Chapter 341 After the General
"Hongyan, leave me alone, let your guards listen to the old lady." Ting'er hugged her chest, raised her eyebrows high, her face full of fear.

Hong Yan was in a dilemma, so he would not listen to her: "Ting..."

Although he didn't want her to leave, but looking at the current situation, his mother was so unreasonable now, she couldn't be happy staying here.

"Could it be that you, like the old lady, think that I can't get out of this village without you?"

He swept his eyebrows at the old lady, but the words were addressed to Hong Yan.

Of course, Hongyan wouldn't think so, but he wanted to do something for her.

"Let go!" Ting'er emphasized her tone, she didn't want the old lady to look down on her, and she didn't want people to think that she was a weak person who depended on Hongmo Villa for survival.

Hong Yan was helpless, glanced sideways, eyes filled with countless pains, raised his head to the endless sky, and said in a deep voice: "Listen to the old lady's order."

Although he didn't want to, he wanted to follow Ting'er's heart. At the same time, he also wanted to change his mother's view of Ting'er from the bottom of his heart.

Ting'er couldn't stand it, and he couldn't stand his mother's disgusted look at his beloved woman.

In his eyes, how could Mo Tinger match him?
Her astonishment, her talent, the world has never known, if one day she is completely shown in front of the world, he believes that she will be a unique and shining star, which will make thousands of people look up to her.

After all, the old lady's words had an effect, and she achieved her goal, so she couldn't wait to order the guards to tear the divorce letter in Ting'er's hand again.

She had no doubts that a small girl would not be able to deal with the people in her Red Ink Villa.

There was a smug smile on the old face, but that smile didn't last long before it closed, and the eyes showed a kind of extreme disbelief.

The woman in bright yellow whistled lightly, and countless well-trained hidden guards jumped down from midair.

The group of dark guards were very evil, with different shapes, all of them were cold and full of evil spirits.


The word fell to the ground, and the sky and the earth seemed to be suddenly enveloped by a burst of icy cold, with murderous aura all over the sky, the blade of the sword was unsheathed, and the shadow of the knife suddenly appeared.

Yin Mozhi and the old lady watched this scene quietly, still in disbelief.

Why are there so many dark people around Mo Ting'er?
"It must be someone close to Prince Jue. It must be Mo Qingye who begged Prince Jue to send it to this woman." The old lady said to herself, but after the next second, she was startled again by the pear-yellow figure in the middle. Living.

In mid-air, a long soft whip leaped into the guards like a flying snake. Ting'er's figure was like a phantom, and her pace was like flying. It was almost impossible to see her figure clearly. Only one word could be seen—— quick!

The speed was as fast as the wind, but the whip was as steady as a rock, and it entered the crowd like a tornado.

The scene in front of her was almost hazy, and the old lady could only see that where the yellow shadow passed by, a lot of guards were blown out, and then they were thrown several feet away. outside.

Headed by her, the strength of the group of dark people is not low, which is enough to see that they are indeed well-trained.

If those dark people belonged to the Prince Jue, then just looking at Mo Ting'er, her martial arts, and her skills are enough to tell that she is indeed capable.

At her age, but with such martial arts, there are really not many in this world.

Ting'er passed through the guards with ease, and in her spare time, she uttered a sentence: "This princess is the daughter of the Great General Nan in Chaoyun Town. She has been taught by my father since she was a child. My sister was even more brave when she fought. King Jin, Chaoyun God of War, as her younger sister, how could he be worse?"

"After being a general, you must not embarrass your father!"

(Good night! Not long ago, a post-90s author named Bei Qingluo died of illness because she was too tired to stay up late and code words. , the body is important!)
(End of this chapter)

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