Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 29 The Big Bloodthirsty Tiger

Chapter 29 The Big Bloodthirsty Tiger

Listening to the sound of the system, Yang Fan was stunned for 10 minutes.

"What? The system, please say it again."

"Congratulations to the host, you have obtained S-level sword skills, and you will kill with the wrath of the sky."

Sure enough, the system reported again.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck, bum!!!" Yang Fan was so excited that he almost climbed up the tree.

"Quick, learn quickly."

After finally suppressing the excitement in his heart, he shouted tremblingly, using this sword skill to learn.

As soon as the voice fell, the system's notification sounded, and the body also felt a rush of heat, and a new message directly appeared in the mind.

"Ding——congratulations to the host for learning the S-level sword skill [Sky Fury Killing]"

Sky Wrath Kill: Kill the enemy with the most furious aura, consume the essence and physical strength of the whole body, kill a target, [-]% kill!

"Hiss! Fuck, fuck this attribute, this attribute is really too domineering."

When Yang Fan saw the Sky Fury Kill attribute, he almost fainted from happiness. This is a 24% sure-kill move that ignores the level and disregards the gap, and the cooldown time is [-] hours.

No one can hide from his own sword.

Although you will consume your essence and physical strength after this sword strike, you can replenish it through pills. Even if the effect is not that good, it is definitely a powerful deterrent to the enemy. When you encounter some super boss Come straight to the sword.

"Finally have life-saving skills."

Yang Fan laughed happily. Although Overlord Possession is very strong and can increase the attack by 1000 points, but when he meets the second-rank or even third-rank high-level swordsman, he can't beat him.

It is even possible to be beheaded.

So the appearance of Furious Killer made Yang Fan see the dawn, and it was like taking a reassurance.

Although it can only be used once a day, it is enough for Yang Fan.

"Ding—congratulations to the host for learning the first S-level sword skill, rewarding experience 100000, rewarding skill points 100 points, and sword spirit experience 100 points. One A-level fire attribute gem."

"There are rewards!"

Yang Fan checked his experience, and there are less than [-] experience points left, so he can upgrade!

"Kill another six level 3 monsters to upgrade."

Calculating silently, leveling up is also very important to Yang Fan, coupled with the desire for soul value, now with this life-saving skill, Yang Fan also wants to challenge a level 3 monster.

"Give it a go, a bicycle becomes a motorcycle! But 100 skill points, do you want to use it to point out the three swords of the world?"

Yang Fan thought that the system rewarded 100 skill points for learning a skill, this system is really generous.

Let's take a look at the attributes of the Three Swords of Extermination.

Remnants of the Three Swords of Mieshi (E): Level 1, records the first sword of the Three Swords of Mieshi, the sword splits mountains and rivers, the attack power is 100 when cast, and 10 skill points are required to upgrade.

With 100 skill points, you can directly upgrade to level 11.

Yang Fan also wants to see what changes will happen after the Three Swords of Extermination is upgraded to 11.

"Upgrade all the remnants of the Three Swords of Destruction!"

As soon as Yang Fan gritted his teeth, all the hundred skill points were contributed.

"Ding——congratulations to the host, the sword skill Three Swords of Destruction has been upgraded..."

"Ding——congratulations to the host, the sword skill Three Swords of Destruction has been upgraded..."

"Ding——congratulations to the host, the sword skill Three Swords of Destruction has been upgraded..."


"Ding——congratulations to the host, the sword skill Mie Shi San Jian Remnant has been upgraded, the current level is 10, whether to advance."

When upgrading to level 10, the advanced button suddenly popped up, so Yang Fan naturally chose to advance.

"Ding——congratulations to the host, the sword skill Three Swords Remnants has successfully advanced."

Remnants of the Three Swords of Mieshi (D): It records the first sword of the Three Swords of Mieshi, the sword splits mountains and rivers. When it is cast, its attack power increases by 1500 points, and it cannot be further upgraded.

