!"

After Bai Xiaotian realized it, he couldn't help cursing directly!
It's been three years!
It has been three years since Bai Xiaotian traveled to the Hongmeng Continent, which is respected by martial arts. The shit is the body occupied by the rebirth, but it is a waste body. Although he can feel the aura between heaven and earth, but because of the waste body, he cannot feel it at all. Absorbed, causing him to be unable to cultivate.

What does not being able to practice mean? It means that he can only be an ant in this life.

Laundry, fetching water, cooking, sweeping the floor.

This is the life that Bai Xiaotian has repeated every day for three years.

Because, he is a handyman of a sect, an ant handyman who can be bullied at will even if he is an outer disciple, and no one will blame him even if he is killed.

Bai Xiaotian is not reconciled, he firmly believes that he will definitely benefit as a time traveler, so no matter how much bullying he encounters in the past three years, he has swallowed his humiliation, just to live, and there is hope in life.

But just now, a disciple from the outer sect was so angry that he came to the backyard of the handyman. When he saw Bai Xiaotian who was washing clothes in the courtyard, he punched and kicked him alive. kill!

As a result, hope appeared!

Bai Xiaotian thought he must be dead, and even died with a strong unwillingness, because he hadn't waited for the golden finger to appear, but who would have thought that the activation method of the golden finger is to let him die, if he had known death earlier It is the introduction to activate the golden finger, why should he swallow his anger for three years!

Unlimited death, as long as the degree of death reaches the system's approval, you can get system rewards. The rewards include many, such as improving strength, spirit treasures, martial arts, skills, elixir, etc., everything may appear as a reward.

Death and rebirth: After each death, the time of ten breaths will be resurrected with full blood.

Body of nothingness: Ignoring the enchantment and seal, there is no need to worry about him being imprisoned.

Death Teleportation: It can be used once a day, and the distance is random.

With the body of nothingness and the death teleportation, Bai Xiaotian doesn't have to worry about being imprisoned or tortured by others, he can die as much as he wants, and he can do whatever he wants.

However, it is the main quest that makes Bai Xiaotian feel the most crisis, because if he fails to complete the main quest, he will be wiped out by the system, and then he will really die.

This is Bai Xiaotian's initial understanding of the system. Generally speaking, apart from the sense of crisis in the main mission, this system is a bit tricky!

"After being bullied for three years, now the golden finger has finally appeared. I want to die, I want to become stronger, and I want revenge!"

Thinking of the outer disciple who beat him to death for no reason before, Bai Xiaotian's eyes were full of killing intent.

However, he knew that the outer disciple was a newcomer, and his strength was only at the first level of a martial artist, so he was stronger than ordinary people. If you want to die, then start with him first, it doesn't matter if you are stronger than me, I have plenty of ways to mess with you!
Hongmeng Continent is extremely vast, divided into three domains of heaven, earth and human, and he is only in the weakest human domain.

The strength of the human domain is divided into nine realms: warrior apprentice, warrior, warrior master, warrior king, warrior emperor, warrior saint, warrior respecter, warrior emperor, and warrior god, and each realm is further divided into nine realms.

Bai Xiaotian kicked the wooden basin full of clothes in front of him to the ground, left the backyard of the handyman, and walked towards the outer gate area. He wanted to find Wang Dahai, the newcomer who beat him to death before. An introductory outer disciple.

Ten minutes later, Bai Xiaotian came to the outer gate area, and through inquiry, he learned something that excited him, that is, Wang Dahai was breaking through in his residence at this time.

Originally, it was impossible for others to know about such a breakthrough, but among the few people Bai Xiaotian asked, one of them happened to see that Wang Dahai had received a Xuanling Pill for breakthrough in the Pill Pavilion before, and guessed that the other party was at this time. Should be breaking through.

And the reason why so many outer disciples pay attention to Bai Xiaotian as a handyman is also because in the past three years, he has done a lot of laundry for these outer disciples, and even if he looks down on them, he will not ignore Bai Xiaotian even for such a trivial matter.

Soon, Bai Xiaotian came to the door of Wang Dahai's room.

At this time, Wang Dahai was sitting cross-legged on the wooden bed in the room, surrounded by aura, and a breath of breakthrough was looming, which showed that this was the critical moment for Wang Dahai to make a breakthrough.

But at this critical juncture, Wang Dahai, who was startled by the loud sound of the door being kicked open suddenly, opened his eyes, the breath in his body was instantly chaotic, a mouthful of blood spurted out without holding back, and his face instantly turned extremely pale.

Breakthrough failed!

Not only that, because the body was affected by external factors during the breakthrough period, which also caused great damage to the body. Let alone a second breakthrough, it will take at least a month to recuperate if you want to return to the state before the breakthrough!

"Who, who actually affected my breakthrough!"

At this moment, Wang Dahai stared at the direction of the kicked open door with blood red eyes, and roared with murderous intent.

"Ding! Interrupt Wang Dahai's breakthrough at a critical moment, succeed in killing, and reward two small realms."

And after Bai Xiaotian outside the room heard Wang Dahai's roar, a system notification sound suddenly sounded in his mind.

Immediately afterwards, a warm current suddenly emerged from his body.

With a crackling sound, Bai Xiaotian felt that his physical body had undergone earth-shaking changes.

Power, yes, he felt that his physical body was full of powerful power now.

"Ascension to two small realms, I didn't notice the slightest aura in my body, but my physical body was suddenly filled with unimaginable power. That is to say, my current physical body is comparable to the second level of martial arts?"

Bai Xiaotian thought to himself at this moment.

"How, how is it possible, you, aren't you already dead?"

When Bai Xiaotian walked into the room, Wang Dahai's face changed drastically, his pupils dilated and he exclaimed.

"That's right, I was indeed beaten to death by you before, but I came back to life. You said it was miraculous."

Walking up to Wang Dahai who was sluggish due to the unexpected breakthrough, Bai Xiaotian stared at him with an extremely playful smile and said with a sneer.

Author's Note: The upgrade is a bit slow in the front, after the first main task is completed, it will completely go berserk, and the rest will be absolutely exciting!
There will be a division of realms later, everyone bookmarks for easy reference in the future!

(End of this chapter)

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