Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 6 Basic Sword Skills

Chapter 6 Basic Sword Skills
title?what is it.

Yang Fan was puzzled, so he checked his attribute panel in his mind.

"Title: A rookie who plays swords, wearing this title can increase a little experience every day."

There is such a good thing, Yang Fan immediately hung up the title.

There is also a change in attributes.

Name: Black Iron Greatsword

Rating: 1
Attack: 1-9
Title: Rookie who plays with swords
Experience: 55/100
Sword skills: none
Introduction: If you swing the iron sword well, you can cut wherever you are not convinced.

When Yang Fan had just checked the Excalibur system, there was a burst of exclamation from the front, and he saw Lin Xilei standing there in a daze, the proud white feather sword was broken, and one of them fell off. On the ground, it looks particularly dazzling.

"how can that be……"

In this sword, Lin Xilei even used her own sword energy, but she still ended up like this. Her own white feather sword was not the opponent of this lump of iron.

"Ding—the black iron giant sword is damaged, its durability is -10, and the current remaining durability is 90."

The system notification sound in Yang Fan's mind also made Yang Fan stunned. This girl's swordsmanship is so powerful that it directly reduces the durability of the black iron giant sword.

If the durability is reduced to zero, wouldn't this black iron giant sword disappear.

When looking at the attributes, there was indeed a durability bar below the level.

Durability: When the durability is 0, the host will not be able to use the Excalibur.

"It's too dangerous, you must never play like this in the future." Yang Fan was also in a cold sweat, if he met a more powerful one who directly slashed the sword without durability, everything would be over.

But now the result of this competition has come to an end, Yang Fan picked up the black iron giant sword, stretched out his hand and waved it in front of Lin Xilei who was in a daze.

"Hey, hey, don't pretend to be stupid, 100 taels of silver."

As she said that, she spread her palms in front of Lin Xilei. She had just lost her love sword, and now she looked at Yang Fan's face and became quite disgusted.

"Here, you wait for me."

Leaving a purse on Yang Fan's injury, Lin Xilei turned around and left. Lin Xilei was always proud since she was a child, but this time, Yang Fan stomped her pride under her feet quietly.

"Hey, I got it." Yang Fan didn't care what Lin Xilei thought, anyway, the money was paid, and he went to register as a swordsman by himself, and today's task was completed.

Remembering that there are still tasks to be completed, Yang Fan walked into the swordsmen's union swaggeringly.

"Interesting guy."

Among the crowd, a beautiful eye fell on Yang Fan, but soon disappeared as the crowd dispersed.

Yang Fan walked into the swordsmen's guild and found that it was relatively deserted inside, or because he came too early, so there was no one here.

"Hello, I want to register as a swordsman."

Yang Fan walked straight to the counter. Behind the counter was a gentle and soft girl. Seeing Yang Fan's arrival, the girl was even a little bit shy.

"Okay, please wait..."

When Yang Fan registered as a swordsman in the Swordsman's Union, Lin Xilei ran back with an aggrieved face.

Holding his white feather sword in his arms, weeping in distress.

"Sister Xiaolei, what's wrong with you?"

A luxuriously dressed man grabbed Lin Xilei, looking at the crying Lin Xilei, his original smile froze instantly, and then his face darkened.

"Say, who bullied you!"

"none of your business."

Lin Xilei broke free from the man and continued to run forward, but the eyes of the luxurious man were burning with anger.

"Someone dared to bully my sister Xiaolei, check it out for me, and find out it's that guy! I am the number one youngest in Xiaonanshan City, and I will never let him go!" the man roared angrily.

A few people dressed as servants behind him responded quickly, and then stepped back to inquire about the ins and outs of this incident, but they came back in a few minutes and told the whole story. There were still many witnesses at that time, so this incident It is not difficult to check.

"Liu Shao, let me go. After I break this kid's leg, I will bring it to Liu Shao and let him deal with it." At this moment, a strong man beside Ma Liu stood up and said, as the boy in Ma Liu's hands The number one thug, how can he waste this kind of meritorious deeds.

"Okay, Zhang Lei, I will leave this matter to you."

Ma Liu's face was gloomy. After Zhang Lei received the order, he also led the three big men towards the direction of the swordsmen's union.

At this time, Yang Fan in the Swordsmen's Guild didn't know why Xiao Nanshan's No. [-] Young Master had already set his sights on him. Instead, he was happily listening to the series of notifications from the system.

"Ding——congratulations to the host for completing the task [Becoming a Swordsman], rewarding experience points of 10 points, rewarding skill points of 1 point, and rewarding a sword skill [Basic Sword Art]."

(End of this chapter)

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