Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 602 Opening of the Ice Palace

Chapter 602 Opening of the Ice Palace

Yang Fan was caught in the hand by the snowy beast, like a little sparrow, shaking it fiercely in this hand, and finally flung Yang Fan out with a snap, hitting the crystal door directly superior.

The impact of this powerful force made Yang Fan feel that his bones seemed to be smashed by this force.

"Ahem... Fuck... Didn't you say this is the position! How could you be so crazy after being hit in the vitals!"

Yang Fan complained.

Shaking his own head, fortunately, the Zijin Dragon King Armor on his body is considered a good defense, helping Yang Fan to block a lot of attacks, otherwise, just this sudden impact would have already crushed Yang Fan to pieces .

"Do you think I have time to help you analyze now!"

Mu Xuan was also chased by the snow ape in front of him and jumped up and down, just short of flying to the ice and snow palace.

But the snow ape's continuous attack also made Mu Xuan never have such a chance.

Even being able to take the time to reply to Yang Fan is already a very remarkable thing.

Yang Fan naturally saw Mu Xuan's embarrassment, which is a good thing, this woman looks very shrewd, don't let this woman have a chance to breathe.

Otherwise, maybe this woman will do something.

When the time comes to steal the things in this ice and snow palace, then Yang Fan will be in trouble,

Although Yang Fan has obtained a lot of treasures during this trip, such as the snowy ice, the air of chaos, and the ice crystal sword in his hand.

But the Nine Princes' Mansion is Yang Fan's enemy after all, if Mu Xuan is allowed to bring things back to enrich the Nine Princes' Mansion, then Yang Fan's future will be in trouble.

The Snowy Beast, which has fallen into a runaway state, obviously has no brains, but it knows to come after Yang Fan,

Yang Fan swung the ice crystal sword in his hand with all his might.

The Snowy Beast rushed down at once, and Yang Fan took advantage of the situation to cut out the sword in his hand.

Although he couldn't release the sword energy like Mu Xuan, Yang Fan's sword directly turned the air in front of him into a sharp sword by virtue of its strength.

This burst of sharp blade air charged upwards with that icy frost.

It landed directly on the paw of the snowy beast.

But it only left a mark on the snowy beast's claws. The snowy beast suffered from pain and continued to roar and grab Yang Fan.

Yang Fan also carried out a demonstrative counterattack while evading, and at the same time, he was looking for the opportunity to find the weakness of this snowy beast.

"The eyes of this Xueyan beast have always been slightly closed, which is too unusual."

All of a sudden, Yang Fan discovered such a feature, and suddenly Yang Fan realized it,

"There is actually an eye between the eyebrows!"

The surrounding area seemed to be erupting from a snow mountain, and the slush that soared into the sky fell like a terrifying storm.

Yang Fan accidentally fell into the pit.

And Yang Fan, who managed to get up with great difficulty, swung the sword in his hand at this moment.

"go with!"

Although there is no spiritual power, it is not difficult to control this ice crystal sword within this short distance.

Immediately, the ice crystal sword in this hand roared out.

The sword qi roared, and it directly killed the eyes of the Xueyan beast at the center of its brows.

And Xueyan Beast also noticed the intention of Yang Fan's sword, and directly blocked its two paws in front of its body.

The two paws of the Xueyan beast were pierced by the ice crystal sword.

After penetrating the snowy beast's claws, Yang Fan stood up and rushed towards the snowy beast's head.

"Blast me!"

He dodged the ice crystal sword, but he couldn't dodge Yang Fan's fist.

It quickly flew to the top of the snowy beast's head, and then Yang Fan also raised his fist and smashed it down with all his strength.

In an instant, the body of the Xueyan beast froze in place.

Afterwards, the body erupted instantly like that watermelon that was kicked to burst.

The blood in the body splashed out, whether it was blood or internal organs, they were all pitch black.

This monster with a snow-white appearance is actually so dark inside.

"Ding—kill a level 5 beast, gain 50 experience points and 500 soul points."

"Ding—get a ray of chaos."

Another breath of chaos.

This chaotic air is not displayed in a list of numbers, but actually exists in his backpack.

It is housed in a white bottle, and the introduction above is the air of chaos.

Even if Yang Fan wants to take out this chaotic energy, that's okay.

Another [-] points of soul value were recorded, and even during the killing process, Yang Fan felt that his soul value had increased a lot under such an environment, and even his own soul was constantly getting stronger .

