Excalibur Invincible System

Chapter 61 Kill 2 people in a row

Chapter 61 Killing two people in a row
You are too weak!
The three words were like three crisp slaps, and they slammed on Fang Ming's face fiercely. He thought that the latter had practiced for nearly 40 years. within the pie.

There are only a handful of people who can surpass the latter in terms of status!

Such a high and powerful person was humiliated face to face by a junior today, saying that he was not good enough!Said he was too weak.

How can I bear this bad breath!
On the other hand, Zhao Xue on the city wall couldn't help laughing out loud. This Yang Fan is so defiant and overbearing. Although Yang Fan seems to be low-key, in fact, Yang Fan's heart is not willing to be ordinary.

If you can be low-key, keep it low-key, and if you can be high-key, you should be high-key.

"Today, I will use the sword in my hand to tear your mouth apart!"

Fang Ming said in a cold voice, as soon as the words fell, the sword formula was activated, and surging sword energy burst out from the body, and that breath was even stronger than Elder Ye Hai!
Ye Hai on the city wall gasped.

"This Fang Ming's cultivation is already above mine."

Several people were stunned, but it was too late to regret it at this time, they could only stand here unswervingly, supporting Yang Fan, who was their only hope.

"Arrogant child, eat me with a sword!"

Fang Ming's sword was coming like a tide, Yang Fan shook his head helplessly when he saw it, he had already said that his strength was not enough, if he insisted on hitting the muzzle of the gun desperately, how could he let you down.

"Sifang sword skills! Swords kill Sifang!"

Surging murderous aura seemed to come from all directions, and Yang Fan who was in the middle could only become a target. The four sword auras stopped in an instant, and at the same time, Fang Ming was also attacking from the front!
Facing the rushing sword energy, Yang Fan stuck the silver epee on the ground, raised his palm and slapped the void several times.

clap clap

He slapped three consecutive palms to shatter the sword energy, and the last sword energy hit Yang Fan's body, but it only pierced a hole in his clothes, and the rest had no effect at all.


This sword did not hurt Yang Fan's vellus, and even stabbed the latter, but it had no effect at all. Could it be that this guy is a monster, and his body is as strong as gold soup.

"Your sword skills are weak, let the masters of you come out!"

Yang Fan stepped forward and grabbed the sword in Fang Ming's hand. Fang Ming was startled, and was about to fight Yang Fan head-on, but when he turned his head, a black shadow landed straight on his face.


Fang Ming's head exploded like a watermelon.

Countless blood plasma spilled on the ground!

Looking at the blood dripping on the ground, many people realized that this is not a game, but a real killing, which requires blood, and it's not just two groups of people playing house and putting on a show.

"Ding—kill an intermediate swordsman, gain 1000 experience points, 15 soul points, and an elder token."

The system's icy voice reminded that the hand was stained with a little blood, and it was still warm.

"I've said it before, he can't do it. Is there anyone in your Nancheng Sword Sect who can do it?"

Yang Fan threw Fang Ming's body back directly, and with a bang, Fang Ming's headless body lay on his stomach facing the disciple of the Nancheng Sword Sect. Elder Fang Ming, who was so arrogant just now, suddenly became a warm corpse!

This Yang Fan is really the name of the sword demon, he is ruthless, and his reputation is well-deserved!
A gleam flashed in Nan Haoyang's eyes.

On the walls of Xiaonanshan City, bursts of applause erupted.

"Haha, well done!"

"Yang Fan is doing great!"


The Nancheng Sword Sect was aggressive, but this first battle greatly killed the other party's vigor. It could be seen that some disciples of the Nancheng Sword Sect were whispering to each other, and their momentum was no longer as strong as before.

"Let's go together and kill this silver sword demon."

"This cruel devil must send him to hell!"

"Elder Fang Ming's death is too tragic, we must seek justice and kill this son!"

"Master, this disciple will definitely avenge you!"

However, the people of the Nancheng Sword Sect were indeed quite arrogant, but none of the disciples dared to step forward, because Yang Fan's strength was too terrifying. He killed an Elder Fang Ming without even drawing a sword, and directly punched the person's head. It blows up.

"Isn't it too cruel?"

Yang Fan thought in his heart, but it can't be my fault, the power of ten thousand points is really hard to control.

The strength of Yang Fan who can kill this half-step high-level swordsman with one punch is already quite terrifying, and maybe he can really compete with Nan Haoyang.

Thinking of this, Fang Wu and other leaders of the four major families all looked at each other, and Ye Hai was even more shocked. He knew that Yang Fan was powerful and even fought against him, but he didn't expect that the latter's power was so powerful.

"Yang Fan, you really think that there is no one in my Nancheng Sword Sect!"

A thick and resonant voice resounded, although it looked a little old, but it was vigorous and powerful, and the breath was extremely long. Just by hearing the voice, one could tell that this was a master.

The many disciples were divided into two rows, and a figure came out.

Dressed in white, but there is a golden border on top of the white clothes, holding a sword in his hand, and walked in front of Yang Fan.

"I am Zhu Kun, the Great Elder of the Nancheng Sword Sect! If you cannot be killed within three strikes, I will swallow the sword and kill myself!"

Elder Zhu Kun was obviously very angry, pointed at Yang Fan and said, Yang Fan also sighed slightly when he heard the words, and some shook his head, why these guys are all virtuous.

"You're not qualified either, too bad."

Yang Fan said, but that Zhu Kun didn't intend to spend more time talking with Yang Fan, this guy has a very sharp mouth, if he doesn't say a word, he can stab more!

That Zhu Kun moved, but left an afterimage in the same place, as if he hadn't moved. This is the phantom sword that Zhu Kun is best at. Although it is not a brilliant technique, it is very good on the battlefield The ever-changing, unpredictable.

There seemed to be a gust of wind blowing around, but Yang Fan didn't even open his eyes, and directly punched the void.


A black shadow was directly thrown out, and the afterimages left around gradually disappeared. The figure flew upside down for a distance of tens of meters, and finally never got up again.

"Ding—kill a senior swordsman, gain 10000 experience points and 50 soul points."

Reluctantly shaking his fist, Yang Fan walked back to the spot and pulled out the silver epee abruptly.

"Since you refuse to come out, don't blame me for not giving you face."

Yang Fan said indifferently, when he said this, all the members of the Nancheng Sword Sect rolled their eyes. When did this guy give face? If he gave face, he would beat the two elders to death with two punches.

In the next moment, everyone saw an unforgettable scene in this life.

Even Zhao Xue on the city wall covered their mouths in surprise.

This man is really attractive!

"Don't be impulsive!"

Nan Haoyang, who was on top of the big chasing car, also got up all of a sudden, this guy dared to do this!

I saw Yang Fan holding a silver epee.

Charged towards the Nancheng Sword Sect team!
The target was Nan Haoyang.

This courage is enough to rival the heroes of the world!Although Yang Fan is not yet a swordsman, his arrogance is enough to be called a hero.

In Nan Haoyang's eyes, a cold murderous intent flashed across.

"Since you want to die, I will fulfill you!"

(End of this chapter)

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