Chapter 606
These are dark killers in black armor.

It is almost the nightmare of the sects of the rivers and lakes.

However, these people from the Eagle Department did not kill them, after all, these people were still from the Purple Dragon Guard.

So it was just to knock them out. Otherwise, Zilongwei would not be afraid, but it would bring some inconvenience to him, which is not worth it.

After finishing them off, the people from the Eagle Department quickly rushed down the cave.

But their purpose is not to enter the ruins, but to guard the vicinity and prevent others from approaching.

The arrival of Snow Eagle King and the others also made the atmosphere of the wood killing guards extremely excited.

Because they made meritorious deeds.

Although it is said that the main credit comes from Mu Xuan.

However, as the Mushawei, the pioneer this time also has the same credit,

"You guys did a good job. Go back and all of you will be rewarded!"

Snow Eagle King said.

The people below are also full of energy.

"Thank you Eagle King!"

"Thank you Eagle King!"

Mu Xuan also walked towards Snow Eagle King.

"Mu Xuan pays homage to Eagle King!"

"Mu Xuan, this time, you did a good job. As for the reward, I will talk about it slowly after I go back."

Snow Eagle King said,

"Mu Xuan doesn't ask for rewards, but for the Nine Princes' Palace, overcoming thorns and thorns!"

Mu Xuan's eyes were extremely firm, and at this moment Snow Eagle King nodded in satisfaction.

In today's palace, there is a need for such powerful, capable, and loyal talents.

"The entrance to the ruins is here, and the Eagle King will follow me."

Mu Xuan said.

Although he knew that the Ninth Prince's Mansion would send a large number of masters this time, even Mu Xuan didn't expect that the Snow Eagle King would be sent here.

In that palace, the Snow Eagle King is considered number two.

If it wasn't something important, the Snow Eagle King wouldn't show up in person.

It seems that this sword king-level relic is extremely important to the Ninth Prince's Mansion.

It's just that the guy from the Hell Camp hasn't come out yet, which makes Mu Xuan extremely worried, wondering if Yang Fan has left, if not.

It is estimated that once these people rush down, something will happen.

This Yang Fan cannot escape no matter what.

Once discovered, even if you didn't take anything, absolutely no one will believe it, who knows if you have obtained any treasures.

It must be that only the dead are the most honest.

Kill you, and then search all your things, only in this way can you prove your innocence.

Even if it is a stone in this ruins, no one is allowed to touch it.

The four elders of the Jedi also flew over, and all of a sudden they came to the palm and picked up the scroll above the palm.

Suddenly, a pitch-black hole swallowed them in.

This time, there was no change in the ice and snow barrier, and nothing offensive appeared.

They were also very relaxed, just before the ice palace.

on the way.They also saw the snowy beast that fell to the ground.

The Xueyan beast was directly beheaded and fell to the ground.

"I didn't expect that the legendary Snowy Beast actually existed. It seems that there is no need to doubt the authenticity of that place."

Snow Eagle King looked at the Snowy Beast and said.

When he came, Mu Xuan had already told the news that Yang Fan was here, after all, everyone outside knew about it.

It's just that what Mu Xuan said did not meet Yang Fan face to face.

Because Mu Xuan entered the ruins later, the Xueyan beast was also beheaded by Yang Fan.

Mu Xuan didn't know about it either.

It's just that the three most important treasures in the Ice Palace also exist, and there is no trace of being touched by anyone. This ordinary person, without such a certain strength, can't take out these three treasures at all.

The Snow Eagle King issued a hunting order,

No matter what, this Yang Fan absolutely cannot stay.

It must be beheaded.

Therefore, it is best for Yang Fan not to appear. If he does, then there is really only a dead end.

When Snow Eagle King and others came to the ice palace.

Seeing three thousand-year-old icicles appearing in front of the palace, he took a deep breath.

With their strength and realm, they can naturally see how strong the power of these three ten thousand-year-old icicles is.

"These three icicles are not only blessed with the power of ten thousand years of ice, but also have the power of the Frost Sword King hidden in it. With our strength, the four of us can refine it together, but it takes time."

One of the Jedi elders judged for a while and said.

The power contained in it is not simple, especially the power of the sword king, which is enough to make them afraid.

What he had to face was the power of the sword king!
"Frost King Sword, Frost Dragon Armor, and this Frost King Art! I want all three, how long will it take for you to refine them!"

Snow Eagle King said.

Since Snow Eagle King is so enthusiastic at this time, it must be because of his benefits. ,
First of all, the Snow Eagle King himself also practiced the Ice and Snow Divine Art.

If any treasures were found from the remains of the Frost Sword King, then Snow Eagle King would naturally have the first-hand right to choose, even if he asked the Ninth Prince for it, he might be able to get it.

"It is impossible to refine alone. Even if the four of us join forces to refine one of these icicles, it will take about three days. And it must be guaranteed that the power of the sword king in this icicle , will not take the initiative to attack and kill us!"

The Jedi elder said.

"Okay, I'll give you three days, starting with the Frost King Sword!"

"The sword used by the Frost Sword King is at least a level five artifact!"

Not to mention how coveted the Snow Eagle King's eyes were.

If he got this Frost King Sword, then his strength.It can increase by more than [-]%.

Even when encountering some stronger people, they can at least make them feel afraid. This is the most exciting thing in King Snow Eagle's heart.

No matter what, the Frost King Sword must be obtained.

As for the Frost Dragon Armor, Snow Eagle King couldn't wear it either, and the Frost King Art.

For Snow Eagle King, he already has a spiritual art that he has practiced for four or fifty years. If he wants to practice other spiritual arts, he may not be suitable for his body, and may not be suitable.

"Mu Xuan, you lead your Wood Killing Guards to seal off the entrance of this area within a radius of 500 meters. In addition, the Eagle Department will also be dispatched by you. At the same time, you hold my token and continue to mobilize the troops of the palace!"

"It will take at least half a month for us to control the time of this ruin. During this half month, no matter who comes, we will kill them!"

"Yes, Eagle King!"

(End of this chapter)

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