Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 24 What to do if you meet a wolf in the wild

Chapter 24 What to do if you meet a wolf in the wild

A stench came over, Yang Fan reached out and took off his silver epee, slashed towards the rear, and a tyrannical force bounced back the next moment.


Yang Fan's sword slashed on a hard object. Although the opponent was sent flying, Yang Fan himself was scratched by a sharp breath!


The torn wound made Yang Fan grin his teeth, but the injury was not serious. After swallowing a primary Qi and Blood Pill, the injury was recovered and the bleeding stopped.

When Yang Fan wanted to see what was sneaking up on him, he found that the guy swished and disappeared into the jungle again!

"Cunning guy!"

Yang Fan thought secretly, his eyes began to search in the jungle, but he didn't find any movement. The height of any bush is enough to submerge Yang Fan. Therefore, in such a jungle, some fast-moving monsters are simply It is heaven!
"Summon the map!"

Yang Fan summoned the map, and sure enough, he saw a small red dot beside him. The effect of this map is so domineering, just like satellite positioning.

"See where you hide!"

"Three swords that destroy the world, the sword splits mountains and rivers!"

The sword energy spread out from the ground, drawing a deep gully, and the jungle in front was also chopped to pieces!
A blood wolf that had been lurking for a long time was exposed under Yang Fan's gaze, and the blood wolf's eyes were obviously a little shocked. How did Yang Fan find out his position.

But it was impossible for the blood wolf to sit down and discuss this with Yang Fan. The speed of the sword energy was so fast that the blood wolf leaped to a height of more than ten meters, stepped on a tree trunk, and swept in other directions .

Even with such agility, Yang Fan's previous sword energy still brushed past him, leaving a scar on his body, and blood flowed out.

The blood wolf landed on the ground with a few slaps, staring at Yang Fan with fierce murderous eyes.

"This skill, you can go to the circus, it's all perfect."

Yang Fan sighed secretly, and finally saw clearly the appearance of the guy who sneaked up on him. He was about the same size as the tiger he had seen in his previous life, but the claws seemed to be made of fine steel, extremely sharp. The tree trunk that was stepped on by the blood wolf just now , directly left a three-inch deep paw print!
"The attack of this blood wolf is about 200-300, which is equivalent to a third-rank intermediate swordsman."

Through the contact just now, Yang Fan also judged the strength of this blood wolf. This level is just suitable for him to practice swords. Requires considerable combat experience to hone.

It's like when playing games, everyone's skills are the same, but the timing and opportunities of release are different, and the effects are also different.

After eating Yang Fan's move, the blood wolf became a little apprehensive, and walked around Yang Fan, not daring to get too close, but he didn't want to let go of Yang Fan's target, since he hadn't eaten such delicious meat for a long time.

Yang Fan remembered that he read in the headline article in his previous life, what to do if you meet a wolf in the wild, that is to straighten your chest and look at the wolf, so that you will die with more dignity.

But at this moment, Yang Fan's eyes seemed to be more fierce than hungry wolves.


The blood wolf let out a low growl, and rushed up again. The injuries on his body were also repaired by relying on his strong self-healing ability. This claw must catch this guy to death!

Faced with the culling of the blood wolf, Yang Fan also rolled his body forward and came to the belly of the blood wolf. It took a lot of courage to do it.

"Go to hell!"

Yang Fan stabbed out with a sword, but the blood wolf stared back, stepped on the sword, and the wolf's figure rose again, soaring into the sky.

With a wave of the silver epee in his hand, Yang Fan turned over from the ground.

"The sword splits the mountains and rivers!"


A sword was pushed out, and the majestic sword energy gushed out. The blood wolf in the air had nowhere to rely on, so it could only bear the sword forcefully. The sharpness of the sword energy instantly cut the blood wolf into two Half.


Blood soared, and internal organs spilled down.

"Ding—kill a level 2 monster, gain 500 experience, and 10 soul points."


Hearing the sound of the system prompt, Yang Fan suddenly laughed. Killing monsters also has experience and soul rewards. This is relatively speaking, the experience value is relatively small, only half of a human, but the soul value, but It's about the same.

"This level 2 monster has 10 soul points, so if I kill two hundred of them, I can upgrade my Overlord!"

If this S-level sword art is upgraded, Yang Fan can imagine that his own strength will be greatly improved. By then, he may be able to assign the Nancheng Sword to Duan.

Now the Nancheng Sword Sect has not sent anyone over, maybe there are other things, after all, it only took a few hours for the news to spread, and no one has come to him so far, which means that the other party is also making preparations.

Yang Fan must improve his strength as soon as possible.

Otherwise, the next time he faces that master of the Nancheng Sword Sect, he might die.

"It's only two hundred. I have 65 soul points now, and I'll be done after killing more than 100!"

Killing people is different from killing monsters. There are good people and bad people, but these monsters are basically cannibals. It's just that they have seen the power of the city in the past, so now they hide far away from the city.

Fighting with these jungle beasts can also quickly improve your fighting skills.

Right now Yang Fan is looking for monsters of a similar level in the Remnant Rainbow Forest. The function of the map will only show the monsters that have been in contact with him, and will not show those monsters that have not yet appeared.

The monsters that have been displayed will also lose their display after running a certain distance.

After figuring out how to use this map, Yang Fan also became more confident.

"found it!"

The second blood wolf appeared in front of Yang Fan, holding the silver epee in his hand, and rushed up with a whimper.

brush brush---

A fierce battle broke out immediately, but within a few minutes, another blood wolf fell at Yang Fan's feet.

"Ding—kill a level 2 monster, gain 500 experience points and 10 soul points."

Yang Fan walked in the Remnant Rainbow Forest for nearly an hour, beheaded seven level 2 monsters, and more than a dozen level 1 monsters, and his soul value had already reached 215 points.

One-tenth of the goal has been achieved.

"Hey, there is someone fighting in front of you. After coming in for so long, I finally bumped into someone."

Now Yang Fan followed the voice in the forest, with a map in his hand. Although the terrain of the Canhong Forest was complicated, it was not difficult for Yang Fan, and he would never get lost. The map marked the surrounding terrain and environment. is quite clear.

Turning over a small hill, in the small valley below, there were only five people, three men, two women, surrounded by porcupines with spikes. The situation was extremely critical!
(End of this chapter)

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