Originally, at level 10, the attack power only increased by 1000 points, but after advancing, the attack power was directly increased by 500 points, which is really great for Yang Fan.

It's just that Yang Fan couldn't continue to upgrade, which made Yang Fan a little strange, but he quickly understood that this is a fragment after all, and if he wanted to continue to upgrade, he had to collect the remaining two swords.

"There are still 10 skill points, all of which will be upgraded to basic sword skills!"

A series of frequent system prompts sounded, and Yang Fan felt a pleasant experience in his body. The basic sword skills had already been upgraded to level 10.

"Ding—congratulations to the host, the basic sword skills have been upgraded, the current level is 10, whether to advance."


"Ding—congratulations to the host, the basic sword skills have been successfully advanced."

Basic sword skills (E): The foundation of sword skills, the most basic sword skills, basic attack 50, practice once a day, increase experience by 100 points.

The effect of basic sword skills is negligible, but in Yang Fan's view, the embankment of a thousand miles collapsed in an ant's nest, so these sporadic and fine energies will also become quite terrifying when gathered together.

I read so many novels in my previous life, don't I understand the importance of this foundation?

He continuously improved his skills, and got an SSS-level killer sword skill for nothing, which made Yang Fan feel refreshed. At this time, the sky gradually dimmed, and a red glow came over the sky.

But it happened to cover half of the Remnant Rainbow Forest, half of the rainbow, and half of the darkness.

Yang Fan stood up with the sword and landed on a big tree, allowing the ghost sword spirit to restore the essence, while he watched the vast landscape alone.

Waves of brilliant light hit Yang Fan's sight.

"It's good to be alive."

Yang Fan couldn't help sighing that he was still facing the threat of death a few days ago, he would be kicked out at any time, and the property would be seized by bullies. If it weren't for the existence of the Excalibur system, Yang Fan at this moment would still be a desperate beggar, even worse than a beggar.

This is the twist of fate.

Knowing the difficulties in the world, Yang Fan understands how to fight for what he wants.

Not with your mouth, but with the sword in your hand.

The Excalibur system is not a system that teaches people to do good deeds, but a system that gradually grows and gradually kills. Yang Fan has long recognized that the Excalibur system is not kind, but it is exactly what he needs.

"One day, I will use the sword in my hand to shake the entire continent..."

Yang Fan held up the silver epee in his hand, facing the light that was not dazzling, he made a promise to shake the mainland.


There was a violent tremor in front of him, and Yang Fan also woke up from the tree, and he was on alert in an instant after recovering his essence.

A tyrannical aura is coming from afar.

"What a strong breath, this is a level 3 monster!"

The Blood-Treading Tiger that Yang Fan killed before was indeed seriously injured, but at this moment, the aura of this level 3 monster was at its peak. Yang Fan couldn't help sighing secretly, this Remnant Rainbow Forest is Did you say there are no level 3 monsters?

Even if there were, it would be too frequent for two to appear on this day.

"No, this monster is actually coming at me."

Yang Fan was startled, and that aura rushed towards him directly.

And the speed was very fast, only to see the trees in front kept falling towards both sides, and a shocking roar came into Yang Fan's ears.


The roar disturbed countless birds, and Yang Fan also knew at this moment why this monster came towards him.

"Treading blood tiger!"

When that huge body appeared in front of his eyes, Yang Fan gasped. Could this guy be the brother or sister of the blood-riding tiger before?

"Since we're here, let's fight."

Yang Fan has nothing to fear in his heart, he is not a cowardly person, and now he has a life-saving skill like Sky Fury Kill, at worst, use Sky Fury Kill, and then leave here!

Pulling out the silver epee, Yang Fan's figure flew into the air and fell.


The Blood-Treading Tiger was also firmly in place, glaring at Yang Fan, exhaling a scorching breath, as if it wanted to tear Yang Fan to pieces.

The huge tiger claws are bigger than Yang Fan's head, and the size of this guy is more than twice that of the previous blood-riding tiger!
(End of this chapter)

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