Moreover, Yang Fan's most direct feeling is that his soul seems to be gradually integrating with this system as the soul value increases.

It made Yang Fan have such an illusion that he would not dare to spend this soul value to do anything in the future.

If one day, Yang Fan's soul is completely integrated into the Excalibur system, then it is not Yang Fan who is manipulating this system, but this system is manipulating Yang Fan!

the other side.

After a hard fight, Mu Xuan finally came to the snow ape's head, found the existence of the Achilles' heel, and stabbed the sword in his hand fiercely into the snow ape's head.

Under this powerful attack.

The snow ape finally wailed, and then fell to the ground with a bang. It wasn't that he passed out, but that he really died.

When Mu Xuan landed, his body and hair were covered with snow flakes.

But Mu Xuan didn't hesitate at all, directly took the blood-stained sword in his hand, held a sword flower in this hand, and directly chopped off the snow ape's head.


Blood splattered!

In Mu Xuan's eyes, there was no fluctuation at all.

One sword was not enough to cut off the snow ape's head, and soon Mu Xuan also jumped to the other side, and made another move, and the snow ape's head would be cut off.

This vicious energy made Yang Fan's eyelids twitch violently.

This Mu Xuan is actually so ruthless.

On the surface, he looks like an upright and kind child, but at the time of making the move, Yang Fan already knew that this Mu Xuan should never be messed with.

Mu Xuan dragged the big head of the snow ape, and then came directly to the crystal door.

Throw the snow ape's head into the crystal gate.

The groove on the crystal door is also just enough to accommodate the snow ape's head.

After eating the snow ape's head, the crystal door creaked loudly.

At the same time, the surrounding ice cubes were also shattered at this moment.

This is a symbol that has not been opened for many years, and some gaps are already frozen, and no one has come here for many years.

And the opening method of this crystal door is also different from the previous imagination, it is not a sliding door, but a lifting door!
"No wonder I said why there is no door gap, and I thought it was a seamless fit."

Yang Fan muttered in his mouth.

I saw that the crystal door was being opened little by little.

Mu Xuan's heart was also extremely excited and shocked.

After the crystal dream, that fiery force swept over directly and landed on the two of them.

The treasure of the Frost Sword King is finally about to be unveiled.

She, Mu Xuan, wanted to see what was behind this treasure.

This Frost Sword King was a character more than 1000 years ago, and the palace is still preserved so completely. It can be seen how terrifying the strength of this Sword King is. You can control what you look like when you are alive, and you can even control what you look like after you die.

Although the treasure was right in front of him, Mu Xuan calmed down after being excited.

Because beside her, there is another master.

This person is neither friend nor foe.

In the battle just now, although it was said that there were cases of helping each other, everyone was well aware of the conspiracy between each other.

So after seeing the treasure later, maybe there will be a knife in the back.

"It's really a monster. After receiving such a strong blow, it turned out to be like a normal person!"

This Mu Xuan thought in his heart, looking at Yang Fan's appearance, he is still alive and well, and he hasn't vomited a mouthful of blood. No matter how you look at it, this is the strength that can easily torture those people, but in front of her, he behaved so passive.

"Hey, what's your name? Which faction is it from?"

Mu Xuan could not help but speak.

The door is already open enough to allow people to enter, but Mu Xuan is not in a hurry to go in.

"Me? From the Green Snake Gang."

Yang Fan remembered the Green Snake Gang who was destroyed by him in Binxu City before, so he simply made up such an identity.

It was also intentional to confuse Mu Xuan's vision.

It made Mu Xuan unclear what his origin was.

Green Snake Gang?
As soon as he heard Yang Fan speak, Mu Xuan knew that this kid was talking nonsense.

As the leader of the Ninth Palace, doesn't she know what the Green Snake Gang is?

Although Mu Xuan didn't like the existence of the Green Snake Gang, she had no choice but to choose, because the prince needed it, so the Green Snake Gang had to exist.

But some time ago, the Green Snake Gang was wiped out.

It is said that the person who made the shot was a guy from the hell camp.

Soon the Green Snake Gang will find out the identity of this Hell Camp guy, and repay him double.

"You are not from the Green Snake Gang, who the hell are you!"

Mu Xuan's heart has already been raised, this person mentioned the Green Snake Gang, he must know something about the Green Snake Gang.

Those who know the Green Snake Gang are either friends or enemies.

Judging from this and the current situation, it must be the enemy!

(End of this chapter)

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